Ok guys so most of the story is gonna be told in Keith P.O.V so I'm gonna tell you when it's someone else's P.O.V but the story is written in Keith's.
Ok Keith, let's do this only about 12 more hours left of the day. We can do this. I walked down the hall towards my room, but I noticed lances door was open, so being the sucker I am I walked towards the door and peeked in.. There Lance was. In all his glory, reading a book and listening to music but singing to it at the same time he was silent then a new song started:
Well hell sees her shadow in my backseat
And her friends are standing right in front me
World wide from Cimmiron to turkey
Open up said everybody loves me
His voice sounded so soft, and I could hear the music from his headphones I decided to continue listening
And you don't have to make a sound
Cuz they got whatcha need
Whacha need
God loves all the people that have warned you
God loves all your sentimental virtue
Eight balls with the takers that'll make you
Late calls with the lovers that will hate you
And you don't have to make a sound cuz they got whacha need
Whatcha need
Make you say
Oh my feels just like I don't try
Looks so good I might die all I know is
" nice voice you got there pretty boy" I said as I walked into the room. CRAP THAT SOUNDED WEIRD! He jumped out of his chair flinging his book into the air. "AGHH, KEITH YOU-" and I'm gonna stop quoting there, let's just say that Lance uses a colorful language when he gets scared. "Hehe sorry" I said nervously scratching the back of my neck and blushing a bit. "F you Keith." He said playfully punching my arm. Ouch that hurt. Both physically and emotionally. "WHT WAS THAT FOR?!?!?!" I screamed. "Y-you scared me half to death, how much did you hear?" He asked "oh I heard the entire song. One Republic eh?" I teased "I prefer Inagine Dragons but hey, it's a good song" he said mildly blushing. "Ha yeah I agree." I said leaning up against the wall. He walked up to me and stood next to me and leaned up against the wall next to me. "Gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy" we heard shiro shout from the doorway leaning in. "WE.ARE.NOT.GAY. GOT IT?" Lance and I said. "Gay."Pidge said leaning in the doorway right under shiro. "Not gay!" We shouted at her. "Gay.gay.gay.gay.gay.gay." Hunk chanted as he too leaned in the door way. "What can we do to prove to you we aren't gay?!?!?!?!" Lance asked. Well, I am gay but I don't want to scare Lance off. So I just went along with it. "Well, one of you has to come up with a girl friend by the end of the week. Then we'll let you off the hook. Got it?" Pidge said smirking, as usual.
*Lance P.O.V*
*Why the heck would anyone think I'm gay? Don't I flirt with every girl I meet? Plus gay people are freaks. Keith better not be gay.***(DISCLAIMER AT END OF CHAPTER)
Back to Keith P.O.V
Oh, God what do I do? Lance probably thinks gay people are freaks! I'm done for. I'll never come up with a girlfriend because I'm gay, and Lance is terrible at flirting. We're dead. "Ok, deal.' Lance said walking towards the door way to shake pidges hand. Goodbye cruel world.
Time skip: next day
"Wake up everyone!" Allura shouted over the castle coms.
"Ok, ok I'm up!" I shouted to virtually nothing. Today should be fun. Lance has to come up with a girlfriend and I'll lose the love of my life yay. Let's do this. I put on my typical clothes and walked into the dining room and sat at the table, allura, and pidge were already there and chatting, finally hunk and shiro showed up, and Coran brought the food in. Ok everyone was here except for Lance. He finally walked in commented on everyone's clothing choices. And sat down. "So, we found an alien planet with life similar to earth and I was thinking if you guys wanted to we could maybe check it out?" Allura said taking a bit out of her space goo. "Oh cool! Maybe I can get a girlfriend there!" Lance said punching a fist into the air. Oh right, he has to find a girlfriend. Yippee. "Ok then that settles it. Well leave after breakfast.
Time skip: everyone's in their lions
"Ok everyone I checked and this planet has plenty of oxygen on it so you won't need your helmets." Allura said as we started to fly towards the planet. We got there. And we got out of our lions and we took off our helmets. It was similar to earth and everyone on it look like humans. And then I saw everyone run up to us. "YOU TEAM VOLTRON!!" Everyone shouted. "Oh um, yeah we are" we said stepping towards them. "You guys rock!" I heard a couple little kids shout. We spent the next hour chatting with them and stuff and them we went on our way exploring the planet, Lance was flirting with all of the girls. But one girl I noticed he really liked, he name was Emma. She had brown curly hair that was a bout medium length, blue eyes. She was pretty I admit, but something about her just seemed off. Oh wait that's right she hates me. Don't know why, don't know how, but she just does. She really liked Lance too. Like really liked him. And nothing was gonna get in her way. Except for me. I loved Lance and I didn't want him to fall in love with the wrong girl. They continued to chat and I continued eavesdropping. And then he said it. It made my stomach drop and I felt like I was gonna die. His exact words were: "Emma-
Aaaaaand end of chapter. Also the song Lance was singing was Everybody Loves Me by One Republic. Have a good day my precious sinnimon rolls hehe. Byeeeeeeeee please don't hate me.
Okay, guys, first of all I am not one bit homophobic and what Lance says is not a reflection of my opinion in any way. In fact, I myself am Pansexual so don't worry friends. This is just a character being a douche. Have an awesome day you wonderful people ^-^
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