Yeah. Hey guys, just wanna say we're in the homestretch ;-;. Playing with my food is almost over, with maybe 2-10 more chapters left depending on how much I stretch this out. The same warnings don't really apply too much, so just some Lust shenanigans at the end and some jokes about watching hentai. I'd still be a bit weary if last chapter was skipped tho.
—Your POV—
The skeletons around you cheer as Nightmare yells. Reaper seems to have won everybody's favor, and not even by force. You guess he deserves at least a small kudos for that.
"Give it up for Reaps!" Killer announces, pleased. "Wouldn't have thought of it myself, so it's plausible!"
"You don't even have a brain to think though." Dust quips, tossing Killer a careless smirk. "Personally I was thinking of it already."
"Ooo I would not just take that." You hear Horror murmur beside you, a playful grin attacking his face as Killer scoffed.
"You guys don't have brains either!" Killer accused, pointing at Dust and Horror decisively. "And y'all do dumb crap too!"
"Not as much as you." Nightmare sneers, joining in. "You've got some real nerve messing with me just because I can't actively torture you to death."
"Actually I don't." Killer reminded him, turning to him in full and gesturing vividly to himself. "Pure bone here."
Nightmare went to snap something back, but Reaper intervenes like an exhausted parent tired of their kids arguing all day. He looks the part too, with his sleepless eyes which somehow manifested dark, giant bags under them.
"Hey guys, it didn't take me nerves or a brain to think that up." Reaper states, briefly glancing at you before continuing. "So that makes all of you stupid."
Grumbles go throughout the room as sharp glares are sent around. You give Horror a pat on the knee and he nuzzles your hair softly. Reaper motions for you guys to get off your couches and everyone rises.
Error then utilizes his strings to raise them all up to the roof, where they securely hang unbothered and unreachable. A feeling of slight anxiety creeps up your spine. You don't want to be crushed by a couch, so you'll just stay from under them and stay off Error's bad side. That should keep you safe.
"Don't worry Cupcake." Horror whispers next to you, guiding the tilt of your head from the ceiling to his face, smiling warmly. "Nothing bad's gonna happen Error's not going to pull any strings."
It takes you a moment to realize, but you deadpan are the blatant and horrible pun. Pushing him in mock disinterest as Lust slides forth and takes his spot. Horror looks flabbergasted and Lust looks much too innocent for his name.
"Right, everyone grab your stuff." Reaper instructs, and you watch as Killer and Dust run off to the storage room. Error teleports somewhere and Cross stays with Nightmare. "I'll go ahead and move the television..."
"Hey there lov—"
"Move it you whore!" Horror pushes Lust out the way as you start on your way to the stairs. You have a few sheets up in the supply closet you could lay out for everyone. Sheets and blankets, pillows and comforters, the whole nine.
You have a box of glow sticks too, which are all different types of bright and saturated colors. Perhaps a party is about to commence.
When you return, Killer stands in the center of the room, holding a wine glass high above his head. Everyone else holds wine glasses too, gathered around like a cult.
"A toast!" Killer shouts, his voice echoing as Nightmare coughs. "To the gift of that!"
Theatrically, Killer points to Nightmare, and whistles fill the air. Everyone toasts to Killer as Nightmare throws his glass to the floor, spilling wine as glass shatters. Even Cross betrays him with a small chuckles as the toast is made. No one else seems to care.
In his rage, Nightmare spots you, setting down the supplies on a nearby coffee table to maybe ask Reaper about setup. Immediately the flames of his anger are somewhat fanned, seeing the only person in the mansion he might be able to get over on.
"Hey you!" He yells, pointing at his own mess as you roll your eyes. "Clean this up! You're a housekeeper not a—"
"How about no." You reply curtly, successfully grabbing the attention of everyone else as Nightmare fumes. "Clean up your own mess, please."
"You fu—"
"Hey you heard them!" Killer boasts, laughing wildly. "Clean it up princess!"
"Yeah." Dust agrees, grabbing Nightmare an apron and a rag. "Clean up time."
"Great job Cupcake." Horror mumbles regretfully by your side. "You just sealed our fate."
"You'll regret this..." Nightmare hisses, his words full of venom as he crouches low to clean the floor. "I will eradicate all of you."
"I know I'm safe." Reaper snorts, beckoning you as you hear Killer and Dust making flirty remarks to Nightmare as he scrubs the carpet furiously. "No amount of negativity can forgo death. It just makes it easier."
Lust is no where to be seen, you note, walking up to Reaper somewhat cautiously. Horror grabs your hand and grounds you while Reaper looks you over, humming.
"Let's set up those sheets." He says, motioning for everyone to stand aside. "Killer and Dust already got the food, and once little Nighty here finishes we'll get ready to get started."
"Ok." You reply, watching as Nightmare balls up the towel which is now full of glass shards. He flips you off on his way to the kitchen, throwing the apron to the ground and the towel into the sink. No lie, it's funny seeing him act like a toddler instead of the tyrannical monster you've grown to fear. There's just something about his power being reduced so much that makes you want to laugh. You don't know why.
"Well, let's get started."
You, Reaper and Horror set out sheets and blankets uniformly across the floor. A table in the middle for snacks, and a television in the front for everyone to see.
Cross flicks out the lights, and you, Killer and Dust have a heyday snapping all the glow sticks to life. Horror purposefully gives you a jumpscare and Lust does too, except his is more accidental than you give him credit for.
"Let's watch more horror movies." Horror suggests while you settle under the blanket next to him, allowing Lust to sit next to you. He holds a bowl of buttered popcorn. How original.
"Let's not." Reaper says from the blanket over, handling the remote as the television flicks to life. "How about a romcom marathon?"
"That craps for kids!" Killer argues, Dust and Error backing him from somewhere you don't really know. "Let's watch some intense anime!"
"You mean hentai?" Dust jokes out loud as Killer makes a sound of disgust. "I wouldn't mind."
"Me neither..." Lust mumbles next to you. "Just something nice and dirty to get the feels flowing."
"We are not watching that." Cross says suddenly, causing any encore to cease.
"The hell we are." Nightmare mutters disdainfully. "Turn on some true crime documentaries."
"Ok how about we watch some Nisdey Movies." Reaper says, quite definitive. "Maybe Xipar is more you guys' speed."
"Just turn on an action movie or something." You say, since everything else has been shot down already. "I don't care."
"Not the housekeeper suggesting the best damn thing I've heard all night." Nightmare growls, murmurs of similar sentiments going throughout the room. "Go ahead, you got my vote."
Horror nudges you as everyone else slowly agrees. For once, you feel a sense of validation fill you. They're not only accepting your ideas, they're listening and agreeing with them. Not to mention how Killer actually stood up for you, though you question if it was out of spite for Nightmare or... no it was spite.
"Good pick." Horror tells you, planting a kiss on your forehead. You blush, and Lust trills in joy.
"Right." Reaper says, clicking the action sub-header and selecting some random movie.
Everyone quiets down as the movie begins, starting your movie marathon.
Time for a good night.
[A small additional snippet, taking place between the events of 'The tenderest of care' and '🍪']
Lust ran around aimlessly, in search of something he forgot he was looking for. Everyone was currently up front without him. He didn't know why they'd bustled down the hall so loudly earlier, it woke him up.
Then it hit him. He was looking for the bathroom. Of course.
But, the bathroom door was closed.
Lust had half the mind to open it, his fingers flexing in anticipation, but he contained himself. Privacy was valued around here for some reason. That made things a tad harder.
"Hello~." Lust cooed at the door, knocking sweetly. "Who would by chance be in there?"
"I don't know..." A voice Lust recognized called back. "Care to guess?"
"Someone... tall, dark, and handsome!" Lust guessed, playfully putting a hand to his chin.
The door swung open, Lust wasn't able to register that before an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him close to none other than Reaper.
"Well I'm flattered." He chuckled, letting Lust quietly burn in embarrassment. "But you're right."
Reaper let Lust go, giggling as he stood against the hallway wall.
"Go ahead I'm done." He said, gesturing to the restroom. "Just don't take too long I wanted to say something to you."
"Kay." Lust replied, closing the bathroom door casually as Reaper uttered something from the other side.
"I won't be long."
I'm melting. Finals are almost done, but I cannot stand being in home room until like, 1 pm doing crap like testing and playing Uno. Like bro. So so boring ngl.
On the upside, the kitty's gettin better! Her eyes are clearing up guys!! Meow!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
- De Moogus
(Woohoo this one was long I love that)
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