When You're In Love
Have you ever loved someone so much that when you're with them you can barely breath?
Loved them so much that it hurts just to watch them leave?
It feels like you need to be with them every second of every day
That when they do leave, you get on your knees begging them to stay?
When you're with them you're the best you you can be
But when you're without them, it feels like you're an apple without a tree
You would do almost anything just to watch them smile
You'd even watch as they make their way down the aisle
Towards the man she loves and chose
You watch as her hands grip tightly around the rose
She looks in your direction and she just seems so genuinely happy
She gives the same smile to the man down the aisle and it makes you feel crappy
You watch as they exchange vows and say I do
Then you start feeling that all those times you felt she loved you was never true
You had a feeling that you should've been the one telling her that you'd love her through life and death
It hurt you so much that you almost stood up and left
But you powered through and you survived
With her by your side you're just lucky to be alive
But they didn't work and they got a divorce
She told you she felt absolutely no remorse
But despite that you knew she was hurting so you helped her heal
Holding her in a tight brace didn't even feel real
So a couple of years went by and she married again
And you endured the scene you saw back then
The exchange of vows and the oh so lingering kiss
Makes you think that you really fucked up your chances and missed
More years went by and she married and divorced men with different interest
Usually you would find her trying to find a once in a life time wedding on Pinterest
But despite all that, she felt all alone
People said "You had tons of husband's, how could you say that?" To which she says "To each their own"
You helped each other grow, you helped each other stand
You tried your hardest to make yourself understand
Does she love you or does she not?
She never said but in truth she loved you a lot
And after several years of marriages and divorces
She separated with each to which you said was work of the forces
But as you held her hand with tears streaking down your face as you watched her on her death bed
She smiled her sweetest smile and contently said
In reply to all those years of an unasked question
She said one last thing she failed to mention
"I love you too" and then she died
You gripped her hand and cried
The women you loved all those years loved you too
You were very naive and now you knew
You missed your chances and she was waiting for you to make a move
And now she's gone, someone you knew you would eventually lose
Now you're filled with hatred, guilt and bitter regret
You wish you could just stop life and press reset
Then one day, you saw only black after all those years
You felt that you had died in rush of tears
Then you saw the colourful fire works boomed as you stood by the pier
She looked young like the day you met and she gave you a kiss while saying "Happy New Year"
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