Baby, please notice me, I want to save you
Today, was harsh on me
Feeling like the world has stop
I didn't see you in class
I got
Knowing the
that consumes you
I ignored everyone else, my thoughts drifting back to
The one I am so enamored for
Every subtle touch
Every soften glance
Your blue eyes
Which reminds me of tidal waves
Your delicate pale skin
Seems soft and makes me want to caress
Your cheek
I always seen how your blue eyes seem so
That always reminds me of the storm within you
I want to take that pain away
Be the one for you
The silent war within you
It breaks my heart
Even so
My heart skips a beat for you
Only for you
The shadows whisper
And time pulls us through
I see how you walk a path that
Where light has failed to be seen
As how your soul is broken
I'm eager to repair
As you are in the wreckage of your pain
I stand here, longing for you
I can't take it anymore
Seeing you missing from class
I make it my mind
To screw school
Your more
Then education
I ran through the halls
The feeling of
In the pit of my stomach
It's a
I hope I get there in time
I thought to myself
I look at the location of Jeiku's phone tracker
I had this feeling that he would try and commit
I was thankful by the time when I arrived
He was almost out of reach
It's Way too close to comfort
There he was at the edge of the building
He was about to jump off
the ledge
I screamed
Running towards him
Grabbing his wrist
Pulling him back
Away from the edge
Just to see your eyes again
I see the inner turmoil
The slight shock of getting pulled away from ledge
I didn't let go when you tried
I couldn't lose you
Not when I was the only one
Who saw the person you could be
Let me in baby
I didn't want to let you slip away
I held tighter as you tried and tried
Even if you couldn't see why I wouldn't let you fall
"let me die Tae....pls"
I heard jeiku sob those words out loud to me
My grip went tighter on him
I know how you speak of death as an escape
You always speak of death like an escape
As its kind
A place of
"Please ... jei"
I say with intense emotion
My inner emotions are mixed with
Lastly my deepest emotion for him, was
All I saw right now
on how he tried to kill himself
Was a life still worth living
I stayed.
Because I couldn't let your light go out
You're the one,
I dearly love
I saved you from yourself jeiku
You'll never know how much I was saving a piece of me, too
Baby I love you
Can't you see?
In that moment
I didn't just pull you back
I pulled us both back from the
Even if you don't know how close we are
You fought to leave
While I fought harder
To make sure you stayed
Knowing ill never forgive myself if I let you
You mean the
To me baby
I'm going to bring you peace jeiku
I brought jeiku closer to a tight embrace
The silence between us is thick
But it's not uncomfortable
It's the kind of silence that fills the space with everything
Every little word that's stuck in our throats
We're too afraid to speak
I slowly bring jeiku to the ground
Making us sit near each other
His back pressed against my chest
I watch the slow rise and fall of his chest
His pale skin
Seems fragile
Jeiku hasn't spoken since what almost happened
I didn't need to say a thing to my beloved
We both know what almost happened
The weight was towering over us
The sharpness of this moment hanging in the air
I investigate jeiku's blue eyes
Noticing how distant and clouded
With things that he can't say
Or was it?
That he didn't know how to express?
Or convey them?
I shift closer
I let my hand hover over just above's his
A silent plea
I would expect him to push me away
Like always
But now
It's different
I whisper into jeikus ear
"I didn't let you fall"
My confession was hard to give
I'm trying to admit the truth to myself more than him
"I-I ... couldn't, not when I....not when I-.."
My throat tightens
What do I say?
How do I explain my love for jeiku?
The pain that's' so strong it hurts
It's the only thing that makes sense
In a world that feels broken?
I noticed him shift slightly
I noticed how his gaze flicker for the briefest moment
He doesnt look at me
I could sense it
The way his gaze is unfocused
Lost somewhere far away
As if he's looking at a world
One that I'll never reach
I reach out and rest my hand on top of his
It's simple yes
I look into his blue eyes
I'm already declaring a promise in my thoughts
"You don't have to do this alone"
I look at jeiku, with softness
"I'm here...jei... always... I'm not going anywhere"
I say to him, while caressing his cheek
For a while, there's no response
The silence is deafening
My eyes scan jei's body
For any signs of something
I didn't know what I was looking for
I then feel
A small pressure against my palm
I look and notice his finger's against my palm
I smiled softly
Its a small quiet acknowledgement
That something between us has finally
At this very moment
I knew I'll wait
I will wait through his darkness
Through his pain
I don't care how distant or broken jeiku feels
I'm sure of one thing
I love him
I love him even if he doesn't
Or want to
I have my hand still resting on Jeiku's
Maybe for a bit longer
I feel grounded in the quiet stillness of the roof
My pulse is a frantic drum beat
In my chest
I'm trying to hold steady
I watch how jeiku continues to be unresponsive
His gaze distant
I could tell that he's
In his thoughts
I keep waiting
My gaze subconsciously goes to Jeiku's lips
I feel the weight of the moment
I did just save jei from the darkness
I love him so much it hurts
I couldn't help it anymore
I lean in slowly
My breathing shallow and shaky
I know this is a risky move
I know how this could ruin everything
I'm willing to
Jeopardize everything I've worked for to stay close
To just be near him
At this moment
I noticed how jeiku look so vulnerable
My heart was clenching at the sight
This step feels like its the only thing left to do
Jeiku doesn't pull away from the kiss
The kiss is soft
Both of us are waiting for something to shift
I wanted something
Perhaps a sign that we were not making a mistake?
I pressed my lips gently against his
In a heartbeat
Everything else disappears
Just the feeling of each other's lips
Was enough
The weight of the world
The pain
The uncertainty
It all disappears
It's just the two of us
A fragile moment
Nothing else matters anymore
When I finally pull back
Our foreheads touching against each other
Our breathes mingling between us
My heart is pounding in my chest
Each beat louder than the sound of the percussion of a drum
I noticed how jeiku's eyers were widen
There's something in his eyes
Something shifting in the dark depths of his gaze
Was it confusion?
Oh yes it is...
Not just that though
I see a crack in the wall that jeiku
Built around himself
I swallow hard
My voice barely a whisper
"I've loved you for so long...jeiku...I-I"
I struggled to say
"I couldn't keep it inside anymore"
I watched Jeiku blinked
I could tell he's processing my words
My lips tremble
For a moment
I fear that I made a grave mistake
I notice how jeiku's eyes soften
The slightest hint of realization dawning on his face
He speaks
His voice so raw and unsure
I so how he struggled
His hands clenching against the soft fabric of my shirt
I know that it feels like a soft blanket
For the first time in what felt like an eternity
I noticed how jeiku look at me
To finally look at me
I watch how his expression shifts
The coldness breaking into something more vulnerable
I watch him swallow hard
How his eyes flicking between my lips and my eyes
A mixture of awe and hesitation
After a few moments
The truth finally came out like a tidal wave hitting jeiku
I watch as his voice breaks the silence
"I didn't ..i didn't know"
My breath catches in my throat
"didn't know what?"
I asked hesitantly
I watched him lean in
Making our foreheads brush
"that...I felt the same way"
I watched for the first time
The darkness in jeiku's eyes
Isn't the kind that shuts everyone out
There's something softer now
Something real
Something that I always knew
That lied beneath there
I didn't think I'll get to see it
In a blink of an eye
Everything changes
My heart swells with affection
Relief washing over me as then
Jeiku's lips finds its way to mine
This time with less hesitation
It's not just a kiss anymore
Its the beginning of something new
Something we both been too afraid to admit
I feel jeiku's arm wrap around my waist
Pulling me closer
The kiss deepened
For the first time in a long while
Jeiku seems to breathe freely
I heard him whispered my name
"tae...I love you"
He says with so much emotion
We found each other
Now we both have something to hold on to
I know this wont be easy
I know jeiku's past is lingering like a shadow
Between us
But for now
This kiss
Tells me that we can work through it
You tried to escape
But i wouldn't let you go baby
Through the pain
Through the darkness
Together we grow
Now, every day is a triumph
Every breathe is a song
In this life
In this love
We forever belong
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