Mammon continued to be a bit of a jerk, but after our late night of reading ridiculous Devildom smut, he wasn't nearly as rude.
"Could ye get the counter fer me, love? I got me hands fuller than an ogre's nappy." Scrit called to me from across the room when the store bell chimed, and I hopped up from my little station, skipping out to work front.
Standing at the counter was a young man who looked very similar to Mammon, though he had much paler skin and less of a smug aura.
"Good evening, Sir! How can I help you?" I greeted him with the typical customer service pep, and he gave me a smile.
"(Y/N), I'm surprised to see a human like you with a job here in Devildom." He replied, and I must have looked like a stunned mullet, standing there blinking.
"Uh, have we met?" Of course, I knew we hadn't, but just in case I'd forgotten, which wouldn't have been a surprise, I wanted to make sure.
"No, but I've seen you at the Academy. My name is Solomon. I'm also a human exchange student." The way he spoke seemed pleasant enough, but I immediately felt on guard around him. Maintaining my smile, I leaned against the counter and gave him my full attention.
"Oh, okay then! Well, nice to meet you! Did you need anything specific today, or did you just come in to browse?" Usually I would have tried to make ridiculous small talk, but I was on the clock, plus I didn't like the vibes he emitted.
"Yes, actually, I need replacement laces. In white, if you have them in stock." Nodding, I ducked down and began to sift through the boxes we had, knowing I had seen them earlier in my shift. "I must say, you really do seem comfortable in this world. You made a pact with Beelzebub, didn't you?"
Hitting my head on the underside of the counter, I rose with the laces in hand, rubbing my poor scalp with the other.
"Y..yeah, I did. Word gets around fast, huh?" I found it weird that he knew, but I may have just been being silly. The others could have mentioned it around school.
"Pity you don't have any magical ability. You may never be able to harness his power properly. I myself have pacted with my fair share of demons, and I can summon them whenever I wish." That sounded like a brag to me, but each to their own. I didn't care if I could harness Beelzebub's power or not. I just made the pact because it seemed like he wanted to.
Ringing up the laces, I placed them on the counter, deciding to humour him to be polite.
"That sounds pretty cool, I guess. Though, if I harnessed Beel's powers I'd probably eat the entire city." Handing me the exact amount of Grimm, Solomon smirked, tucking them into his pocket.
"Your shift ends soon, doesn't it? Why don't I summon a chaperone for you?" Before I could have any say in the matter, the platinum haired man was chanting something under his breath, and out of nowhere popped Asomodeus, looking completely baffled.
"Wasn't I just..?" He paused to take in his surroundings before his lips puckered into a pout, arms crossing his chest. "Solomon! What's the big idea?! I was just about to exfoliate!"
Oh, so he and Asmo are friends?
Solomon looked proud of himself, and I couldn't deny I was impressed. Having such a power back in the human world would have come in handy all those times that I felt alone.
"Sorry, Asmo! He just up and poofed you here! I can finish up really quick so we can get back home, okay?" Motioning for him to stay put, I dashed back out to Scrit and clocked off, receiving my pay and rushing back to the frustrated demon.
Solomon had excused himself already, and I continuously apologised as we started our walk back home.
"For the last time, (Y/N), I'm not mad at you! You do look cute when you're apologetic, though!" He giggled, bumping me with his hip. "This isn't the first time he's summoned me without warning, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I mean, take a look at me! Who wouldn't want me around twenty four seven?!"
To me, yes, he was stunning, but not my exact cup of tea. I'd never admit that out loud though.
"So, you two made a pact? I didn't peg you two for being friends." I mused, shifting a little closer into his side as a pair of shifty looking demons lurked past.
"Friends? Not exactly...though you got the word peg right." Asmodeus giggled, linking arms with me when he realised my discomfort. "Pacts can be fun, but like tonight they can be a real pain. Staying up late is super bad for the skin."
I liked listening to him talk. He was high maintenance, but a kind soul, which was completely out of the norm from all the warnings Lucifer had given me about demons.
"Hey...I asked Luci about this the other day, but do you know where I could get some booze..?"
Perking up, Amsodeus gave me his undivided attention, which meant I had to swerve him away from walking bang smack into a pole.
"Pretty much everywhere has liquor if you're desperate, though as a probably need human drink to get anything out of it...Hmmm, let me see..."
So no funky demon daiquiris? Dang.
"Oh! I know exactly where to go! Hope you've got grimm on you, because my wallet is back home!"
Who knew the Devildom had a specialist human convenience store?
Not only that, but they had a wide variety of beverages ripe for the picking, which meant the second Asmodeus and I got back, it was bottoms up.
"Okay, okay but, like, why do humans get, like, so freakin' wrinkly when they age?! All saggy and blergh!" The strawberry blond gagged, trailing off into a laugh as he rocked back and forth on my bed, passing me the bottle of rum.
"I know, right?! We got the shitty end of the stick! You demons and angels and stuff stay all tight and pretty and we just...just like, melt!" I had definitely missed alcohol, but what really made me happy was having somebody to drink with. Somebody who didn't seem to be annoyed by me.
"You, though! You, sweetie, are young and gorgeous!" Asmodeus wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head up under my chin, which lead me to realise how soft his hair was. "How old are you? If you say you're under the legal age I just might die!"
He was slurring his words, which I found funny, but I knew I was doing the exact same thing. We were both off the deep end and having a merry old time.
"Eighteen going on nineteen, Mo! Why? Were you looking to get frisky?" I teased, though when he began to toy with the button of my pyjama shirt I began to realise I may have been spot on the money.
"Always and forever, darling!~" He sang, interrupting himself with a small, squeaky hiccup. "They don't call me the Avatar of Lust for nothing. Why do you think so many people are so desperate to pact with me, hmm?~"
I could totally screw a demon right now...but that sounds like a whole lot of effort, and he smells like strawberries...After those stories I just can't with strawberries...
Just as he was wriggling up, trying to lean in for a kiss, which I would have likely given him, the door swung open, and in marched Mammon. It was really starting to become a habit.
"No way no how! Twenty centimeter rule, you hornbag!" He shouted, prying a whining Asmodeus away from me as a began to laugh.
"Aw, Mammy, did you want a smooch too?" I chuckled, trying to pull Asmodeus back into a bear hug. "Don't just steal my boy away! Wait your turn!" He wasn't having any of it, and decided that if he couldn't rip his brother away, he'd squish himself between us.
"As official babysitter, I won't allow it! I'm calling reinforcements!"
Asmodeus began to shake him by the sleeve as he pulled out his DDD, but I just sat beside him and toyed with his hair, finding the whole situation pretty damn hilarious. I was kind of glad that he was looking out for me, because doing anything with the lusty demon would have been a mistake.
"You just want her all to yourself! (Y/N), darling," Hiccuping again, almost draping himself over the top of our sentient barrier, he poked at me. "Who would you prefer? This lumbering bastard with rocks for brains, or moi?~" Oh, even with my hazed mind, I did have an answer for the question, but where would the fun have been in that?
"Ever so sorry, my fine fellowssssss..." I slurred, standing up and taking several stumbling steps away from the bed. "My heart belongs to one man and one man only...Daniel Michael DeVito Jr!" Neither of the boys seemed to find it all that amusing, however I ended up doubling over in a fit of cackles, barely reacting when the door yet again opened.
In walked Satan, pausing to register what on earth was going on. I couldn't blame him. I was a horrific sight when trashed.
"Right..." Heaving a long, frustrated sigh, he waltzed past me, though not before placing a hand on my head to steady me. Once he reached Asmodeus, he took him by the arm and began to drag him back towards the door. "You are both seriously lucky this isn't a school night. You should also be thankful that I decided to come, and not Lucifer..."
Asmodeus and I had our little moment, dramatically reaching for each other with very little effort, at least on my part, before he disappeared from the room, leaving me alone with an exasperated greed machine.
"In bed. Now." Mammon ordered, standing up and folding his arms across his chest.
Trying to mimic him, I puffed my chest out as far as possible, nearly losing my balance.
"Ohoho?" I didn't have to say anything more for him to realise I had made an innuendo out of his order, and he gritted his teeth, though the hints of a blush began to bloom against his cheeks.
"I swear to...To sleep, human! You're seriously...! Ugh, nevermind, I'll do it myself!" Even though I tried to make a chasing game out of it, Mammon caught me immediately, dragging me by the waist and flinging me down onto my mattress, where the covers were already pulled back.
Giggling like a toddler, I squirmed and kicked as he tried to cover me, watching the tick mark on his forehead grow more prominent with each passing second.
"Come on, Mon! Don't be a Buzzy Buzzkillerton! We were having fun!" I complained with a laugh, finally allowing him to roughly tuck me in.
"Yeah, I could see that..." He grumbled, giving my nose a sharp flick that made me squeak out in complaint. "No more boozing with Asmo. He'll jump on you quicker than fleas on a stray..." I pouted for a few moments, even though I knew he was right. He had definitely done me a solid by intervening.
"My real answer wasn't Danny Devito, by the way..." I piped up, reaching out over the blanket to poke the buttons of Mammon's shirt, as though he were a vending machine.
"I'd fucking hope not. Who, then? I mean, I don't give a damn, but you're probably gonna tell me anyway, so..."
Part of me wanted to feign offence, because how dare he, but I stead I just gave him a brazen grin, digging my finger in a little harder on one of the buttons.
"You, obviously! I mean, I'm a morosexual, through and through! It was fate.~"
Mammon blinked down at me, cheeks darkening in colour before he clicked his tongue, casting his gaze off to the side.
"Like I know what moro-whatever-it-is means..." Smirking, I curled my finger for him to come closer, and to my surprise, he did just that. I must've really peaked his curiosity.
When he was close enough, I leaned into his ear, barely able to contain my snickering.
"It means I'm exclusively attracted to idiots." Before he could react, I planted a rather sloppy kiss to the curve of his jaw, and he leapt back, hand flying to the point of contact.
"I..Y...That's..!" He stammered and spluttered, face a hysterical shade of beetroot rouge as I giggled like a maniac. "Dammit, you stupid human! You're so fucking annoying!" He stormed out of the room, and I watched after him, slowly sinking back down into my pillow.
Rolling over to face the wall, I stared into the dark, twisting vines that decorated it, my intoxicated enjoyment fading into something much more familiar.
That's exactly what everybody else says...
***I swear, I just write this to get the boys out of my system. I have a serious plot in mind but I'm just a child running with metaphorical scissors at this point xD
Reached lesson 22 and WHOO BOY. But now I'm stuck and have to level crunch :')
Next Time: Designated Stamp Licker***
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