Preparation 69
—Your POV—
Welp, it was you, yourself, and your ever screaming conscious telling you to get the fuck outta there. You glanced down at door 69, your confidence deflating like a holed balloon. You really didn't know what you were in for, and it scared you to think about it. Glancing up and down the long hallway, you didn't see anyone, wondering why the other people in line hadn't come yet.
Maybe there was a way to get into the prison from here, or maybe you could look around. Your heart sank as you replayed last time's scenario in your head, what if another overprotective grumpy guard was waiting for you to come by and you get snatched up, just so you could have another mental breakdown and get locked up in an asylum with the real crazies?
You sighed, the sound of metal boots clanking towards you scaring the hell out of you as you whipped around to face the guard. She was large, a masculine lizard lady with beautiful yellow scales, a pristine and even snout, with one inexplicable scar running across her left eye. She wore an entire suit of metal armor, spare the helmet of course.
"Didn't you receive a card?" She asked you, her eyes scanning you while you fiddled about in your pockets. You felt the card and pulled it out, nodded your head nervously. "Then why aren't you in the room you wanted to see?" She queried again, eyes narrowing slightly with suspicion.
"Umm, I was walking a friend of mine down here... my room is this one." You quickly answered, pointing over at door 69. She looked at the door, her brow furrowing in confusion before she looked backed at you, a confused look on her features.
"You know what, I'm not even gonna question that, just make sure you get in there before your time expires, I'll be down the hall at door 100 if you require assistance or if the prisoner gets too rowdy... and you can call me Alphys." And with that she left, the metal boots clanking back down the hall before she reassumed her stance at the door, standing there in the darkness.
Now that you knew she existed, her silhouette looked a bit more prominent, and you could see her from door 70, which confused you as to why you didn't see her before. You just sighed, before hesitantly shuffling over to the door that was 69, you hand shaking as you grabbed the handle, you doubted this was a good idea, but obviously there was no other way to escape...
It took all your courage to throw the door open and stomp in, immediately regretted it as the door dramatically slammed behind you, the dimmed room offering no help to your terrifying situation. You wondered again, if this was the best idea, when you knew full well what the answer was... no...
Well, at least there were a few relaxing things in here, a humming fan, a large steel wall separating the entering personnel and the prisoner, and a guard, waiting to greet you with a seemingly cheerful vibe. They were tall, and you couldn't see their face thanks to the darkness and their metal helmet.
"Hello there! I'm here to give you a briefing on this since it's your first time here, I'm Papyrus." He chirped, leaning down a bit (no not just a bit) to shake your hand. You recognized the height as on par with Crooks' fascinating you to no end. "Here, you'll sit and speak to your prisoner of choice, they haven't brought him in yet, but this metallic wall will separate the two of you." He advised, bring in a chair from one of the darker corners of the room.
You gratefully sat down, smiling appreciatively at the man before he went back to his explanation. "You can talk to him through this glass right here," He said cheerfully, gesturing accordingly. "And there's a light switch by the door if this light isn't enough."
You nodded, taking note of the kindly given instructions before he got a bit more serious. "Now then, if you ever feel unsafe, there are security cameras set up in both rooms. In case of emergency, press this button on the wall." Papyrus warned, pointing over near the light switch. "And remember, if it's truly life-threatening, I'll be watching through the cameras and Alphys is just down the hall." He finished, patting your head— against your will but you didn't mind all that much.
Suddenly, Alphys swung the door open with a shout, eyes darting over you and Papyrus. "ALRIGHT PAPS! They're gonna bring em' in now, let's go have lunch in the camera room!" She cheered energetically, bringing a smile to your face as Papyrus laughed and waved to you before leaving. Maybe this wasn't going to be half as bad as Noelle and your betraying brain made it out to be, maybe it'd be worse.
However it was gonna be, you were ready(ish) for.
Yappity Yap. Ok, I was shocked at what happened today at school, so shocked I'm gonna write another excerpt from my life! God do I love expressing my own shit through my rich writing. Especially since I'm not even native to the language I write! No offense to anyone, but the way English contradicts and screws over so many of its own rules and 'borrows' from other languages is hilariously unbelievable. But, that's the way it is I guess.
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!!
- De Moogus
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