It's never enough
Nothing is ever enough
Another obstacle after the other
When does it end?
Life just keeps giving
Even when you don't want it to
I am tired
Seeking for something
That i do not know if it exist
Maybe our whole existence is a lie
I want peace
But will i truly be at peace when i die?
Who knows what monsters await us
Death seems so final
But how do we know if we haven't experienced it ourselves
I don't know if i believe in a God anymore
And if hell is real
Which i feel like it is
Our existence on earth is not even as close to what hell possibly be like
So to die or live?
I don't fucking know
Who knows anymore
I'm living for the sake of it
I am existing
Because that is what the universe ask of me at this point
Just exist
Be stagnant
Don't move
Don't breathe
For the sake of others
Don't be selfish
Imagine the pain you'd bring upon them by your demise
You don't know what the future holds
And even if you don't want to live to know
Just stay
Dwell in your darkness
Its all you've ever really known
When life's eaten you up and spit you out
Keep waiting
For what
We don't know
But something may happen
When i say eventually
I mean in a couple of years
So bear with me if you can
And if you can't
I don't blame you
It hurts to breathe everyday
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