Cutting Ties
Look, this is how it works.
I'm a person who relies on no one
No one at all
Because I know that I can only count on myself.
Too many years
Of being disappointed by others
Has taught me to rely on myself
And myself alone.
Sure, I can rely on someone if I want to
But I've made sure
That I became a person
Who doesn't need that luxury.
I've turned myself
Into a person
Who doesn't need anyone
Because if the world has taught me one thing
It's that people are like shadows.
They follow you in the sun
But then quickly leave you to the wolves in the dark.
I instantly cut ties with people who burn me
Never having to give it a second thought.
One single lie that escapes your lips
Will make me question any truth you've ever told.
Fool me once
Shame on you.
Your loss.
You won't even get a chance to fool me twice.
Burn me once, and you're done.
Screw me over, and you're out.
Lie to me, and I'll cut ties with you.
Because the truth is
I don't need you.
I don't need you
Or you
Or you.
I choose to be around you
Because I enjoy your company
But I don't necessarily need you.
So don't go thinking
That I'll stick around
To let you hurt me more than once.
I have cut ties with people several times in my life
And it's gotten to the point
Where I no longer shed tears over it
Because I've just gotten so used to it.
I'm just so used to being left behind
And hurt
And forgotten
And betrayed
And lied to
And ignored
That I just don't care anymore.
I rely on myself
And I don't need you.
I will leave you behind
The second you take me for granted
And use me for your own personal gain
And think that I will just forgive and forget.
I never forgive
And I most certainly never forget.
I will never forget what you have done.
I won't hold a grudge
And I won't constantly keep that hate for you in my heart
Because hate hurts the hater more than the hated
But I will always remember not to trust you.
I want to be free
And never tied down
And I won't let your lies and deceit
Chain me down
And keep me tied down to the ground.
To spread your wings and fly, first, you have to let go.
And in order to do that
You have to cut ties with the people that find it just too easy to let you go.
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