Dreadful Reunion
Just a quick note before we start, I'm sorry for today's slowness, on Saturdays I'm not allowed to use devices. Also! I'll be attending a special party tomorrow and you may not get any new chapters.
Tw: Violence
Sincerest of apologies, - De Moogus.
—Horror's POV—
I watched as Ink desperately thrashed around in Nightmare's tentacles. Once trapped in those though, there's no escape. I looked at Dust, who looked at me, and we stood staring at each other with stupid grins, for a long minute.
Nightmare huffed, catching our attention, and gestured outwardly with his arms. "Go explore the place numbskulls. Search it for anything..." He looked at Ink. "Special."
At that moment, Ink started madly kicking and squirming, possibly because there was something special they were hiding from us. Nightmare smirked knowingly at us, then with a hearty squeeze of his tentacles, a sickening crack rang out, and poor Ink went limp.
My first intention was to walk over to the discarded bowl of popcorn, and devour the warm provisions in a matter of seconds. Sighing in satisfaction, I proceeded to nod at Dust, who would explore the bottom floor, whilst I explored the top.
The upper floor seemed to house all of the bedrooms, as the first one said,'Blue' the next one being;'Dream' and the last 'Ink'. The final door had no name, but it was there. First I checked Blue's room, rummaging through everything, flipping over beds and sifting through closets.
Nothing interesting.
Then Dream's room. Again, I went around, searching drawers, checking curtains, and messing up sheets just for the hell of it. Other than a bag of popato chisps, (which he quickly ate) I found nothing of interest to me. Now, boss might come up behind me and say otherwise but I didn't care at the moment.
Finally Ink's room, initially, the door was locked. But what use is a lock when I have an axe? In just two chops the door was already in shreds. I scoffed lightly, how pathetic. I went around the room, a cute little rune like thingy catching my eye, so I pocketed it and kept looking.
Again, nothing interesting.
Now for the final door. I walked in expecting more than what I saw. Well, there was definitely someone besides those Star Shits that live here. The bed was all I needed to know that theory was true.
It was ruffled, obviously made in a hurry. Also, there was a phone on the nightstand, charging. The Lock Screen was... a human doing peace sign all up in the camera with a smiling face. I chuckled at it, the idiot didn't have a password so I put my number in and messaged myself the photo.
Momentarily, I was distracted searching the phone, having already searched the room, but then a shuffle from the closet caught my attention, making me shift and sit up.
I still had one last bit to search.
—Your POV—
You were already terrified, trapped in a dark closet, with murderers at your doorstep. The fact that you heard movement coming from the other side of the door only frightened you more. You gave yourself a quick pat down, searching frantically for your phone.
However, you didn't notice the noise you'd made by rubbing against the closet wall.
You heard footsteps stop in front of the closet door, and instinctually, you pressed yourself against the darkest corner of the closet, holding your breath and praying whoever was out there wouldn't come in and hurt you.
Suddenly, an axe slammed through the locked wooden door, making you freeze, the words coming from the perpetrator not making you any more comfortable.
"Here's Horror~."
You internally cringed, somehow recognizing the voice as the door was harshly pried open, one lone blood-red eye light scanning the closet. You recognized that eye light! It was from that skeleton who... destroyed your universe.
Frowning softly at the thought, you failed to notice the eye light was now looking directly at you, a look of greed and admiration in it. Yet, feeling the gaze on you, you slowly looked up, trying to delay the inevitable by maybe going slowly.
Your eyes locked once more, except this time you were actually in trouble.
Skeletal hands reached out and tightly wrapped themselves around your arm, making you scream as you were yanked forward and out of the closet, into the skeleton's chest. Immediately you looked up, watching the single eye light drift over you, fascination and selfishness filling it.
He stopped at your eyes a sinister look now in his. You yelped as he hoisted you over his shoulder and took you down to the living room, however it was hard to miss the odd hooded skeleton...smelling Blue's clothes...?
From your view of things, you were upfront listening to Horror (because you concluded thats his name) speak to his boss.
"Hey looky here huh boss? I found something cute." You flushed, but didn't dare move.
"Oh wow, why didn't you just eat it like you always do?" That part made you flinch, looking cautiously towards the side of Horror's skull, only now noticing the large hole in it.
"Didn't feel like it." You felt Horror shrug, a small bounce forcing you to readjust.
"Say, boss I kinda like this one... can I keep it?" You could feel the puppy dog eyeliness in his voice, it made you want to giggle but you certainly didn't want to have the attention on you.
"Hmmm..." You could feel and eye light scanning over you, but this gaze wasn't selfish and fascinated like Horror's it was cold and menacing, making you shiver.
"No way." Horror flinched at this, then quickly regained composure and countered.
"But, we could use...uuuh...a housekeeper??" All your feeling dropped. Were you seriously going to get unconditionally signed up for a job you didn't want?
After a long moment of silence and thinking Horror's boss finally came to a decision.
"Fine" He sneered. "But only of your pet agrees."
Done! I wrote a slightly longer one tonight because I don't have time to do 2 sorry!
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
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