It's a ghost town
No one else around
Just me and my mind
Not keeping track of time
I have no place to go
Just a place to think
About all the things
That pop into my head
Crazy little words
Jumbled up in files
Stored away
Now popping out
Like nothing ever happened
Like they haven't been gone
For just so long
When I needed them most
They weren't there
Just like almost everything else
But I did have my thoughts
They have gotten me this far
Why can't they help me again?
Well, I have you now
You're here
You will help
And I'll do the same
Friends do that, right?
What do I know,
I haven't had many true friends
I'm not sure how it feels
But you're here now
I'll learn, I'll learn
You will act as my thoughts
Or at least support them
Back them up with your evidence
Just don't disrupt my thoughts
Hello! I've just felt like I needed to reflect on the part of my life when I realized I had friends who cared about me. Before this, I was going through some things with finding who my real friends are, who I can trust, and who I was. I'm still not sure of any of those yet, but I think I have an idea. Thank you and follow, comment, and vote! Thank you again and goodbye!
~Ana xx
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