im sorry
"Jeremy,Jeremy wake up" mike screamed at his dying lover
I remember tears streaming down your face when I said "I'll never let you go"
"M-M-Mike"Jeremy stutered opening his eyes abit to see the person who double crossed him Mike Schmidt
When all those shadows almost killed your light
"I love you doll"Mike said "I love you too Mike"doll said kissing him again."M-Mike"Jeremy said clearly hurt"J-Jeremy"Mike said looking at his hurt boyfriend"this isn't what it looks like"how could you mike"Jeremy cried before mike had a chance to explain he ran away out of the house
I remember you said "don't leave me here alone"
Jeremy ran out of the house tripping on everything(bc it's raining)and it left cuts and bruises every where.And he saw a sight that he thought he would never see again.
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight
It was his father"Jeremy after you ran away and left me with no money let me repay you"his father beat the pulp out of him it felt like he was dying he told him to stop and have mercy but it never happened he slammed him to the wall mercilessly until "LET GO OF HIM FUCKBAG" mike screamed jeremy's father dropped his hurt son and left
Just close your eyes
"Jeremy,Jeremy wake up"mike screamed" setting jeremy's head on his lap "M-M-M-Mike"jeremy said weakly "Oh thank god you're still alive"mike said while crying
The sun is going down
"I don't have much time"Jeremy said it was barley a whisper"So I'll try say as much as posibble,I love you Mike and if you want to be with doll I won't get in the way"
You'll be alright
"But I wanna be with you"Mike said
No'one can hurt you now
" I love you and I never wanted to hurt you it just....happened" mike said
Come morning light
"Mike I forgive you"jeremy said"I wish we had more time" Jeremy said
You and I'll be safe and sound
"But you do"mike said pleadingly"Please don't leave me not here not right now please"
Don't you dare look out your window everything's on fire
"Mike,as much as I wanna spend time with you and be there for you I can't"
The war outside our door keeps raging on
"But-But you can!there's a hospital nearby and we ca-hmp"mike's rambling got stopped by jeremy"But Mike it's no use the hospital is full and there is only so much they can do"jeremy said
Hold on to this lullaby
"Please Jeremy I can wait I can pay for all of it"mike said with tears pouring down his eyes
Even when the music's gone
"Mike you can't it'll cost millions to get atleast in a waiting list there,but here have this"jeremy handed him a photo and his wallet with his credit cards and paycheck in it"
"Do you remember when we first took this we were at the park and you confessed to me,and there is my pin number for every credit card I have,I sometimes forget so I wrote it down and the check is my salary from work I hope this money helps you"
Just close your eyes
"J-Jeremy I can't take it those are yours"Mike said with a broken voice
The sun is going down
"Please Mike theses are the only belongings I have that I trust you with"jeremy pleaded
You'll be alright
"Ok I"ll take them"mike took the photo and his wallet and put it in his pocket
No one can hurt you know
"Mike if you ever think you have no one remember I'll be watching from up there"Jeremy reasured
Come morning light
"Really you will"mike asked
You and I'll be safe and sound
"Of course I will" jeremy said
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
"And I will try my best to protect you from up there
La la (la la)
"And please promise me something"jeremy said
La la (la la)
"Anything I'll do anything"Mike said
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
"Please never forget me"
La la (la la)
"And find joy in the life you still have"
Just close your eyes
"I promise" mike said and jeremy kissed him on his lips and mike kissed back hoping it would last forever
You'll be alright
"Good bye mikey schmidt"he closed his eyes breathing his last breath
Come morning light
"Jeremy wake up please I can't lose you, not right now,not like this,PLEASE!"mike screamed pleading for Jeremy to stay
You and I'll be safe and sound
"PLEASE WAKE UP-WAKE UP C'MON JEREMY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME,NOT RIGHT HERE,NOT RIGHT NOW,NOT LIKE THIS PLEASE"mike screamed pleading with so much tears coming down his eyes and shaking his lover's corpse hoping it would wake him up
Ooh ooh ooh ooh oh oh
"Please ,I'm sorry,I love you......Jeremy fitzgerald"mike said calming down and hugging his corpse for the last time
Authors note
Comment down below if you cried
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