Good Things Don't Last
—Nightmare's POV—
"Alright guys, today we're going to take care of a problem I've been dealing with since day one." I announced, looking over my comrades with a glint of angst in my eye. True, I was the somewhat lord of negativity, but there were some negative feelings that I just thought were utterly disgusting.
"Thanks to our conman Dust over there," I gestured towards the comically bowing skeleton. "I've successfully located the Star Shits base." A sinister grin crept across my face. "So guess who were raiding next~?" A cheer erupted from my little group, the only silent one being Cross, our newest member.
I spared him a glance, but he was busy fiddling with his thumbs. "Oh! And Dust," I looked at him and all the cheering stopped. "Make sure you be a gentleman and thank the kind blue lad who gave us the location." He nodded, smirking as he thought about god knows what.
We were gonna have a field day.
—Your POV—
You'd been here for a week now, nothing interesting had happened except you sitting around watching tv. On one occasion, while watching a long movie, you fell asleep leaning on Blue, but he didn't mind because he's a magnificent pillow. Just the thought made you flush, but you didn't fight it since you were the only one here.
Blue and Dream were out doing something. Blue had begged to stay here and guard the place with you, but Ink had to shoot him down, reminding him it was his turn to guard the place. And currently, you were lazily vegged out across the couch, staring at the TV, carelessly flicking through channels.
The only interesting thing on being the news, which you watched with eagle eyes. You huffed, as you pushed yourself into a proper sitting position, just as Ink came downstairs.
"Whatcha' watchin'?" Ink asked curiously, his ever-changing eye lights scanning you fondly.
"I'm watching the news channel." You mumbled, attention more so focused on the television than poor Ink. He too turned to face the screen, and upon seeing it his smile dropped.
"All these constant reminders of what we're not doing..." Ink sighed, seemingly guilty. You pouted a bit, knowing no one can do everything. Ink just looked so sad... yet unbeknownst to you, this was simply Ink testing your reactions.
Without thinking, you lunged over to hug the sad skeleton, gently wrapping your arms around him. After making an unrecognizable noise, Ink hugged you back, softly wrapping his arms around you.
"Please don't pressure yourself Ink, I believe you guys are doing all you can." You whispered kindly.
After 10 or so seconds you let go of Ink, smiling reassuringly at his smooth bony face. Then, returned to flicking through the channels on TV, before giving up and ultimately turning it off.
You went up to your room, and sat on your bed, maybe to plot on pranking Blue for being a good cook. Speaking of cooking maybe you should cook something for Ink? Sounds nice but all you can make is toast... Scrunching the blanket up in your hands you became determined to cook for the mysterious skeleton.
As soon as you got up though, a loud CRASH followed by some laughter and a yelp rang out. You froze unsure of what to do, you crept across the room only to hear Ink's obviously pained voice scream;
"STAY BACK—" Followed by what sounded like water sloshing and a couple grunts and growls.
Quickly and quietly, you shut the door and locked it, the notion coming that you were under attack. You felt your heart triple-flip right into your stomach, as sweat and adrenaline started pouring off you. You made a futile attempt of hiding by locking yourself in the closet, deep down knowing if anyone were to come in you'd be screwed, having no escape anyway.
You wondered what was going on while you were in hiding?
—Horror's POV— (A few moments earlier)
Hell yeah.
Boss was right. It was just three of us for a 'fair fight' but only one Star Shit was here! It was me, Nightmare, and Dust, causally spying through the window at Ink, who was making popcorn.
I watched as he took it out the microwave, and dumped it into a large bowl. Nightmare then busted the door down with me and Dust snickering manically.
Time seemed to go very slow for a moment, all the adrenaline rushing through me took a moment to appreciate Ink's stupid reaction. He shoved a fist full of popcorn in his mouth, upon seeing us though, his jaw dropped, making some of the popcorn fall onto the couch.
Immediately, Nightmare saw the advantage and took it lunging onto the stunned skeleton, earning a loud 'STAY BACK' before his tentacles wrapped around the skeleton's mouth and pinned his arms and legs.
First things first, I love buttered popcorn.
I have a tumblr :).
Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed! Maybe drop a vote for meh?
- De Moogus
P.S shits bout to go down.
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