We as a Society
Slam poem for poetry club. I get to perform it at our slam
12\21\17. I'm excited!
I have a friend
Who is in grade 7
He recently came out as being bi
Now people tease him
Make fun of him
Say stuff like
You're gay?!
You like guys?!
They yell cruel things like
Gay homo faggot
I can't believe you like guys
He told my friend
That it takes everything he has
Not to break down
And cry in his classes
He says the only class he feels okay in
Is Spanish
Because Spanish is in the high school
And high schoolers are chill
We as a Society
Break people down
Put them on their last nerve
Their last ounce of ability of holding together
We as a society
Can't handle differences
We can't handle change
If somebody is different from everyone else
We as a society
Target them
We opt to eliminate that difference
My question is
Is it really necessary?
Is it worth it?
Why can't we accept differences?
What's wrong with a little change?
It doesn't affect you much anyway
Why is it such a big deal
If someone likes someone of the same gender?
Why does it matter so much
If someone feels they were born in the wrong body
And wants to change their gender?
It's kind of like evolution in a sense
We should be able to move on
And change
To fit the changes around us
Why does that give us the right to hate them?
We shouldn't hate them because they're not the same
So why do we?
So what if a guy likes another guy?
So what if a girl likes another girl?
Maybe a guy or girl likes both!
Why does it matter if someone prefers
Not to specify their gender
In the end
We are all still HUMAN
Everyone's love deserves to be valid
And if a gay boy wants to paint his dang nails
Let him
Heck I'll be the one to paint them
Or maybe a straight guy paints his nails
It doesn't make him gay
Not that gay is bad
It's not
But we don't get to choose other people's sexuality
That's up to them
We as a society
Are quick to judge and hate
Remember my gay 7th grade friend?
Today he told me
That is health teacher refused to call on him
And the day before
Told him if he didn't take the paint off his nails
He was going to give him a detention
We as a society
Don't have any idea
How much crap they take
How many beatings they get
Both verbally
And physically
I don't know how else to stress
That it is okay to be gay
It is okay to be different
If you're not gay
Be a supporter
Not a hater
Not that it's any of your business
But I'm straight
And I think that
We as a society
Are ignorant
We are an ignorant society
I may be straight
But today I wear rainbow
Because I am an LGBT supporter
They are here
They are queer
And they are
Going anywhere!
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