Never always on your side
—Your POV—
You woke up on Horror, who took a laying position with you on top of him, still tightly zipped in his jacket. You felt your face heat up tenfold, and went to bury it in Horror's chest. You noted the crust on your face, sprouting from your eyes and ending at your chin.
So you'd probably cried yourself to sleep.
But why would Horror let you sleep on him, with yourself wrapped into a tight ball. You glanced up at the skeleton, seeing his large eye sockets both closed softly, his breathing steady and calm. You looked around for anyone else, and spotted Crooks on the floor with a few blankets on top of him, plus a pillow under his skull.
As you granted yourself a moment to wonder about these odd skeletons, your eagle eyes spied a small hole in the tank top Horror was wearing. Curiously, you slowly inched up on him, seeing as how the hole was a small bit out of your reach. You stopped now being directly over the hole, and looked back up at Horror's face, he was still sleeping, a small trail of drool dripping from his maw.
You chuckled silently, and then proceeded to gingerly look into the hole, lightly spreading it with your fingers. Like you'd expected, you saw spine, collarbones, a few ribs, and that was about it. But how the hell did Horror breathe! It confused you to no end, but there was nothing you could do.
Shifting back to your original spot with a huff, movement from beneath you made you freeze. Slowly, you looked up to see a familiar blood-red eye light staring at you, a huge smirk also visible. Along with a small nearly unnoticeable crimson hue...
"Enjoying your spot there, little pervert~."
"No!" You shouted, trying to squirm free but Horror held you down to embarrass you longer. He started chuckling darkly, crimson growing as he watched you fight for freedom. "Maybe I should look under your shirt~." He purred, making you flush, especially when he licked his teeth.
"Please no!" You pleaded, face red hot with embarrassment. "But that's no fair~." Horror cooed, suddenly flipping your positions and pinning you to the couch. He released you from his jacket, allowing you to stretch out, but not escape. You wriggled fiercely underneath him, utterly regretting your previous curiosity.
Horror gently grabbed hold of the bottom of your shirt, smirking at you as he exposed your stomach, somehow making you flush more. "Horror stop!" You begged, but he shook his head.
"Brother... do not tease the human." Crooks grumbled, sounding slightly groggy as he stretched, a small 'click' sounding from him. "But bro, she violated my boundaries of privacy." Horror shot back, not seeming too pleased with his brother's sudden intervention, whilst you were thanking the heavens.
"Let. Her. Go. Brother." Crooks said curtly, making Horror groan and sit up, much to your appreciation. You fixed your clothes and sat up as well, thanking Crooks with slight triumph in your voice. You glared at Horror, who growled at you, but you felt as though it was of angst rather than being solely focused on you,
You chuckled and stretched, receiving some satisfying pops and clicks that left the skeletons staring. You shot them questionable glances, but they immediately looked away, muttering the incoherent. "Ok Cupcake, boss says you've had it a bit too easy lately, so I'm going to fix that up." Horror said, a bit of mischief rising in his tone as he made his way over to you.
"It's bout' noon now so no one should've gone to bed yet." Horror stated as he walked somewhere, beckoning you to follow. You followed him, and he took you upstairs to his room. "We gotta figure out who's rooms you'll be cleaning. As some of my buds are really protective about their personal lives and shit." Horror rolled his eyes, groaning as he scanned all the doors before stopping at yours.
"I'll be here in your room, which you'll obviously have to clean. You can clean mine, just go ask everyone else about their preferences. Some of them are real sticklers, so I suggest you don't pry." And with that, Horror was gone, whisked away into your room, having shut the door so you couldn't see him.
You ran back downstairs, instantly seeing Crooks folding the blankets and putting them away. You wiped your face of crust and residue, feeling a bit less dirty without it. "Mr. Crooks!" You yelped, catching his attention and prompting him to wave at you before putting the blankets away.
"Mr. Crooks, I need your help." You asked, hoping Crooks would hear you out. Crooks came over to you, smiling brightly and seeming energized from the nap. "WHAT IS IT YOU REQUIRE HUMAN? THE GREAT PA— CROOKS WILL ASSIST YOU." You thought the stutter was a bit odd but you role him of your troubles nonetheless.
"Horror-San want me to ask around to see who wants me to clean their rooms, but I'm a bit scared. Will you please help?" You looked up at Crooks with puppy-dog eyes, and he looked down at you with confused ones. "WHY ARE YOU AFRAID HUMAN? I AM CERTAIN THEY WILL NOT HURT YOU."
You frowned, most of your hopes crumbling within you as you felt your façade falter. "Because th-they s-scare me. They're m-m-mean to me." You cursed yourself for stuttering, and slightly lying, but felt slightly more reassured when Crooks' face lit up with shock.
"THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE! HOW COULD THE PY POSSIBLY FIND THE MEANS TO BE UNKIND TO SUCH A SMALL, SQUISHY, BEING, CLEARLY INCAPABLE OF DOING HARM OR CAUSING DESTRUCTION?!" You honestly couldn't tell if he was complimenting you, or insulting you, and you frankly didn't care. As long as Crooks was on your side you were ok.
Hopefully if he was around, none of Horror's 'friends' would do anything outlandish.
Yay another chapter done! I've been binging anime recently and I'm enjoying what i see. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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