Chapter 2
Sam's POV
Sam slowly opened his eyes to a soft light shining down on him. Am I dead? he thought. No. If I was dead, my head wouldn't hurt so much. A man's face came into his sight. "He's awake," he said, looking at someone Sam couldn't see. Sam turned his head, despite the pain it caused him, to see another man in the room. The man who spoke was dressed in white, while the other one was dressed in blue. A doctor and a nurse, his brain told him. The nurse nodded and left the room.
The doctor turned to look at Sam again. "Sam," he said and Sam looked around the room again before realizing that it was him the doctor was speaking to, so he looked back at the man as he continued. "What's the last thing you remember? Why are you here?"
Sam thought hard, he really did, but he couldn't come up with an answer. "I don't know," he croaked out after a while. "I can't remember." The doctor gave Sam a pitying look as he wrote something down on his clipboard. Sam just waited patiently, although confused, for the next question.
"How old are you, Sam?" the doctor asked. Sam just shrugged and said he didn't know as he watched the man scribble something else down. "Just one more question. Do you have any family?" This question confused Sam, because it looked like the doctor already knew the answer. He answered anyways with an "I don't know," and the doctor wrote something else. "I'll be right back," the man in white said as he walked out of the room.
A few minutes later, Sam sat up as the doctor came back with a man behind him. He said something to the man, who nodded before entering the room. "Hiya Sammy," the man said with a forced smile as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Wait. How does this man know my name? It is my name, right? Sam looked up at the man, and was entranced by his eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of green, like a thousand emeralds glistening under the light of the sun.
"D-do I know you?" Sam asked shyly. The horror in the man's eyes gave him his answer. Sam immediately felt regret in asking the question that obviously seemed to hurt the man. The doctor walked over to him and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Sam," he said. "This is your brother, Dean."
"M-my brother?"
"Yes. Your brother."
Hesitantly, Sam looked at the man... Dean, who seemed to be watching him carefully, like he might just snap or something. "I'll leave you two alone," the doctor said as he walked out of the room, leaving Sam alone with a brother he doesn't remember.
Okay, so chapter 2! It's short, I know, but I promise there will be some long ones! I just liked this last sentence and thought it was a good way to end a chapter! I don't even know if anyone is reading this, but I'm having fun writing it, so I don't mind. If anyone is reading this, then I hope you're liking the story so far! I'll start writing chapter 3 the moment the inspiration hits me. That could takes somewhere between an hour to a month, just a fair warning, but I promise to try my hardest NOT to make anyone wait a month! Until next time!
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