Angry Girls and Falling Wallets
C H A P T E R 2
Now here's the thing: Stealing always starts from my anger.
Mom-whore abandoning my family? Bam, two wallets in two minutes. First time Dad came home drunk? Well hello there, dollar bills that don't belong to me. Having the worst birthday of my life while trying to not think about said mom-whore, drunk dad, and maybe-ex-best-friend? Wallets, here I come.
I took a quivering breath, watching as my exhale turned into icy air. How do I manage to make a great day into a bad one? What was wrong with me?
Initially, my eyes filled with tears. Sometimes my own stupid decisions were overwhelming. But then I angrily wiped them away. Remi Greggs doesn't cry.
My hand dove into an unfocused man's pocket, emerging with a black pouch. I quickly put it in my coat pocket, walking away as if nothing happened. My eyes flitted across the crowd, deciding which person to borrow from next.
I was just about to put my hand in another person's pocket when a disturbing thought crossed my mind.
Why couldn't I be normal? Why did I have to be born brain-damaged, meant to confine instead of liberate? Take away instead of give back? I clenched my hands, already forgetting my victim.
This happened a lot. It wasn't my fault I was born into a family with a mom who knew infidelity like the back of her palm. I scrunched my eyes. Stop Remi, stop.
Just one more.
I opened my eyes, surprised to feel hot tear brimming inside. Just one more, and I'd stop. This whole thing would stop. I would go home, alone, but with a few extra dollars. Just one more.
I scanned the crowd once more, keeping my hands in my pockets and my feet planted in place. What caught my eye, also caught me by surprise.
A young man, handsome and tall, was walking through the crowd. He was not paying attention to anyone around him, evident from the hard stares he was getting from everyone he bumped into. In fact, he seemed to be engrossed with something on his phone, added with the lovely sight of earplugs, lodged in his ears. I felt a sadistic grin spread across my face. Perfect.
I started walking towards him, feeling the overrated excitement that would probably vanish as soon as his wallet was in my pocket. When I came close enough to smell his cologne, I started to stretch my hand out.
"I know, but father, Nate was saying-"
The deliciously handsome man stopped to frown at his screen. He started to walk again, and as quick as a snake, I plunge my hand into the warmth of his pocket.
Just as soon as my hand went in, I stumbled as I was pulled back.
I looked up to see delicious-rich man staring at me. One of his hands was gripping his phone, but the other was holding my other hand firmly, making me feel uncomfortable. His gaze was excruciatingly painful as he lifted my hand out of his pocket, holding it out for me to see that I've been caught. I gulped as he opened his mouth to speak.
"What... Do you think you're doing?"
Hope you liked the update! Took me a lot of time to edit, but I'm pretty sure it still came out kinda crappy... *Awkward laugh*
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