K'taf (No Music, No Rhyme)
Enjoy. It isn't in English. Sorry. English will be to the left of it.
It burns. Ef k'tasa
Everything hurts. Etateyabaji lasaff.
Pain. Zaekas.
It is all I feel. Ef ed ke E p'teek.
Pain. Zaekas.
Pain. Zaekas.
Pain. Zaekas.
It burns me. Ef k'tasa kwe.
It burns my mind. Ef k'tasa kw's kwe'aspul.
It burns my soul. Ef k'tasa kw's drnzepakfa.
It burns my body. Ef k'tasa kw's spusny.
It burns my spirit. Ef k'tasa kw's drzepafa.
It burns everywhere. Ef k'tasa etateyabapo.
Pain is so bad. Zaekas ed r'dn sau.
How can I last? K'pat hap E kadf?
In the agonising fire? Ep d'le akp'zaekas k'taf?
Pain. Zaekas.
Oh poor me. Oh znpa kwe.
Pain. Zaekas
Why must you taunt me? Slao kwstar kou fakpf kwe?
My poor fire. Kw's znpa k'taf.
In all of its glory. Ep ke od e'fd pknay.
It goes. Ef tou'ef.
Like fire in water. Keapt'e k'taf ep taftf.
It burns me alive. Ep k'tasa kwe a'keet.
My legs. Kw's pek'bd.
My head. Kw's kwe'aspul.
My thoughts. Kw's kwe'aspul.
My mind cries. Kw's kwe'aspul hapfeater.
It cries. Ef hapfeater.
As it burns alive. Ad ef k'tasa a'keet.
As it burns alive. Ad ef k'tasa a'keet.
It cries. Ef hapfeater.
And cries. Apu hapfeater.
And cries. Apu hapfeater.
Over and over, it will die. Nepatefa apu nepatefa, ep tak'k meh.
From my mind. Ðapkw kw's kwe'aspul.
Not knowing how to handle. Niv ono'ep'p k'pat ap fa kasuktlpe.
The pain. D'le zaekas.
The pain. D'le zaekas.
In my jealousy. Ep kw's kapkuslkt.
It hurts. Ep lasaff.
I am not here. E akw niv keatfe.
As I am to be taunted. Ad E akw fa se fakpf'tu.
I am mad. E akw kae
At the heat. Af d'le k'taf.
Of the flames. Od d'le k'taf.
I am mad. E akw kae.
I feel like a witch. E p'teek keap'te a witech.
Taunted with water or fire. Fakpf'tu teaða taftf oe k'taf.
I feel mad. E p'teek kae.
Taunted with burns. Fakpf'tu teaða k'tasa.
Or it is the feel. Og ef ed d'le p'teek.
Of such heat. Od shui k'taf.
From me as I am mad. Ðapkw kwe ad E akw kae.
No mind will know. Ni kwe'aspul tak'k ono.
I do not know. E un niv ono.
So bad and mad no answer will be found. R'dn sau apu kae ni apdt'tf tak'k ste b'nanpul.
Until I know. Uisp'fan E ono.
Or the answer shows as much as the heat. Og d'le apdt'tf rdakn'tdr ad kwsh'k ad d'le k'taf.
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