Somehow, antisocial-me got tagged by Lottecon and ObsessedwithTivi , which is two people more than I thought would ever tag me (and I finally have a book for my trash so here we go). :
Named after anyone?
Nope, my great-grandma wanted that name for me because she thought it sounded nice and somehow she forgot my aunt has the same name?? But it's okay, nobody likes aunt Melanie anyways.
Last time I cried
Though one, I shed a tear while writing Rob's chapter, usually full on sobbing happens when I'm too emotionally invested in a show.
Any kids?
I was thinking of getting two tortoises (like the tiny ones), but no kids.
Ever Bungee Jump?
Use sarcasm alot?
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
Idk, guess not, I'm not a nice person and I'm not really exciting. I'm usually the friend that sits at home and texts you only every now and then.
Favorite Cereal?
Joghurt Müsli.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Generally, I always notice the shape of the face first and I know that's weird, but I can't be the only one that looks at people and goes like, something is wrong with your face. (*cough* Cillian Murphy *cough*)
Eye color?
Scary movies or Happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings or no scary movies at all tbh.
Favorite smell?
MAC lipsticks, but the ones from Kiko smell nice too. xD
Summer or Winter?
Spring. I have like a very tight span of when I feel comfortable with the weather and that's somewhere between 8°C and 24°C (46,4°F - 75,2°F).
Computer or Television?
Furtherest from home.
Sweden or England, idk which one is further away from Germany, but I like to stay at home usually.
Special Talents?
Not really.
Where were you born?
Berlin, Germany aaaand I'm still here.
Getting my make-up done? idk, writing my stories, cuddling with the bae... reading?
Any pets?
I'm currently moving in with my fiance and he has no pets, which is why I want them tortoises (Annarella and Voldetort), but back at home with my parents, we have one tiny pillow (dog) and a little budgerigar, but the bird always teases our poor dog. xD
Favorite movie?
'Breakfast with Scot', probably? Idk the 'Mamma Mia' movie?! xD
I don't watch too many movies, but let me list my favorite TV shows instead.^^'
'Life on mars', 'Star Trek, the original series(!)' and 'Pushing Daisies'
Any siblings?
forever alone.
Dream job?
Maybe teacher, but little kids don't like me. I mean for years I was like SURGEON!!!, but then my marks happened and yeah... I won't be allowed to cut people open.
So tagging... idk I'm not that great with people. :/
ObsessedwithTivi (I know you tagged me, but I want this list to look longer, so hush)
*sweats nervously* This is much less than expected.
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