6. Anxiety and Pizza
Your POV
"What was that?" I hear a couple booming thuds from the hallway.
"I dunno..." replies PJ, looking just as taken aback as I feel. He walks out into the hallway, then disappears in the direction of the front door. I walk to him, and see him standing in the foyer, hands on his hips, looking dumbfounded at multiple grocery bags sitting on the floor.
"He just left them here!" He marveled, standing at the bags as if at any moment they might disappear.
"Well, I guess we'll have to be the ones who put them away," I reply, walking up and grabbing a few. PJ shrugs his shoulders, then joins me.
I hesitate outside Dan's bedroom door, then knock faintly. There's no answer, but his door is sat partly open, and I cautiously push it forward and peer in. He's lying on his bed, leaning against his headboard with his laptop in his lap and his headphones in his ears. I stand in the doorway for a few seconds, when he finally glances up and notices me.
"What?" He asks, pulling out his earbuds. I walk silently to his bed, and sit crisscross on the edge.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" I ask, looking into his eyes. There's no crinkle in the corners, no humor lying in his expression.
"Nothing," he grumbles, looking back at his laptop. I stare at him for a few seconds, trying to decide what to say. He looks back up at me, as if only just realizing I hadn't left. "What?"
"I'm not going to leave until you tell me what's wrong," I reply.
He scoffs. "Okay, So you're not gonna leave me alone until I talk about my feelings, but you don't think maybe you could tell me what's wrong when I ask?"
I think about it for a second, then respond, "Fine, I'll tell you what's wrong. I've only known you and Phil for, like, three days, and you're already the best friends I've ever had. And part of me is petrified, because I don't wanna get too attached, then screw everything up and lose you. I had to leave the only home I've ever known due to losing everything and ending up so hurt I couldn't leave my house without being reminded of all the stupid shit I've done, and I can't go through that again." I pause to catch my breath, then continue, "And now, you guys are planning a party with tons of people I've never met before, who also happen to be huge YouTubers. I swear, I'm extremely, extremely, thankful for you doing this, but every time I think about tomorrow night, my heart starts racing and my vision starts to blur and feel like I'm going to pass out. Not to mention ever since yesterday after Phil got home and PJ got here, you've been acting unnecessarily hostile toward me." I puff.
Dan raises his eyebrows, and has a completely unreadable expression on his face. "If you're stressed out about the party, you could've told us," he replies quietly. "We could've invited less people, or even just have you meet people separately."
"No, really, I'm gonna be fine," I insist. Well, really, I don't know if I'm going to be fine, but he's already invited people, so acting like there's an issue isn't really going to do any good.
"And Phil and I aren't going to just abandon you," he adds. "You're way too cool for that," he jokes, a weary smile crossing his face. "And I'm sorry about acting hostile. Sometimes I just get into weird funks and I can't help but to act like a total asshole."
I chuckle. "You're not an asshole. Trust me, I've met people ten times worse than that, and that's how they were all the time."
"Oh damn, they must've sucked," he replies, starting to lighten up.
"Yeah, they did," I answer dismissively.
We both don't say anything for a few seconds, the silence seeming to crush me as if there was an invisible, giant hand squeezing me alive. I search my head frantically for something to say.
"... I should probably go back, I was helping PJ hang up lights, and I kinda just abandoned him while we're only, like, halfway done." I conclude, having no idea what else to say.
"Yeah, I should go downstairs and try to help out a little bit, I guess," he jokes. I chuckle awkwardly, and stand up. He gets up at the same time, and we both silently walk into the lounge. He goes to the kitchen, where I'm guessing Phil is, and I walk up to PJ.
"Wow, she decided to come back!" He exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.
"Yeah, I tried to escape, but then I realized you obviously couldn't do this without me," I joke.
"I've got the goods!" Phil roars, clinging onto fast food over his head.
"Ah, you are my savior!" I exclaim, grabbing one of the bags and digging through it. I pull out my fries and burger, take a colossal bite, and groan in pleasure. "Ahm, I needed thith," I sigh, my mouth full of sandwich. We all sit in silence, enchanted by our food.
"Ahhhh, I think I'm gonna go into a coma," moans Dan, falling back into the couch and closing his eyes.
I look at my phone screen. 9:00.
"I think imma head out, I'm about to conk out any second now," I say, standing up.
"Nooooo! Don't leave me!" Calls Phil, raising his hand into the air as if asking for help.
"I know, I know," I laugh. "Don't worry, we will see each other again."
"I'll miss you!" PJ yells as I head to the front door.
I unlock the door to my place and flip the light switch. After spending the day in Dan and Phil's colorful and airy apartment, my bare one felt more like a prison cell. I really need to add some character to this apartment, since it also happens to be my workplace.
Speaking of which, I decide to check out the response to my moving video. I flop on my bed with my laptop, and start scrolling through the comments.
"Oh my god, you need to do a meet n greet!"
"Does this mean ur gonna start sellin out like all other Youtubers?"
"Are you gonna collab with Dan and Phil now 😂"
The last one couldn't help but grab my attention. I don't think there could be any way for me to collaborate with Dan and Phil, especially due to the fact that I've only just met them, and they have over ten times as many subs as me.
I close my laptop and flop down in my bed. I've only been here for three days, and my life is already going up.
The next thing I know, I wake up to golden sunlight flooding into my bedroom. I read my alarm clock. 10:00. I don't even remember falling asleep. I pick up my phone from my nightstand, and scroll through all the notifications on my home screen. After about fifteen minutes of looking through social media and skimming a boring Vice article, I roll out of bed and stumble to the kitchen, because I need coffee.
As I enter the kitchen, I see a scrap of paper on my floor that must've been slipped through the bottom of my door. I pick it up skeptically and unfold it.
I realize I don't have your number, so I guess I'm just gonna have to slip you notes now. Anyway, the party's starting at 8, so come over at 7:30 :)
- Dan
7:30. That means I only have about nine hours to prepare for possibly one of the most stressful night of my life. Great.
After a huge cup of coffee and a scalding shower, I'm standing in front of my closet in nothing but my underwear, not knowing what the hell I'm going to wear.
Thirty minutes later, I'm lying face down, starfish style, surrounded by heaping mounds of my clothes. "Ughhhh..." I moan. Maybe if I fall asleep here and never show up, people will just forget about me.
Another fifteen minutes go by, and I'm able to heave my lazy ass up, and I pick out a pair of black overalls, an oversized striped sweater, and my chunky military boots. I do my makeup and hair, and check my phone. 11:30. Ughhh. I have so much time to burn. Well I'm all dressed up, and have eight hours to myself, so I decide to set up my camera and make a video.
I end up doing a basic story time video, and film, edit, and make a tumbnail in five hours. I upload the video, and sit on the edge of my bed reloading the page every five seconds, reading each individual comment that comes in.
"Ur in London! Do a vlog!"
"Hey can you make a video on you adjusting to your new life? That'd be awesome!"
"At 6:37, it totally looks like she has a booger"
Three hours to go. I turn on some music and online shop, considering a need a few decorations for my drab apartment. It would be easier to go to a store and get everything now, but I feel very safe staying locked up.
After awhile of shopping, I look at the time. 7:25. Time for me to leave my safe haven and enter the horrid world outside.
"Come in!" Exclaims Phil as he opens the door and moves aside to let me in.
"Wow... impressive," I mutter, taking in the calm atmosphere. All the lights are shut off except the fairy lights, and chill music is playing low from the speakers, giving a relaxed and euphoric emanation. I head to the kitchen, and audibly gasp when I notice the seven large bottles of booze, and gallon-sized bowls filled with different types of junk food. The kitchen has also been transferred from bright and energetic to mellow and dreamy.
"All good?" Asks Phil, now standing to the right of me.
"This is gonna be the chillest party I've ever been to," I reply dazedly. It's probably the only party I've been to that wasn't filled with smoke and the smell of B.O. and weed.
"Well, once the drinks start disappearing, it'll get a little more exciting," He laughs, and walks back into the living room. I head to the hall, and lean against the wall. Suddenly, I hear the front door open, and turn to see Dan struggling to close the door with his leg, barely holding on to five boxes of pizza.
"Here," I call, and go to grab the pizzas.
"No, I'm fine-" he grunts, but I'm able to retrieve the pizzas easily due to his grip being so loose.
"I know you're fine, it's the pizza I'm worried about," I joke, and head to the kitchen. I place the pizzas on the minuscule edge of the table that isn't holding food or booze.
"Thanks," Dan mumbles, and I turn to see him standing awkwardly in the doorway, hands in his pockets.
"It's the least I can do, seeing as you guys were able to do all this," I make a general motion to represent the entire apartment, "While I just sat on my ass and filmed a video."
"Shut up," he replies, laughing. "It's a party for you, you're not supposed to be doing any work."
"Don't worry, it makes me feel better to contribute a little bit, otherwise I just feel useless."
"You just being here is more than enough." It seems like just a friendly statement, but the tone he uses hints at there being a deeper meaning behind it. I see the color rush to his cheeks, and look down to my feet as I feel the same reaction come to my face. Does he like me? I feel so adolescent as the thought crosses my mind.
A sturdy knock comes from the foyer, bringing me back to reality as both Dan's and my face shoot up, and we make eye contact, the same confused look on both our faces. I turn and look at the microwave clock. 7:48.
"I thought no one was supposed to show up until eight," I say, my voice cracking.
"That's what I told everyone," he replies, shrugging. "I guess someone decided to show up early." He walks out of view, and I hear his footsteps lead to the foyer, then the opening of the door.
"Hey! What's up!" I hear an ecstatic shriek in a voice that I recognize, but can't give a name to.
"Hey, come in!" I hear Dan respond, and their footsteps coming closer to where I stand, hidden behind the wall that blocks the kitchen from the hallway. Shit, what I do? Do I say I know them, or pretend I've never heard of them before? Do I stand here or come out to greet them? My heart starts beating at the speed of light. As I listen to them coming closer and closer, I do the first thing I can think of, and dive into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and backing up until my back is pressed tightly against the furthest wall.
"Hmm, I thought she was in here..." Dan's voice trails off. Fuck, he's looking for me! I can't just hop out of the bathroom and say, "Hi, I just had to take a piss, it's good to meet you!"
"I think PJ and Phil should be in the lounge," Dan says. "Let's go look."
"Okie dokie," replies the mystery voice, which is high enough that I know it must belong to a girl. I hear the clacking of their steps drift off, and carefully step out of the bathroom. I tip toe to the doorway, seeing if I can peak into the lounge and see who's the person causing me to be on the verge of a heart attack.
I peer around the corner, and see a slim figure with a dark brown bob embracing PJ. "Ah, I haven't seen you in so long!" She chirps girlishly. Dodie Clark. Another famous YouTuber. I'm in the same apartment with four people who are way more important than I'll ever be.
"Ah, you must be (Y/n)!" I hear my name, and am shocked to see Dodie coming toward me and giving me a tight hug. I hesitate, then awkwardly hug back. She's easily three inches taller than me.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I reply, responding with a sheepish grin.
"You, too!" She smiles so widely it's as if she's just met her long-lost sister. "Wow, Dan didn't tell me you were this gorgeous!" My face flushes, and my hands instantly become clammy.
"Er... Thanks," I say, my voice more tremble than word.
If every time I'm introduced to someone is this challenging, there might be a bit of a problem.
I didn't know what to say, but I felt weird not putting an authors note, so.... Hi! Please vote and share, and I'll love you forever! And thanks sososooooo much for reading! Bye! 💜
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