It had been a month since I'd last seen Bri. My mind had been like a never-ending, spinning top. Going round and round in circles and nothing ever really becoming clearer. Bri and her doctor...that one had gone decently. Her doctor had taken the hint I'd dropped and connected the dots. To be honest, I wasn't very proud about how I'd done that. But at least now both Bri and her doctor knew what they were playing with here.
Unfortunately, I'd screwed up the car ride back. None of what had happened should have. Gotta keep a tighter reign, I told myself harshly. I couldn't afford to let something like that happen again...My control was already shaky enough as it was...If I lost control completely? It would be a disaster, put nicely.
Groaning, I covered my face with my hands, leaning forward in my chair.
"Problems?" Bren asked evenly.
Lowering my hands, I glanced up at him, sighing. "Problems doesn't even begin to describe it," I grumbled darkly. "I've got two kids on the way and a women who can't stand me."
"Ever think of not being an ass? Maybe Bri will fall for you then," he chuckled.
I reared back in my seat, shooting him a glare. "What? Fall for me? Never in a million years. Besides, I don't want or need her to."
Bren eyed me for a long moment before tipping back his can of cola. "Hmm...That's not what I'm getting from you."
"You shut your fucking mouth...please," I barely remembered to add.
He nodded his head in a slight acknowledgment. "Alright...Touchy, are we? But that just serves to prove my point," he smiled in challenge for me to seriously use my power over him.
Growling, I threw out a shockwave of cold air to release some of my anger. "I don't have time for these jokes. It's getting closer every day, and with this...hiccup, how the fuck am I going to manage to do what needs to be done?"
He shifted from where he'd been leaning against my kitchen island. "What if you just tell her? You know, let her see you when-"
"Absolutely not!" I snarled, feeling my control on my temper slip even more. Sucking in a deep breath, I panted. Bren watched me apprehensively but said nothing, not daring to move an inch, not even to shift his position slightly. When I truly got angry, he knew how much damage I could cause. Bren had helped me clean up more than a few…messes over the years and I couldn’t afford to let another happen yet again.
Especially since my newest one happened to involve Bri and two innocent, defenseless, blameless children.
Groaning in a mixture of disbelief, horror, and frustration, I raked my fingers through my hair. “I. Can’t. Do. That.” I reminded him tightly. “You. Know. Why.”
He slowly nodded, his body relaxing, very slightly. “Yeah…I know why you feel like you can’t do it. I understand your reasons why very well. But I still feel like…Felix, this shit is important. She’s the mother of your children, whether you wanted any or not. It’s happening and she’s going to be a part of your life, a very important one, if you want anything to do with those girls. If you want to see them or be a part of their lives, Bri’s going to be your gateway. If nothing else…Felix, this shit could be genetic, you have no idea. And what if it is? Do you really think it’s fair for Bri to have to walk into this mess blind?”
Damn it…He’s right. Why does he have to be right? The logical part of my mind was both annoyed and saddened.
I don’t fucking care! No one can know about it! The illogical part of my mind was just seething.
Glaring at him, I crossed my arms over my chest. “Aiden and Sera don’t have this problem, do they? Answer me, with the truth,” I ordered.
Bren’s jaw flexed in pain, but he dipped his head in a glare as well. “No,” he admitted darkly.
“Then that means it’s most likely not genetic,” I insisted, feeling better.
“Oh, that is fucking bullshit and you know it!” Bren yelled. He tossed his half-empty can at my head, which I ducked easily, but he hadn’t been trying to seriously hit me. “Get your fucking head out of your own ass for five minutes and think about someone else, you prick! You can’t say anything for certain! Maybe it just skips a generation or maybe you got it from-” He stopped abruptly, his face paling as he realized his mistake.
The thread of my control stretched out just a little more, nearly snapping with the reminder of that secret of mine. “Got if from my father you mean?” I chuckled, feeling a dangerous smile lift my lips. “Maybe I did…He was, after all, out of control with his emotions. He went so crazy he stole away my uncle’s wife and took her for his own. He ruined her life. He both raped her mind, her memories, and her body, for seven years. Are you saying that perhaps my…problems come from him? Well…Maybe you’re right,” I growled, the promise of pain and death rumbling out of my chest.
Rising to my feet slowly from my chair, I began to stalk toward Bren, feeling my lips pull up into a sadistic smile. “There’s so much shit I could make you do, Bren. It’s so easy. I just have to…Say. The. Words,” I purred, reaching out to lift a finger to press against his chest.
Seeing the look in his sea-green eyes, I felt a prick of my sense and control come back. Growling, I jerked my eyes toward the door of my apartment. “Go, leave! Before I really do something I’ll regret to you later…”
He didn’t say a word as he left. But his face was pale, his expression the same as someone who was long past weary. And, to be honest, I didn’t blame Bren. He’d put up with my family, been taking care of us-especially the younger generation-for twenty years now. He’d been with us through thick, thin, even thinner, hell, high water, and the occasional snow storm too. He’d been like a rock to Aiden, Sera, and I. He’d been our big brother and I cared for him as such. Even so…siblings were always pains in the ass and Bren was just the same at times. I knew he meant well, but this was one of those times and nothing he wanted me to do was a good idea.
I had too many secrets…Too many aspects of my life that revolved around making sure the part of me I despised, hated, and feared, was never allowed to see daylight. It would ruin not only my life, but the life of everyone I knew. I shuddered at just the thought.
Grimacing, I glanced around my apartment, taking in it’s whole layout. One bedroom, one bath, a open bedroom-living room design, and then a small kitchen on the far side. Really, I mainly paid for the fact that it was a penthouse suite, in a high-scale building, and had a ridiculous-sized private pool in the back of the building. Besides, you know, the location, which was in the middle of Tempus. It was roughly forty minutes away from the Winter Palace, but mostly all I cared about was that it was mine.
My space, one that I never allowed any others-besides Bren-into. I’d never invited my parents, siblings, or any of the many women I had relationships with to this place. I only allowed Bren because he was my one and only confidant since he couldn’t ever say a word of what he saw and knew. Of course, Bren only knew because he’d caught me when the change had…happened, when I was twelve. It had come on so suddenly that it had taken me a few awkward months to learn how to control it, to keep myself in line. To act the way I wanted to, instead of the way the change wanted me to.
Even so…I’d never breathed a word to my parents, terrified as a kid of how they’d reject me. From what Bren told me when I ordered him to scout out a few days after he found out and I forced him to never be able to say a word, my parents had just thought it had been puberty weirdness. Which…it could have been, at least partly. But if so, then my puberty had been a lot weirder and much more complicated than any other guy I knew of.
Shaking my head, I moved away from the kitchen counter, padding toward the entire wall of windows that looked out over the south side of the city. Staring out at the night sky slowly began to calm me a little more and more. After five minutes, I felt the dark emotions retreat. Thankful, I let out low breath of relief. Moving to my bed, I sat down, picking up my phone which was sitting down on the little wooden bar against the wall my bed was pressed to. Pulling up my messages, I tapped Bri’s thread.
I hadn’t actually gone and seen her in person over the past month…I’d been too much of a coward, really. The amount of terror I felt every time I thought about those twin girls…Babies that, against all fucking odds, I’d knocked Bri up with…The terror and panic was honestly more than I could handle. Most of the time, it was so thick, I was sure it was going to strangle me. It was a battle to not let it show on my face, let alone not succumb to it.
Especially when I said the things I knew would cut through Bri. I did it for three reasons. First off, it was in reaction to my own feelings. How I felt pissed me off; the terror, the guilt, the panic, the sorrow, and the reluctant, hesitant joy. So, in reaction, I lashed out at Bri for making me feel like I was. I couldn’t stand to let myself feel any of that shit. Emotions took too much out of me, drained my energy that I required to keep my problems at bay. I didn’t need them, didn’t want them. Give me booze and sex. That’s all I wanted. At least those two things were safe…those two let me forget about the hell, the shit that was my life every second of every day…
Second, once I’d learned about the Other nature of the twins, I’d realized that it was probably best to help Bri feel shitty, right along with me. At least then, while we were both suffering, one of us was doing something good with it. My misery didn’t do anything good or positive. With Bri’s it provided life and nutrition to our kids.
The thought made me laugh. A humorless, broken laugh, but at least it was something.
Our fucking kids, I thought, in the same tone as my laugh. Our little demons that take after their father and grandfather more than any one ever should. Oh, gods…
Yet another reason why I’d been so terrified of having children. Even so…Damn it, I should have just gotten myself fixed! I snarled internally. But I hadn’t. And now not only was I paying for it, but so was the woman and infants I’d dragged into it…
“Damn it!” I shouted, pouring shadows and darkness into the apartment in reaction to how I felt. The place grew darker and darker, until it was in a darkness so complete it would have driven a human mind mad. It was the sort of darkness that creatures beyond human understanding and acceptance was drawn to.
“It’s just perfect for me then,” I chuckled darkly. I let the darkness surround me for a few seconds more before banishing it. I could feel…unpleasant beings drawn toward it and I had no wish to have to deal with them. Lifting the shadows, I took in a deep breath before glancing back down at the phone screen. The last message I’d sent Bri had been pretty simple.
Please be ready to go around three tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be swinging by that little café a few blocks to the west of the house. I have a place I want to show you. It’s important. Can I expect to see you then?
She’d taken awhile to respond, but eventually she had…Yeah, sure. See you at three, then.
I could just imagine she was going to fly into a rage off the bat and it almost made me smile. Almost. The main thing stopping it was how much of a headache it would cause me. But Brionia Hymn was fucking sexy when she was angry and I couldn’t help but want her. I’d been hopelessly attracted to her since meeting her, honestly.
...That one night, when I’d finally managed to have her…Well, saying it haunted my dreams was an understatement.
What annoyed me most though was that it didn’t just act as a good wet dream. Sometimes it almost seemed to mess with my head and my heart, not just my body. Which…yeah, wasn’t a good thing it my book. Still, just thinking about it now was making a line of sweat run down my back. I swallowed, feeling the heat start to rise higher and higher. “Fuuuuuuuck,” I swore vehemently.
As if timed by the very cosmos themselves, my doorbell rang. Growling in frustrated need and annoyance, I didn’t even care who the hell was at the door. And what did it matter if I was quite hot and bothered by the very thought of one. Fucking. Woman?!
Ah, I thought with a little smug grin as I started toward my door. Yep, I fucked Bri nine ways to heaven alright, I chuckled. At the door, I didn’t pause to look through the peephole. Unlatching the locks, I jerked it open, glaring at the intruder. “What do you want?”
I blinked, taking in the sight of the little dark-skinned, Angelica Miles who lived down on the second floor apartment. The two of us had had a few tussles here and there. To be honest, seeing her was a relief. I needed a outlet, and she was sexy enough I could bang her. It also helped, I knew in the back of my mind, that she was only a little lighter skinned than Bri was. Truly, I just wanted the woman who haunted my dreams at night, but there was no way in hell she was ever going to let me touch her again.
I knew that. It was a hard, strangling pill to swallow too. It
was one I knew I deserved. But I couldn’t help but hate it. I wanted…I needed Bri’s body. Fuck, how the hell had this happened? I’d never been addicted to a woman before. They were all the same. Good for sex, pleasure, fun, and some old-fashioned debauchery.
Shrugging, I flashed Angelica a smile. I’ll take what I can get, I decided. “Hey, Angel. What’s up?” I asked in a casual tone.
Her black eyes were filled with admiration, ogling my body, before getting snagged and stuck at my growing erection. She licked her lips and shot a pleased little smile. “Well, I see you already are. Mind if I come in and…join you?” she asked in a purr.
"Not here," I replied tightly. "Give me just a second to get my phone and then we can head to your place." True to my word, I turned on my heel and moved back into my room. Snatching up my phone and room keys, I locked the door behind me. Facing her again, I flashed a grin before waving my hand toward the elevator. "Lead the way," I murmured.
In just less than three minutes we reached her apartment door. She unlocked it, holding the door open wide to allow me in first before following very close behind. Like some animal, she attacked, latching herself on to me and shimming down to her knees just as I was closing the door and locking it behind her. I grinned at the sight of her on her knees, rushing to pull down my pants and boxers. Damn, I thought with a silent laugh. She must have been H.O.R.N.Y! Her mouth came around my cock like a smooth, hot, moist glove and I groaned in contented pleasure. Fucking hell yes, sometimes a slut is so much better than a classy lady. They don’t care about small talk, manners, or playing the game of attraction. All they want is dick and I’m more than happy to provide my services.
Bri was a classy lady. Angelica was a slut, as she was proving as her mouth and fingers played with me with a skill and ease of very long practice. I wouldn’t be surprised if Angelica had been one of those thirteen year old girls who’d got around giving blow jobs to every half-decent looking guy she could find to pin down long enough. Especially with how greedily she went at it. I could feel my body temperature rising by a few more degrees, making me sweat a little. But…unsurprisingly, I’d been discovering over the last several months to my great annoyance, none of the women I was with seemed to turn me on enough to reach the full level of my arousal.
Well…at least as close to full level that I could get, at the very least. My actual full level was being in my true form, but I wasn’t personally into full-blown bestiality. So, yeah, nah. For me, it was more like my body temperature would get so hot it would go beyond the levels I could normally handle, blood literally boiling in my veins. I’d never experienced it before…
Until I was fucking Bri.
To say I’d been both terrified and euphoric, nearly out of my mind with the emotions, was the understatement of the century. I had literally thought I was going to die, had seen my own death approaching at breakneck speed...
I hadn’t given a DAMN, because all that had mattered was that I climbed even further into Bri, soaked even further under her skin, absorbed more of her scent, her taste, her voice, her laugh.
Gods, just the thought, the memories…
My eyes fluttered close and I felt my release come over me. Angelica let out a breathy moan, swallowing and licking up the remains of my semen. I almost felt a little bad. She’d been trying so hard, and she’d honestly been good…in a basic, bland way. But just the memories of Bri had burned away everything else.
Sucking in a shaky breath, I told myself to push it all away, to stop thinking about her. Besides, even if she would be okay with having sex with me again, wasn’t it better not to? Wasn’t it…dangerous or something to have sex with a pregnant woman? I wasn’t really sure, and that made me frown.
“W-was it bad?” Angelica asked in worry. “You were…you really seemed to be into it,” she tried to defend herself quickly.
Shaking my head, I shoved down my thoughts. “Angel, it was great. Go clean yourself up and we’ll have some more fun, yeah?” I smiled.
Angelica rose to her feet, glancing at me with an odd look in her eyes before moving further through her apartment to hee bathroom to clean up. Sighing, I followed after her to her bedroom, kicking aside my boxers which had been pooled at my feet. As I stepped into the bedroom, a flash of Bri, in a sexy dark blue teddy, knees on the bed, beckoning me forward, appeared in my vision. The teddy was spread wide between her breasts, covering them, her upper abs, revealing a slit at her belly button, and then covering her crotch. On the tip of her right hand’s index and middle fingers was a pair of handcuffs that she was holding out in invitation.
Gulping nervously, I glanced behind me into the hallway. “Shit, what did that woman do to me?” I muttered darkly under my breath as I glanced back toward the bed. Bri’s tempting, beckoning, mind-consuming, sexy hallucination was nowhere to be seen. “Yeah, of course,” I grumbled. “You make me want only you and then you deny me the cure to the very curse you placed upon me. Evil, beautiful witch!” I hissed. Damn it all, I didn’t want to sex Angelica. I just wanted Bri.
“Fucking hell!” I growled, running my fingers through my hair.
“Felix?” Angelica’s uncertain voice woke me out of my haze.
Carefully pulling up a smile, I turned around to face her. My eyes took in her naked body slowly, and I made myself shut down the part of me that tried to compare her to Bri’s body. That was unfair, even for me. Angelica was a beautiful woman, one I’d normally have no difficulty lusting after. And, damn it all to hell, I was not going to have any difficulty lusting for her today either!
With that thought very determinedly in my mind, I slowly started toward her. Pulling her body close, I lowered my head down to kiss her, letting one of my hands roam over her body. She felt good; soft, and curvy, her breast was full and heavy in my palm. It was a good weight, one that made me groan in pleasure as I swept my tongue deeper into her mouth.
“Felix,” she moaned, wrapping her arms behind my neck to grind herself against me. I switched my hold to slide my hand over her belly and down to her bush, playing with the dark, short curls there. “Mmhmm, touch me,” she begged a few minutes later after I’d teased her for more of her little moans. More than willing, I obliged.
Yep, I thought a few seconds later as just slipping in my finger three inches into her wet folds caused her to orgasm. Her body tensed and tightened and I smiled wickedly at the feel of her, removing my finger a few seconds later to lick the taste of her pleasure away, chuckling at the heat I saw in her dazed eyes as her knees shook. This little angel was definitely feeling devilish today, I thought in amusement. Lowering my head back down to her lips, I kissed her hard, fast, deep. I stole her breath away and she cried out in a mixture of pained pleasure and surprise. Before she could react, I lifted her up into my arms and slid inside her, her legs wrapping around my waist instinctively.
Using my sheer inhuman strength, I lifted her up easily, until my head was just at her entrance. Keeping her there, I rocked my hips, making myself go just a little deeper before retracting. She whimpered, trying to push herself down further onto the length of me. But I wasn’t going to allow that to happen. Now that I’d managed to push aside my increasingly all-consuming need for Bri aside for a time, I was going to get as much out of this woman as she could manage. I was going to keep her up all night, draining every last drop of sex that I could out of the both of us. I needed to get this out of my system tonight if I was going to face Bri tomorrow. If not…
I’d probably attack her and if I did, I’d truly have become my father. Because there’d be no caring if she wanted it or not or if I’d hurt the babies. I needed a woman, one particular woman. Lacking her, I need another woman, any woman, to the point of almost harming her.
I’d never felt such a dark, almost belligerent lust before.
Hell, I’d even go so far as to say it was hateful.
Around me, I could feel the shadows deepening, but I didn’t care. The darkness was squeezing my soul more and more and all I cared about was that I had needs and this woman in my arms was going to fulfill every one of them in that moment.
Laughing out loud as I saw the half-scared, half-excited look on her face as she watched me, I grinned wickedly. “Angel, by the time I’m done with you, you’re going to need a wheelchair.”
She shivered, licking her lips in delight. “You say that, but I don’t think you can back it up,” she giggled.
My smile grew a little more malicious. “Oh, little angel, I assure you. This night is going to haunt your dreams.”
Yep, I thought eight hours later. Sluts really are much better, sometimes.
Angelica was beneath me on the bed, on her stomach, her body so weak she’d lost all her strength awhile ago. She was still enjoying herself. I could tell by her moans and the pulsating warmth and the wetness of her pussy. So, at the very least, the last eight hours hadn’t seen me turn into a rapist. But fuck it all, her body was covered in so many love bites, I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought she’d been beaten. Hell, even now I was pumping into her with a determined, frenzied focus. I’d lost count of the amount of times either of us had come at this point and part of me worried that perhaps I should stop.
I didn’t want to hurt her or cause any permanent damage. But when I thought about stopping, I thought about Bri, and then that dark, rage-filled need came over me and I started through the cycle once again.
Panting, feeling as if I was about to have a heart attack, my blood pressure was so high, I gave one last hard thrust. The orgasm slammed down on me as hard and suddenly as a piano falling on my head and I shouted in the wake of it. Beneath me, Angelica let out a faint cry of surprised, breathy delight, her spine arching to press up toward my body more. Snarling, I forced her down.
Damn it, I needed to stop!
“…A-Angel…I need to…”
“…You’re hard again already? Gods, Felix, how many pills did you take?”
“I…n-no…” I struggled to explain, to think past the raging pain in my head. I didn’t take pills to help with my sexual abilities. Hell, if anything, I needed stuff to make it less, to calm it down. Which I seriously needed right then and there! “…Hurt…y-you,” I managed to gasp out, sucking in shallow gulps of air.
She started to try and shift. I hissed, fighting off that urge that kept telling me to keep banging until I literally dropped. “I…w-well, I mean, I’m honestly exhausted. But you’ve never been so…well, you’ve never been quite so wild with me before and I have to say…I never realized I’d like it so much,” she confessed, thankfully stopping her movements.
“Yeah, well…I guess I had some aggression I needed to work through,” I tried to play it off as a joke.
“Family been bad? I heard your brother just recently got married. Um, congratulations?” she offered awkwardly.
Thanking all the gods, I felt my erection dying. I have to say, this has to be the only time in my life I’m glad to hear my brother’s name brought up while I’m inside a woman.
“Uh, no, my family’s been fine,” I muttered as I stepped back to slide out of her completely. She let out a disappointed little noise, but she didn’t bother trying to move. She just stayed splayed out on the bed, naked ass mooning me as I glanced back at her. Lips twitching in a unexpected, almost loopy moment of humor at the sight of her, I walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway, heading for the bathroom.
Once there, I took a quick shower. The cold water helped cool down my body after being at a hotter level than normal for so long. Returning to the bedroom once I was done, towel wrapped around my hips, I found Angelica was completely passed out, in the same position as when I'd left her earlier.
Shrugging, I returned to the front door, getting my phone from my pants pocket. Checking my phone, I saw that it was nearly seven thirty in the morning, but that wasn’t too surprising. After all, I could see the light coming in from the windows. I gathered up my clothes that had been tossed around the apartment, returning to the bedroom. Setting an alarm on my phone, I placed it on the bedside table, along with my folded clothes, and then I climbed under the sheets of the bed beside Angelica.
Staring up at the ceiling of my room, I tried to fight down the very sudden and random rise of nerves. Turning on my side, facing Angelica, I forced myself to close my eyes and focus on my exhaustion. What would happen would. Besides, did I honestly want what I was going to offer to happen? I wasn’t really certain and that scared me, truthfully.
Groaning in irritation at myself, I jerked the covers up over my head and closed my eyes. Fuck it, I need sleep!
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