No Mistakes
—Your POV—
You felt heavily intimidated by the cold stare of the skeleton, the hairs you could feel on your body slowly raising upright. This was a lot more than just 'awkward' for you, as he stood, arms crossed, expression full of sourness, not even trying to offer assistance to your mental state as you tried to maybe predict what he was thinking.
It proved futile, as he took a step forward, as raised your chin so you would look at him, making you more uncomfortable. "You are the scum that has seen my brother, correct?" He hissed, and you nodded to the best of your ability, not trusting your voice to aid you. "Speak runt." He growled, forcing you to murmur a barely decipherable 'yes'.
He huffed and dropped your chin, pacing back over to the doorway as you were left to internally panic. Why did this kinda shit only happen to you? Many other people would've died way earlier in the game, but there was no way you were the first right? Someone must've done this before you... and survived, no matter how unlikely it seemed.
"He requested Nicotine did he not?" The lanky figure questioned, obviously already knowing the answer, but bothering you for it with reasons unknown. "Y-yes..." You mumbled, and he heard you, but still scoffed at your low audibility. You sighed miserably, nothing ever came easy for you, and sometimes, it felt like your were dragging down those who decided to interact with you as well, though most times you were the only one to experience the negative effects.
"You are of innocence, if I am not mistaken?" He pried, the odd wording catching you off guard for a second or two. "...w-what do you mean by that?" You replied, a question to a question, clearly your simplemindedness distressed him, as he subtly kicked a chair over and broke it, grumbling at the mess.
"You have no crime upon your head, do you?" He reworded it, but you still didn't completely know what to answer. You hadn't committed any crimes, but the bounty was still on your head, technically binding you to criminal accusation...? It was a complicated subject, but when the full force of the skeleton's glare hit your body, you decided to formulate something very quickly.
"U-Uhhh... T-technically not! I mean th-there—"
"Shut up runt."
You paused, slowly closing your agape mouth and lightly furrowing your brow, the skeletal man's incredible arrogance starting to irritate you. He payed you no heed, shuffling haughtily around the room as though this case of yours frustrated or at least seemed the slightest bit tedious to him, as he spent more time moving than speaking.
"I have your drugs you hooligan, but I need you to do me a favor."
You fought off a sigh, letting the draft slowly drift out of your nose, so you didn't t sound rude and get hurt. Another quest of a quest of a quest huh? You'd been begging for help in return for near impossible or life-threatening favors just because you were trying to do some good.
But then you stopped, and thought about the morale in your actions for the hundredth time... Maybe you weren't doing any good though? Horror was a mass murderer and Nightmare was the pretty much the god of despair and negativity right? So perhaps your intentions were more so dishonorable and harmful, rather than as kind as you thought previously.
You wondered if Core was right, and though you doubted anyone could stop Nightmare— or better yet Reaper, some minuscular part of you urged to reconsider, but the skeleton's booming voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Are You Listening, You Runt?" He demanded, filling your vision with his large and perfected form. You vigorously nodded, trying to shake whatever doubt cloud over your head out of you, as well as prove your attention wasn't as short as it seemed, still failing to satisfy your captor.
"As I was saying... you Runt, are to attend a ceremonial meeting with myself. My brother is currently behind bars and I have no one else to come with me, but I will not risk looking foolish on my own." He said sternly, surprising you, and making you let your mind wander.
What ceremony? What position did this jerk have? What position did his brother have? Why did all the skeletons look so similar? Why you of all people? Were you going to get hurt? Was someone going to do something outlandish? Who else would be attending? Was this one of those underground mafia secret meeting things? Surely you couldn't sh—
A sharp pain erupting through your cheek snapped you from your thoughts so cleanly you mistook it for perforation. This skeleton clearly was not impressed, as he had obviously just slapped you, resulting in just 2 tears falling from you widened eyes, as you slowly relocated your head from the slanted and off course position.
"If you fail to establish your worth to the party of people and me, you get no reward and I personally will turn you in to the criminal station, where you will be locked up or worse until your sentence expires." He said briskly, being completely oblivious and straightforward, no attempt to pull any punches, and even went as far as to threaten you.
"However, if you somehow successfully succeed the expectations, you will receive your desired item, and if you do particularly well, I will clear your name." He said, adding some hope to your attitude, but you still had no idea what you had to do, and therefore no idea how to execute and meet these said expectations.
"Do you understand?"
He looked in your direction, taking his gaze off the window he was previously staring out, to examine your now bruised face. He sighed, bringing his had to your cheek as a warm green glow emerged from his palm, seemingly healing your blemish as the pain ceased, as if it was never there, not even a tingle.
You nodded gratefully, offering a smile and he took a step back and rolled his eyes. "I will explain more later, the party is Thursday so in two days, and you will address me as Mr. Edge." He finished, leaving the room before waving in another guard, which you prayed was here to untie you, but you wouldn't know until later.
It was just you for a while.
Meow Meow, sorry for not posting yesterday. I had a mental halter day yesterday because I got really pissed when my little bro said something sideways to me which I will not type. My animatics are going pretty well so far and I'm sure they'll turn out great, just a little more patience, motivation and maybe some pointers. My mom even suggested I make my own music if I can't get some copyright passes...
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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