Just a Hop, Skip and Jump Away
(prompt: 'set' 20/11/2020)
Once upon a long time ago, after driving for a mere three hours, we arrived at the southern end of our much-beloved Grampians Mountain Range. From a distance, their 'grumpy' heads were partially in the clouds, with rain falling on one section and a little dappled sunlight filtering through here and there, much further away.
A magical, mystical feeling it was, coming from a bright sunshiny day, into the mountains; driving through the lingering mist - never so thick to call it fog - with the associated hazards and dangers of navigating that winding road with its many hairpin bends. Definitely a mist, mysterious and damp - just enough to make us appreciate the warmth and comfort inside the cocoon of our car.
At last we were driving into the holiday park and our log cabin accommodation for the next four nights, and being greeted by a welcome sign held by a large kangaroo 'cut-out'. But what was this? A number of perfect replicas of kangaroos dotted through the gardens. More cut-outs? NO. Sturdier than that - much sturdier - as the 'cut-out' figures began to move and jump away as our car crept nearer. They were REAL! A dozen? Maybe twenty, maybe more...
A few of the Welcoming Committee
They didn't jump far—just out of range of new visitors, only to stop, sit up tall with ears turning every which way, noses twitching, attempting to pick up our scent, and decide—friend or foe? We would soon learn this group had already made the choice for friendship, as the park owners gave them a little supplemental feed each night before dark.
As though living alongside the majestic mountains and all the smells and sounds of the bush weren't enough, there are these amazing kangaroos to watch from our large window wall in the Lounge - or out on the front verandah of our holiday log cabin set among the gum trees. I quickly discovered, even out among them, at a safe distance decided by them, they trusted us. Look!
Favourite Mountains...and creatures? THIS is living!
And every afternoon, as the sun sank lower, the roos began to arrive and gather - up close and personal, like this -
'Scuse me... didn't someone say 'Dinner'??
And next day, and every day, even the babes were SO curious. This little honey was right outside our cabin and let me come THIS close —
You're looking at me?
I want to cry when I look at this one, but the happiest of tears... remembering the 9 baby 'roos I raised successfully last century in Western Australia. What a privilege. What a joy.
And a kookaburra laughed in an old gum tree just across the kangaroo gathering area —
(Small image - this one had to be blown up many times - Kookie was not nearly so trusting as the other fauna. And you know what? He just laughed at my predicament in capturing his image!)
Do you wonder why I love my country Australia, so dearly? The land and its flora and fauna make it SO easy. You won't be seeing me anywhere else in this world any time soon.
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