S/O to mlml099 for this idea. This is basically just Dodie's POV of chapter 61. Enjoy!
Dodie's POV
Day 23: Ghent, Belgium
"One week!" I shout as (Y/n) walks out of the bathroom, hair still wet from the shower.
"Finally," she sighs, leaning against the counter across from me. However, she only looks more dejected. I start feeling just as hopeless as she looks, when an exciting idea pops into my head.
"Do you think the London show is sold out?"
(Y/n) cocks an eyebrow at me. "Um, I don't know, why?" A wicked grin spreads across my face, which only seems to make her more confused. "What is it?" She asks.
I can't stop grinning, which only makes her smile, and I can't help but rant my idea. "Okay, so, I kinda know their manager," I explain. "So, maybe I could speak to him, and maybe we could buy tickets to the show, at at the end, maybe he can arrange for us to meet Dan and Phil as they exit the stage. It would have to be where non of the fans could see us, because we don't want to spread anything..." although, the stoney expression on her face discourages me, I add, "but, I don't know, it was just an idea."
However, the smile reappears on her face. "That's amazing!" She exclaims. "I'll look on the sight for tickets, and you text or call their manager."
I look at her, and can't help but let out a little squeal before grabbing my phone and searching for their manager, Andrew's, number. As (Y/n) searches for tickets, I call him, and tell him about our plan. With every second, my excitement raises more and more through the roof.
When I finally get off the phone with him, I clap my hands together. "Okay. He's totally down with it, thanks to my charming personality." (Y/n) laughs as I frame my face with my hands under my chin. "So, about ten minutes before the end of the show, we'll have to leave the audience. We'll meet him in some hallway right by the entrance, and he'll bring us backstage."
(Y/n) gives me a toothy grin, before standing up and hopping on her heels. "Ah! This is gonna be so much fun!"
"I know!" I can't help but shout. "Ah!"
Day 26: Amsterdam, Netherlands
With all the excitement running through me this entire week, it only becomes harder and harder to keep the secret. I try my best to not say anything every time I talk to Phil, but no matter how much I try to reassure him, I think he can't help but think I'm trying to avoid him for some reason.
"Dodie...are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" I'm currently on a Skype call with Phil, and I give him my best attempt at a cheery smile, but by his expression, I can tell he doesn't believe me. Luckily, however, he lets it go."
"Anyway, I was saying..." he goes back into whatever tangent he was on, and I can't help but somewhat zone out once again, letting out the occasional "uh, huh" and nod when I think I should. It seems to work, as Phil seems pleased, but I'm not. I just can't wait until I can see him for real.
June 30: London, UK
It's finally here! It's way earlier in the morning than I'm used to being up, and neither (y/n) or I got a wink of sleep last night. We decide to head to a coffee shop down the street from our apartment, needing some caffeine. However, I'm not sure I need it, as the excitement shooting through me seems to be giving me enough energy.
Along with the large coffees, I buy (y/n) and I each a muffin, and I devour mine whole, while she only seems to be picking at hers. I let it slide, and insist on going shopping for the perfect outfit for today. It's the first time I'm seeing Phil in a month, and there's no way I'm not gonna look fucking bomb.
I pick it a cute vintage denim skirt, belt, and cardigan, while (y/n) settles on a leather miniskirt, stripper boots only she can pull off, and a lacy crop top. We both plan on getting shirts to wear before the show.
It's only noon, and we don't have to be at the show until four thirty to meet with Andrew, so we decide to burn an hour of our time at lunch.
"I feel like a child on Christmas Eve," (Y/n) chatters, taking a bite of her salad.
"I know, right?" I laugh. "Actually, I think this might be even worse."
We head back to the apartment, wasting the last two hours doing nothing but watching Netflix and pacing around the apartment, until (Y/n) and I both agree that we should finally start getting ready. I put on my outfit, braid my hair, and do my makeup. I find (y/n) in her room just as she finishes her makeup, and we decide its about time we leave.
"Do you have the tickets?" I ask (y/n) as we both slide into the cab, giving him the address.
"Yeah, they're in my phone," she answers. "Where are we supposed to meet their manager?"
"He said he'll meet us right as we enter," I reply. Seeing as we all have relatively the same audience, Andrew had told me he didn't want any of our fans blowing our cover.
(Y/n) and I make eye contact, and after about three-point-five seconds, we break out into laughter. The driver gives us both a weird look through the rear view mirror, but I'm way too joyful to even care.
We arrive at the venue, pay the taxi driver, and step out onto the pavement. Even with it being about three hours before the show is scheduled to start, there's already easily a crowd for the two of us to disappear into. I grab (Y/n)'s hand, and pull us through the crowd until we finally make it to the back of the line.
"This is fucking crazy," she sighs anxiously. I look at her, and can see the slight panic setting in her expression, and hope to god this line goes by fast, for both or sakes.
After only about thirty minutes, we reach the front of the line, probably because most of the fans had been waiting on the pavement. My first guess is they're currently waiting for Dan and Phil to arrive, not realizing they're most likely already backstage. (Y/n) pulls out her phone, letting the security guard scan our electronic tickets, and we're waved through.
"Hey, there!" Andrew suddenly appears out of nowhere, and I feel my mouth perk up into a smile as he walks up to us.
"Hey, Andrew!" I greet him cheerily. "Long time, no see!"
"And you must be (Y/n)!" He turns from me to her. "It's nice to finally meet you. Now, should we get out of this crowd?" We both nod our heads hurriedly, and follow Andrew through the lobby. He scans his ID, unlocking a large metal door that enters a dim hallway. We follow behind him, until finally reaching a small room.
"So, what's the plan?" I ask, turning to Andrew.
"Well, I was thinking we'd get you into your seats once it's already pretty full, so Dan and Phil won't be able to notice you. Toward the end of the show, they do a sort of performance, so they won't be able to see you as we sneak you out. We'll have you or about ten minutes before the show ends, giving us enough time to get you pack stage." He spits out the instructions rapid fire, taking a bit of a breath as he finishes.
"How will we know when to leave?" (Y/n) asks, wringing her hands together nervously.
"Dodie has my number, so I'll text you," he says to me. "The show ends at nine, so make sure you start checking your phone around eight forty."
"Okie dokie," I reply. "We also wanted to get some merch before the show, do you think we still have time?"
"Well, Dan and Phil might be in the lobby, for the meet and greet and such, so we don't want them to see you," Andrew explains, and my heart drops. "However, we do have a bit of extra merch in the back, and since I like you guys, you can have your pick of anything for free." He smiles broadly.
(Y/n) and I exchange looks, and my face lights up, both of us shrugging our shoulders. "Okay," she replies.
He leads us to another room, a sort of waiting room filled with boxes of all the different merch. "Take whatever you please."
(Y/n) and I both pick out a different shirt, ripping off the tags and pulling them over our heads. We both fumble through the boxes for a little bit, until (Y/n) stands up and walks over to a full size mirror on the other side of the room, tucking in her shirt and cuffing her sleeves.
"Don't worry, you look perfect," I reassure her, still fumbling through the many boxes.
Andrew speaks up, and to be honest, I hadn't even realized he was still in the room. "I have to go do some stuff before the show, but you guys can wait in here, and either I or someone else will come and bring you to the show."
"Thank you!" (Y/n) and I both yell in sinc, chuckling as he leaves the room. We may have been spending way too much time together.
As I search through the boxes, I find merch Phil hadn't shown me, and I didn't see on the website. I find a cool jumper, and throw it at (Y/n) as she sits on the couch behind me.
"Have this, it'll look cute on you. There's a lot more merch in here that they weren't even advertising. It must of been stuff they had made, but didn't end up in the final design." She laughs behind me, and I continue looking through all the things, picking out everything I like.
After a few minutes, a young girl with pink hair and a headset walks into the room, scaring me slightly. "Hi, my name's Emily," she introduces herself in a singsong voice. "Are you guys ready?"
"Yup," (Y/n) replies, both of us standing up. I grab everything I had picked out, throw it in my bag, and follow Emily out of the room. She takes us through another dim hallway, finally stopping outside a door that looks out to the audience. I can even hear a melody of voices through the wall.
"You guys go out here, and that row right next to the door, go down that, and you'll find your seats," she explains to us, unlocking the door with an ID card. (Y/n) and I both nod as the door swings open, and I'm almost knocked over as the sound of the crowd meets my ears. We hurriedly rush down the aisle and find our seats. An older lady, who I'm guessing is someone's mom, gives me a weird look. Why do I have the feeling it's because I'm probably the oldest dan here that's not a parent?
We must've gotten here at the nick of time, as lights start flying around the room, and the entire crowd starts cheering. The lights suddenly all land on the stage, and Dan and Phil come out onto the stage. I'm filled with an overwhelming level of excitement, and let out an earsplitting whistle.
Phil's dressed in black skinny jeans, and a white sweater with black and red stripes down the sleeve. I'm still not used to his new hair, but I can't say it's not totally hot.
The show starts, including a few interactive parts for the audience, and I can't help but laugh my ass off the entire time. That is, until a part I knew nothing about starts. Phil's very own diss track. Dan says a few things in the beginning, but I'm not able to make them out, due to the screaming coming from the audience around me.
"My name is Phil Lester, thankfully not Moe. It's finally time to make my diss track yo! You thought I was too innocent to roast myself...well, watch out, bitch, this might be bad for your health!"
The amount of screaming and cheers that comes from him cussing nearly drowns out the song, but I'm too awestruck to make a single noise. The toothy smile that never leaves his face the entire show kills me, but in a good way. How did I somehow end up with such an astonishingly lovely man?
I lose myself in the show, inexplicably happy, until I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, a text from Andrew.
Time to go! The doors unlocked
I turn to (Y/n), who's cheering along with the crowd for the performance that's about to start, and tap her on the shoulder. She looks a bit disappointed, but we stand up, and carefully push ourselves out the aisle, mumbling apologize to the people we pass. The door opens the second we reach it, Emily whooshing is it of the audience and into the hallway.
"Follow me, I'll bring you backstage." She speed walks down the hall, and (Y/n) and I both have to basically run to keep up with her little legs. We run down a maze of hallways and sleeves, until we're in an exposed area with all the crew members and controls. We can see the side of Dan and Phil dancing, and I can't help but giggle.
"You guys are gonna stand here," she says, pointing to a wall. "We'll tell you when the show's about to end, and you can come out."
"Okie dokie," (Y/n) replies. Emily gives us a wide, reassuring grin, and shuffles away.
I peak around the corner, watching Phil. He's filled with so much happiness, and I instantly feel bad for basically ignoring him the last week. I'm aware that either Dan or Phil could just turn and see me, and our entire plan could possibly be spoiled, but I'm too mesmerized by him to care. I just can't wait for the show to end, I need to see him as soon as humanly possible.
Suddenly, applause rings through the stadium, and Emily gives us the signal. (Y/n)'s completely zoned out, and I have to yank her arm to get her out from behind the wall.
Dan and Phil wave to the audience as they exit the stage, grinning ear to ear, and their smile is contagious. They each pull out their earpieces, handing them to a crew member. Phil mumbles 'thank you,' even though the crew member had basically run away from them. I can't help but fall more in love with him.
"Oh, my god, I can't believe it's over," Phil sighs, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
"Yeah, it's kinda surr-" Dan starts, but is cut off when his eyes land on us, and grow to the size of golf balls. (Y/n) laughs beside me, and I notice her eyes glazing over. If she starts crying, I swear to god I'm gonna begin to bawl.
"What?" Phil asks, turning to look in the direction as us, and has the same reaction as Dan. I instinctively squeeze (Y/n)'s arm one more time, and let go. Phil's expression turns from shock to joy, and he starts walking slowly toward me, as if not sure whether or not I'm actually real.
I smile joyfully, and walk steadily toward him. We're finally standing right in front of each other, and I grin wholeheartedly, waiting for his reaction.
"I...I don't..." he stutters, and when I realize he had no idea what to say, I lunge myself into his chest, kissing him deeply.
It's like I'm in a movie. Everything disappears as he kisses me back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I grip the front of his sweater. No matter how close we are together, I can't help but feel like there's still too much space between us. His kiss made me weightless, and I felt like I was flying as everything around me disintegrates.
We finally pull apart, and I wrap my arms around his waist, burying my head in his chest as he wraps his arms around me.
"I can't believe you're here," he whispers into my hair. I give a light laugh, and a tear runs down my cheek, absorbed by the fabric of his chest.
A/N: I spent all night working on this lol. I still have some serious writers block so a lil heads up, idk when the next chapter will come out but hopefully soon! See you all later 💜
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