Chapter 7
Sam's POV
Sam stared at the man in shock. Could this be him? Was it possible? Could it be that easy? The man turned around, and the face did indeed match the one from Sam's memory. Sam smiled, but the grin quickly fell when the man suddenly lunged at him, knocking him over and putting a knife of some sort to his throat.
The grip seemed to relax when Gabriel saw who he was attacking. "Sam?" he said in almost a whisper.
Sam nodded, and Gabriel got off of him and offered a hand to help him up, which Sam took. "How did you find me?" Gabe asked.
"I did some research to see if I could find anything. But I thought you were dead?" Sam explained.
"I faked my death again." Wait... Again?! "It was simple to stage an archangel's death, but escaping unnoticed was pretty tricky, I'm not gonna lie. Now it's my turn for a question. Why did you come looking for me?"
"Well, I was kind of hoping you could help me," Sam said a bit shyly. "I, um, don't exactly... remember anything."
"What do you mean? You remember me."
"That's because of Castiel. He, um, helped me on where to go for help." That was the best way he could put it. He felt really awkward.
"What exactly did he say?" Gabriel asked in a suspicious tone.
"He said that if you weren't dead, you would be able to help," Sam said, which wasn't at all what the angel had told him, but did Gabe really have to know the whole truth? He seemed to buy it, so Sam just went with it.
"So do you know why you can't remember anything?" Gabe asked.
"Um, Castiel said that there was a wall in my head that's blocking my memories." When the archangel heard this, he did exactly as Castiel did and placed two fingers on Sam's forehead. They stood there like that for about a minute before he pulled away.
"Damn," Gabriel said in surprise. "Who the hell is more powerful than an archangel?"
"What do you mean?" Sam asked in confusion.
"I can't break the damn wall. It won't even crack."
"What am I supposed to do then?!"
"We have to find whoever did this to you and force them to reverse whatever they did."
"Where are we supposed to start?" How were they supposed to find this person if neither Sam nor Gabriel knew anything about him or her?
"Well, where's Dean? He might know something."
"Uh, he's at a motel a few towns over."
Gabriel sighed. "Why did you leave him?"
"He, uh, doesn't exactly know that I'm looking for you. I was afraid he'd try to make me stay."
"Well what motel are you staying at?"
Sam thought for a moment. "Um... I think it's called Wayferer Motel. At least, it's something like that."
"Well I guess it's time for me to come out of hiding," Gabriel muttered as he grabbed Sam. He felt a rush of air around him, and suddenly, he was in the motel room he had left the night before.
Dean was pacing the room and had turned around to see them standing there. It seemed he hadn't processed Gabriel yet, just Sam. "Sam!" he almost yelled. "Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to call you for a good thirty minutes now!" Sam checked his phone, which he had put on silent, and it was true. There were about sixty missed calls. "You just leave in the middle of the night, without telling me anything about where you might have gone, and..." he trailed off as he finally noticed Gabriel standing there with a mischievous smirk on his face.
"Hey there, Dean-o," he said casually, as if he were talking to a high school friend.
"Wh-what the hell? I thought you were dead!"
"Hello?" Gabriel said, his smirk widening as he pointed at himself. "Trickster!"
Dean looked like he was about to punch the archangel in the face. "We thought you were killed by Lucifer! It looked so real..."
"What can I say? I'm just that good!"
"You know Cas will want to see you. Are you going to keep hiding from him?"
"Of course not. But I will stay hidden from all the other winged dickheads. Go ahead and call him."
So he did, and Castiel appeared mere seconds later. "What is it Dean? What's so important?" Dean pointed in Sam and Gabriel's direction and Castiel turned, his eyes widening at the sight of his brother. "G-Gabriel?"
"Hey-a Cassie. How are you doing?" Gabriel said with a new softness in his voice. Castiel quickly closed the distance between the two and pulled Gabe into a hug.
"How are you alive?" He asked, his voice barely audible.
"I had to get away somehow. I'm sorry I did that to you, Castiel." Gabriel's voice was softer than Castiel's, if that was even possible. He pulled away from the hug. "But that doesn't matter right now." He turned to Dean. "How much do you know about the person who did this to Sam?"
Hi guys! This chapter is actually a decent length, and I didn't make you wait a month! Yay! I wrote most of this while I was really tired, so if it's bad, that's why. If it's good. That's probably why. When I'm tired, I either write really well, or really terribly. As always, I want to know what you think of the chapter. Was it good? Was it bad? Please tell me, I really need to know what you're thinking of the chapter and overall story so far. That's it for now. Bye!
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