—Your POV—
You meaninglessly kicked your feet as you watched the outside world growing dark. Did Edge plan on leaving your here until the day of the party, or were you actually going to explore some? It'd been a long time, at least a couple hours, because the light that poured through the small window beside the door started becoming lesser and lesser.
It was getting dark, and cold, your throat was dry and your mind was tired from wandering a marathon. You'd essentially rotted in your own thoughts, feeling horrible about your mission and goal, and part of you was willing to accept the extremely painful and distressing death that Nightmare would likely put you through.
Thinking of Nightmare made you drowsy, his slick long and terrifying tentacles, the seemingly permanent smirk that always found a way to twist across his menacing face, the bitter and acidic slime that coated his entire body... And his mysterious and befuddling history... (definitely not me simping)
You snapped out of those thoughts, a small and scarce red haze blooming across your cheeks as you shook away the drowsiness and horrible images of the octopus-like monster, regretting every second you allowed yourself to fantasize such things. Your cheeks were cold anyway, and you were uncomfortable with the feeling of your own skin starting to chafe.
Yet, for some reason, you just couldn't shake the sleepiness from your mind, groaning in distress, as you fought for something intriguing to keep you up, focusing on a small insect that flew around carelessly, occasionally landing in the window to pick up on what little warmth was left. It even landed on your ropes once or twice to examine them, passing by your face in a somewhat taunting manner.
Eventually however, your eyelids became too heavy for your muscles to bear, and the calm quiet atmosphere coerced you into slumber, a deep sleep that you didn't enjoy one bit.
~Nightmare Start~
You were back for round two... you didn't recognize the slimy expanse at first, but with little time on your hands and knees you came into the realization of your current location. Back in the place you dubbed 'Nightmare land' which kind of had a nice ring to it but you weren't too fond with the name.
Immediately you got on your feet, the harsh terrain denying your advance by shifting dangerously, sending you slamming onto your rear. Pain shot through your keister and thighs in an instant, leaving you alone to feel sorry for your bruised bum.
You looked around, not daring to call out due to your strangled and breathless voice, which was seemingly blocked by goop. It was frustratingly hard to move, the thick matter that made up the ground latching onto your hands and feet, leaving you restrained in your discomforting sitting position.
Finally, a low chuckle from off in the so distance signified Nightmare's arrival, the slime covered skeleton towering over you, a satisfied smirk greeting you as he looked down upon your pitiful form. You involuntarily started trembling, just as horrified as you were relieved, the sight of Nightmare somewhat soothing your mind, as though all these extra encounters and interactions had burnt you out a bit.
"Well well we meet again huh? To be honest I'm shocked with how much trouble you've gotten into~." Nightmare purred, crouching in front of you similarly to Stretch, giving you unpleasant memories. "I thought for sure you'd be dead by now, you sure are taking your time..." Nightmare said with a huff, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly before looking back at you, earning a rigid flinch.
"Say, what do you two think?"
Suddenly, Killer and Dust emerged from the goop behind Nightmare, malicious grins on their faces as they chuckled creepily. "It's so cool when you take us into nightmares Boss!" Killer chirped, wistfully reaching out for one of Nightmare's tentacles, but it twitched out of the way.
"Don't get too excited, we won't be here long." Nightmare sighed with an eye roll, looking at you disappointedly. "So, I know that you know that I need my crackhead back right? Reaper's getting all full of euphoria and it's pissing me off, so hurry up scum." Nightmare advised, jabbing your chest with the tentacle Killer was trying to catch, making you grunt painfully.
"O-Ok Sir, but I'm k-kind of in a bit of a knot right now!" You squeaked, feeling your throat tighten as the trembling picked up. "How so? I just noticed you thinking of me instead of Horror and decided to drop by." Nightmare drawled, flinching sharply when Dust caught one of his tentacles.
Killer growled at Dust, and you assumed they must've been competing, as Killer only had slime on his hands, while Dust held a tentacle. "LET GO OF ME YOU IMBECILES!!" Nightmare screeched, tentacles thrashing wildly about as he nearly speared them, Killer more closely than Dust.
"Damn this is why I don't take sidekicks, you two are always fucking about!" Nightmare hissed, watching as Killer and Dust sunk back into the floor like dejected puppies. You felt a little sorry for them, but also questioned Nightmare's outburst, why did he get so mad all of a sudden? Maybe his tentacles were sensitive, but if that were the case, how does he bare with all the impaling and grabbing and... choking??
You shuddered thinking about it, the slightest amount of teal on Nightmare's cheek quickly being swept under a rush of slime, prompting more thoughts. "Time passes slower there, which means back at my mansion it's been what... 3 days?" Nightmare continued, glaring over at you to make sure you weren't just staring off into the dark abyss.
"Lemme get straight to the point pet, if you don't hurry, I'll come and get Horror myself... you don't want that do you?" Nightmare teased, taking his hand out his pocket to reveal a cookie, which reminded you— if you were successful, didn't he owe you one of those? You kept your gaze fixated on it, a small part of you debating on whether it was logical that he stored it in his pocket, or the fact that there was no slime on it.
"You're lucky I'm in a good mood, I asked Cross and he told me to murder your ass, claiming you were filthy, and useless... which I can't deny per-say." He spat, making you feel a bit self-conscious and doubtful, but you kept your head up nonetheless. "You have until the end of the current Omaga-Timeline week, any longer and you'll be surprised to know how closely I manage my time." Nightmare finished, tossing the cookie into his mouth before standing up, forcing you to look up at him.
You felt the goop around your hands and feet loosen, and you cautiously pushed yourself up, keeping an eye on Nightmare for any unexpected moves. When he did nothing, you stiffly bowed and waited to be sent out of the dreamscape, so when you weren't, confusion overrode your senses.
But, a long, sharp tentacle spearing through your abdominal area made you aware not only that this was your ending, but also that Nightmare did not like you... that much was supported by the murderous smile he wore, widening when you vomited your own bodily fluids from your mouth, the pain unbearable and the shock overwhelming, soon enough though, everything was over.
You were awake again, and with company.
Moo Moo, some way to end a chapter, but this is 1/2!!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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