I have a heart of stone. Your ignorance won't deter me.
Rehaan lied down on his bed and faced the other side, completely ignoring my presence. He probably didn't realize, but his reflection was visible because of the closed window. I could clearly see his eyes open, ruining his pretense of being asleep.
Although he did do a great job at remaining still.
"Rehaan, can you please tell me what happened?" I asked, not before promising that he didn't need to talk about anything else. "I need to know the severity of the situation to inform the doctor," I told him, in hopes to change his mind.
What if he got some injury by falling that I had overlooked? Or was it his head wound that caused him to get unconscious.
"Should we just go to the hospital?" I muttered to myself. Better safe than sorry.
I came out of my thoughts to look at Rehaan. "Rehaan, I think we should—"
Before I could complete my sentence, he covered his head with the blanket, giving me his answer without uttering a single word to me.
I sighed, before exiting his room, closing the door softly behind me.
I was really worried about his health. But he wasn't responding to me at all.
At least he hasn't thrown me out of the house yet.
Taking it as a positive sign, I moved towards the kitchen to cook him some dinner. But not before shooting his primary doctor a text about the whole ordeal, at least about what I saw. I even went as far as to request him to call Rehaan, faking a regular check up.
Not to me, but Rehaan would surely answer the doctor's questions, right?
I couldn't call the doctor because I knew that Rehaan would hear everything from his room. The chances of him not responding to the doctor just because I was the one who called him were just too high. I really didn't want to take the risk.
I finally calmed down when I heard his phone ring.
Mission successful! Yay!
The doctor was kind enough to send me a message after their talk. He told me that there was nothing to worry about. But still to look out for some symptoms just in case something happened.
Relaxing after seeing his message, I immediately began my work.
Cooking was easy, getting Rehaan to eat- not so easy.
"Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. But please come out and eat," I requested gently, but when he didn't budge, I had to get stern.
Although he didn't bother looking at me, he did follow me outside to the dining table. My relief was short lived as a tear left from his eye, the moment he ate the first morsel.
I had wanted to make him feel and remember the emotions as he ate the food made by my hands. I wanted it to happen so that my lie could be protected. But look at my luck; it happened after everything went haywire.
Talk about bad timing.
Rehaan sat deep in thought, not asking me anything, but not being able to eat another morsel too.
"You hired me for the food. Because it tasted the same as my Mom's, whose food you ate ever since you could eat solid foods." I informed him on my own.
He looked up at me with curiosity, but still kept quiet. His silence was killing me. However, I still kept going, taking his silence as my punishment.
"My mom worked for your family. Our parents died on the same day. We both lost so many things that day. Our family, residence, documents, and what not. I didn't have anything and would have probably rotted on the streets if you hadn't made the decision of hiring a fifteen-year-old me.
"You were my saviour Rehaan. I am indebted to you. There's no way I would think of harming you.
"I seriously didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Heck, I didn't even realize I was doing it until you mentioned it to me.
"I had just come to return your credit card when I found out about your accident. Everything happened so suddenly, I didn't even realize what was going on. When they assumed I was your girlfriend, I let them believe it was true. I was scared, Rehaan. I wasn't the culprit but I was scared that they would make me one. Especially after they suspected your driver, who came into your life long before I had.
"I just took the cowardly route. I had hoped that everything would get clear when you would wake up and point out the real culprit. But—"
"But I woke up with a memory loss," he completed the sentence, speaking to me for the first time after I found him unconscious today.
"I didn't mean to drag this on. I seriously didn't have any bad intentions. Please don't put—"
I stopped myself before I could utter about jail and police. This wasn't about me. I wasn't the victim here right now, I was the bad guy. I gulped down the tears that threatened to fall. I wouldn't cry, I refused to.
"Please don't put me in jail?" Rehaan raised his eyebrows, chuckling sadly at me.
He guessed it. He freaking guessed.
What's the use of stopping the sentence in time?
I looked at him with a guilty smile, knowing he was yet again hurt by my actions. "You didn't deserve what I did to you. I wholeheartedly agree that I was wrong," I said, looking into his eyes, hoping he would see how serious I was. "But I swear none of this was done with bad intentions. I didn't want to...but back then it seemed that there was no other way.
"I had to lie...to survive."
Rehaan nodded, looking at me with understanding eyes, before he gestured towards the food.
"What? Do you want another serving?" I asked, confused, not understanding what he was pointing at.
He rolled his eyes at me. "Start plating your food too."
"Wh...at?" I stuttered, looking at him with my mouth agape.
"Eat Muskaan. It has been an exhausting day. You must be hungry too," he said, looking at me with kind eyes.
Just how could he manage to be kind to me even in this situation?
His kind actions were making me feel guiltier than I already was.
Rehaan's POV
No matter how much she had hurt me, I couldn't see her scared. Not over something that was in my hands.
This entire ordeal must have been a lie to her, but it wasn't for me.
I don't know if I can forgive her or not, but I cannot bring myself to hurt her. That's for sure.
I saw her toying with her food absentmindedly. The awkwardness running high in the house.
"How can someone even think of playing around this delicious food and not eat it right away?" I commented, before taking a huge bite to make a point.
Damn, I was living a really good life if I got to eat like this every day.
"By the way, you said you came to return the credit card that day. But why?"
"I didn't mention it?" She said in a questioning tone, before answering my question, "you fired me."
I started coughing as the food got stuck in my throat midway because of the shock.
"Careful," Muskaan muttered as she stood up to pat my back until I calmed down, before forwarding a glass of water.
"Something huge must have happened for me to fire you," I said after I got better. "I mean, to think to intentionally part ways with this delicious food, seems crazy."
"Always the food," she tutted, before muttering, "For a second I thought you were talking about me."
A smile came up to my lips unconsciously at her words. But I wiped it off, before she could see it.
"Sooo, why did I fire you?" I asked again. I was genuinely curious about it.
"How would I know?" Muskaan shrugged. "That is something you need to tell me after you get your memories back. I also want to know why you made that decision so suddenly."
"Sure, I will make sure to let you know."
"Though I did have some theories why you did it," she said, gaining my attention.
"Really? What were those?"
"Don't be so eager. They weren't as far-fetched as yours. Abuse and what not. Gosh! How far does your mind run?" She huffed, blowing a stray hair away from her face.
"Can you blame me? I was looking at the situation thinking you were my girlfriend."
She visibly winced at my comment, but still managed to keep her cool.
"True. It's totally my fault. Just to be sure that we are on the same track- you never abused me in any way. You were annoying, yes, but all bosses are like that. So you did nothing wrong."
The way she cutely explained it, with her eyes big and huge arm moments to make sure I understood her: man, it was hard to not fall for her all over again.
Yes, I admit it. I have fallen for my girlfriend, sorry housekeep.
"Anyways," she clapped her hands once, before saying, "back to the topic. My first assumption was that although you hired me for food, it must have been also because I didn't have any other option to survive. So the moment I got my identification documents back, you fired me."
My eyebrows rose at her words. "That actually makes sense." The timing was just perfect.
"I know right," she said, looking proud at her assumption. "I actually had another theory too." She confessed, blushing embarrassedly. "But it's too much. Even crazier than your abuse theory."
"Man, I am really curious now," I said, moving a bit closer in eagerness.
"Okay, don't laugh," she said, trying to act stern, but ended up laughing herself.
"I thought that you might have known that someone was going to come to hurt you. Hence, you sent me away before that could happen. So that at least I would be away from the harm."
She covered her face with both her hands, while muttering, "So embarrassing."
I chuckled at her cuteness, before raising the collar of my shirt. "This theory oddly makes me feel like a Hero."
"You were," she said, coming out of her hiding. Looking at me with an expression that was both apologetic and grateful, she said,
"You were always a Saviour to me."
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