Simple poetry.
Here are some simple poetry that I do that I like, and how to do them!
1. Haiku.
I've said many times that I love Haiku poetry. You probably like it to, but probably don't know how to do it. Here's how!:
Haiku is an ancient form poetry that comes from Japan, these three line poems deal with nature and feelings about the natural world. Each line of haiku is not a complete sentence but it's a simple phrase.
Haiku poems must be written following a syllable pattern. The number of words is not important as the number of "beats" per line.
Line 1: 5 syllables.
Line 2: 7 syllables.
Line 3: 5 syllables.
Here is a haiku poem I wrote.
Orange yellow red.
Beautiful colors to choose.
Purple pink and blue.
As you can see the first line has 5 syllables.
Or-ange yel-low red. (5)
The second has 7.
Beau-it-ful col-ors to choose. (7)
And the last has 5.
Pru-ple pink and blue. (5)
2. Acrostic poem.
Choose a word to write in capital letters down left side of your paper. You can choose something you're interested in or even your name! Then write phrases that start with each of the letters in that word. This type of poetry does not have to rhyme.
Really confusing.
Easy to collect.
Doors can open.
Simple mechanics.
That you can make.
Only thing most don't know.
No need for commands.
Easy to understand.
As you can see the word I choose is 'REDSTONE' you can write you name too!
Willbee it's nickname.
It loves to write.
Love all around.
Life in the air.
A nice person to talk with.
Many great things about it.
3. Alliteration.
Choose a good letter (avoid difficult ones like X, K, I etc.) make the longest sentence you can using mostly words that start with your letter. It's OK to include a few small words like a, and, or the where needed. Your sentence may be a silly as you'd like it to be!
I used the letter T.
The tall teacher put the tart toxic tea on the table and the tail tied to the table taped the test to the thin tank.
Mostly all the words I used have 'T' I used small words like "put" "on" and "and".
4. Shape.
Shape poems, also called concrete poems, can be written in two ways. The first ways to draw an object and write a poetic description of that object inside of the shape. The second way is to draw an object and to write the poem around the outline of the object.
Here is one i wrote.
Here is what I wrote if you don't see it:
Milk or coffee,
Hot cocoa and tea.
A mug can hold anything,
Ice cream.
5. Pyramid.
Pyramid poems are shaped like pyramids and follow a specific format.
Line 1: 1 noun.
Line 2 : 2 adjectives.
Line 3. Three "ing" verbs.
Line 4: 2 short phrase or a question.
Small, quiet.
Hiding, squeaking, scurrying.
Together a mischief, destroys everything.
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