Tw: Aggressive behavior/Borderline violence
—Horror's POV—
I was feeling a bit homesick. Well, maybe not for the house but for a specific person in it. I just wanted to see my special pastry! I'd been thinking about them all day, with every life I took I'd whisper their name, thinking maybe they'd be there if I turned around, which was stupid but I tried nonetheless.
I bounced up and down impatiently as Nightmare fumbled with his keys, muttering curses as they stuck together due to his slime.
"What's gotcha so excited Horror?" Dust queried from behind me, making me whip around to face him. Just as I spoke up Killer answered, saying something I wasn't very fond of. "Y'know, he's just excited to see his little snack thing, he's treatin' them well but you know what happened to all the other pets he lets in our domain." Killer sneered, earning a snicker from Dust as he smirked at me.
"It's either that or he's gone soft~." Dust added, wiggling his eyebrows and shifting a tad bit closer. "It's not that I swear." I growled, my mind screaming in opposition considering I'd been longing to see her for the majority of my morning and afternoon. "Sure it isn't." Killer and Dust purred simultaneously, before staring at each other awkwardly. "I swear!! And I'm willing to bet!" I pleaded, noticing Nightmare's yelp of triumph upon grasping the correct key.
Killer and Dust huddled together, but I couldn't help but notice the unmistakable figure of Error slide in and influence some opinion before returning to his original spot. I cut my eyes at that, but straightened out my face as Killer and Dust come back over to discuss their deal with me.
"Now remember, you said you were willing to bet, so any wussing out will not be tolerated under our conduct." Killer stated imperially, though still tilted his head to look up at me.
Dust nodded, and went to say something, but then tentacles wrapped around all of our waists, a collective shudder coming from us. I craned my neck to see Nightmare, thoroughly scanning the three of us, behind him an unamused Cross and a distracted Error, playing cat's cradle again. "You all are fucking goldfish." Nightmare muttered upon bringing us in, promptly dropping us upon entry to ogle at someone who wasn't here when we left. ("Hey let's not forget who can't even choose the right fucking key because he'd rather be a slimy dumbass.")
There was this asshole dressed in black, the bastard fit the description of the person that slut described to me earlier. Instinctually I growled at them, and got up off the floor catching sight of the extremely wide and monstrous smirk Nightmare wore, which slightly creeped me out. Now, most things don't really scare me, yeah I get the jitters and might be a tad bit jumpy, but Nightmare's murderous expression along with the aura he was giving off, and his dangerously lashing tentacles legitimately gave me the willies.
I felt a bit more safe seeing the similar expressions of my comrades, Killer and Dust's startled expressions, terrified into hiding behind me. Error was slightly composed, more of a stressed expression rather than scared, but the notion was the same, not to mention the fact that he had shifted to standing behind the couch, a slight tremor going through him every few seconds. Cross was unsurprisingly the most resilient, a few drops of sweat here and there, and a tensed look on his skeletal face.
The creepiest thing was that the cloaked bastard had the same exact mirrored look on his face, but with a hint of smugness in it, which confused me. He was sitting at the table with my Cupcake, who noticed our arrival and Nightmare's soul stopping gaze, clearly terrifying them as well. I bit my tongue, letting the tense atmosphere grow thicker with every second, surveying the kitchen and sparsely spotting Crooks in the very back, preparing spaghetti for everyone.
It seemed like we'd stay like this forever, this thick region of time where everything was slowed indefinitely, nothing ever changes and we all stand here staring at one another for the longest time imaginable. It really hadn't been too long honestly, we'd all probably been frozen like this for under thirty seconds, but it really felt like days. Just when it seemed the area couldn't become any heavier, that bastard had to open his damned mouth.
"Well... Nighty long time no see."
"Heh... I could say the same for you bud."
Then in the blink of an eye socket, Nightmare was over by Reaper, tentacles poised threateningly and ready to attack. "Attacking me so soon?" Reaper queried, chuckling darkly as he dashed out of the way, over to Cross who was too slow to react, and unfortunately got caught in Reaper's trap. The poor guy was too arrogant, standing out in the open instead of hiding behind a person of some furniture, how pompous.
Reaper, put Cross in a headlock with one arm, holding his other hand an inch away from his face, the whole time snickering like a loon. Cross struggled so hard, shouting curses and thrashing about, but nothing he did got him free, and he was meaningfully trying to escape. To be honest, I kinda felt bad for the little stuck-up better-than-everyone-else delinquent caught by this bastard. He didn't really deserve this... well maybe he did.
"I'll kill him~." Reaper chirped, moving his other hand half an inch closer to his face. Though it was still gloved, I could tell that glove could be gone in less than a second.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT." Nightmare roared, dropping his tentacles and throwing his hands up. He was fully agitated now, his eye twitching with hatred and animosity.
"I just wanna join you..." Reaper replied coyly. "Y'know offer my services..." This bastard was so smooth with the way he spoke, like he didn't have a care in the world, as though everything was just a game to him.
"I mean you don't have much a choice Octo, it's either you accept me as your own, or lil' Crossy and his ghost bud here lose their precious lives." Reaper said, smirk widening cockily as he brought his hand yet closer to Cross' face, now being a quarter of an inch away.
"FINE!" Nightmare barked, stomping over and snatching a petrified Cross from the cloaked bastard of death, who quickly started with the apologies and sob stories.
Meanwhile, my Cupcake's glance landed on Reaper instead of me, which made me slightly jealous of this bastard, who on cue, tilted all his cockiness and smug shit to me.
This was war, war for the attention of my Cupcake. And I was not going to lose.
Woah, I have never had to spend so much time looking up synonyms online for a single chapter... NEW FAVORITE CHAPTER!!! (But seriously, to ensure the most quality and top notch reading experience we only type the most fine and well fitting words for our stories. Thank you.)
Thanks for Reading hope you enjoyed. :3 I sense a good day coming up.
- De Moogus
(Edit: like I was very very proud when I released this but now I feel cringey asf wth)
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