SBS Gayo Dajeun Rehearsal Practice Room
Jimin's hand closed in on the handle of Studio 7, pushing open the large black doors into the practice room. Questions swirled in his mind, clouding his thoughts, his brain zeroed in on one thing. Or, he should say, on one person.
Did she know? About the rumors? The news article? If she did, then why'd she not ask him about it? Or at least avoided him?
Then he realised it was Lisa he was talking about and she wasn't like most of the people he'd interacted with.
As his first footstep clicked on the hardwood floor of the practice room, Jimin's thoughts came to a halt, so did the murmur of voices in the room, all heads turned towards his direction. Jimin was used to being in the centre of attention but the fact that these people were all in the industry right beside him made him tug the cap on his head just a little bit lower on his crown.
Clusters of people were spread out around the studio, talking amongst themselves and Jimin made his way to the deserted corner of the room, making sure to avoid eye contact- he didn't want to speak with anybody right now- dropping his bag on the ground next to him. Sighing as he took a seat, Jimin took off his cap, running a hand through his blonde locks. He'd received a decent scolding during the meeting last weekend, Yoongi having given him an extra one when they'd arrived back at the dorms, and Hoseok hasn't being speaking to him since he lashed out.
In short, Jimin's life was a mess right now.
He sighed again, thinking of everything that had happened over the course of a few days.
Just a few hours ago, he'd spoken again with their manager, and they'd gone through a few rules for him to follow. One he'd just broken.
Do not interact with the girl in anyway. Especially NOT in public, where cameras may see you.
He was fairly sure there were no cameras, but there was no chance his manager would ever trust him again if a single picture leaked. Especially if there was a witness.
Jimin's face paled.
The receptionist.
Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap..
Jimin began facepalming himself. How could he be so foolish? Risking his entire career just to make fun of a girl?
It was worth it though. She deserved it.
Jimin shook his head, thinking by himself. When did he become so selfish?
The door opened, allowing a breeze to sweep through the room, cooling his temper and Jimin looked up, snapping out of his toxic thoughts.
A girl, in a grey hoodie and shorts, familiar blonde locks brushed back behind her shoulders, stood at the entrance, observing the chaos inside. She took a step inside, the crowd ignoring her actions, and proceeded to walk in the direction of his placement.
Jimin didn't know what made him to do it, but in a few steps, his inner demon brought him directly in front of her locker.
Lisa's vision fell on the row of lockers at the corner of the room. There was nobody there, except for a few stray gym bags. What Lisa didn't notice was the all-too-familiar mop of blonde hair.
Walking as quietly as she could on the wooden floor, Lisa sneaked across the room, hoodie up, head down. She didn't know anybody, and although her usual way of life was to befriend everybody, she didn't feel like speaking to anybody right now.
As she stuffed her black backpack into the rusted metal box, a sound behind her opened door made her turn quickly in shock.
A pair of dark brown eyes were staring intently into her similar ones and Lisa froze, unsure of what was happening.
She shifted, after a few seconds, coughing awkwardly and the man who stood before her quirked his eyebrow.
'Hi?' Lisa's eye darted left and right, looking anywhere but him.
'What, no, thank you?'
He crossed his arms and leaned against the ancient lockers which creaked under his weight.
Lisa scowled.
'Thank you,' she reluctantly gritted out. 'Can't you just leave me alone?'
'Why would I do that?'
'I assume you realise about the articles? You've done enough damage to the both of our images. We don't even know each other.' She took a deep breath, throwing a glare his way. 'Leave. Me. Alone.'
In a final note, Lisa stepped aside, away from Jimin, and started across the room. But before she passed him, a hand clasped on her wrist and pulled her back. Lisa stumbled on her feet causing her to slam into the locker, confusion visible on her face, and red marks underneath the fingers on her pale wrist.
'I'm not done talking yet.'
A wave of deja vu hit her and Lisa was suddenly aware of the eyes on her back from the crowd in the room. To a stranger's eye, this was a strange scene to witness and Lisa worried everybody had the wrong idea of what was going on.
The room had gone quiet, silenced by the noise when Lisa hit the locker, and everybody, everybody, was staring at the pair.
Jimin seemed to notice as well because his hand went limp, letting go of Lisa's wrist, and did a 180 degree turn, facing the room. Lisa couldn't see what he was doing- she was frozen, this time out of embarrassment- but whatever he did, it worked.
The crowd obediently went back to their personal circles and Jimin walked away, completely ignoring the person behind him, which was convenient for Lisa, who was all too sick of his interferences.
When she finally stood stable on her two feet, Lisa made her way across the room.
'So it's true then, the articles..'
'I didn't want to believe it but after that-'
'Yeah, I didn't believe it then, cause you know, I thought Jimin had higher standards-'
Lisa's brain completely shut down after that. She didn't want to hear anymore of it. Lifting her head confidently, chin up, shoulders back, Lisa took bold strides across the room, towards the center practice area. She could feel the gazes of the people she'd once looked up to, burning holes through her back.
Lisa chose to forget what they said.
Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm-
Lisa chanted as she dropped down to the floor to tie her shoelace. She was angry, angry at Jimin, for leaving her at the height of the problem he'd created, for even creating it in the first place.
Why couldn't he just leave me alone?
Time passed by slowly, Lisa sitting alone by herself, waiting for the practice to start.
A lady with a clipboard in her hand, who Lisa thought resembled her old gym teacher, walked to the center of the room and stood there for a few seconds waiting for people to focus on her.
'Everybody! Gather around!' She called the others, who have started to assemble themselves, an arch around the lady. 'Okay, listen up! We have 3 dances, 1 of which, we will all perform together. The other two, one street and the other contemporary, will ask us to divide into two. Here are the people in group 1, street dance: Jinyoung, Yugyeom, Ten, Seulgi, Lisa-
At the mention of her name, Lisa quickly took a step out of the crowd, and proceeded next to Seulgi, bowing before she took a stand.
Lisa heard the sound of snickering from the crowd but chose to ignore it, remaining silent. They were provoking her and reacting would have meant she lost.
Lisa doesn't lose.
Her eyes were cold, her stance intimidating, and she met the eyes of everyone who looked at her with an unwavering gaze. Except one.
Those eyes that she'd scowled in anger at moments ago, those she couldn't face. She'd looked away, when she felt his stare on hers, but Lisa feared it had done no good but feed his ego and continued to feed the fire that were the rumours. Surely, the people noticed. By the way the girls were glancing continuously, down envious and others sympathetic, between the two, Lisa was fairly sure she wasn't wrong.
All throughout the dance practice, Lisa tried her best to focus on what the choreographer said. It was her only escape, and for the first two hours, she left her worries and fears behind her.
But the time passed and Lisa soon found herself by the water fountain, fanning her face, a cup of the clear liquid in her hand.
A group of female idol dancers, mostly Lisa's seniors, were walking pass and as the person she is, Lisa bowed at them, smiling politely. However, instead of bowing back, the group of girls, gave her a weird look before walking away, laughing at each other. Lisa looked at them puzzled, blush forming on her cheeks.
'Don't mind them,' Lisa jumped at the voice suddenly coming from behind her.
Lisa turned around to find Seulgi, the other dancer in her group. Lisa bowed and Seulgi chuckled.
'There's no need for such formalities with me, Lisa,' she said. 'Anyways, they're just jealous you're with Jimin and not them.'
Lisa quickly shook her head, rapidly denying the statement. 'N-N-No, it's not true, we're not together.'
Seulgi gave an accomplished smile. 'I knew it! You don't seem like the type to date a guy like him.'
Lisa smiled, then frowned. 'What do you mean?'
'Well, Jimin always never seemed like a relationship type of guy,' she said, in a-matter-of-fact tone. Lisa's eyebrow quirked. 'Trust me, I'm speaking from experience.'
She shivered.
Lisa laughed out loud, relieved Seulgi believed her. 'What happened?'
Seulgi began telling Lisa of the time Jimin tried to seduce her, gaining amused grins from the blonde. By the time the story had finished, Lisa was feeling a lot better.
'..And so, Irene basically slapped him. And I laughed and then ran away,' Seulgi ended, earning a snort from Lisa.
She shook her head, expressing disbelief. 'I can't believe you guys actually did that.'
Seulgi started nodding. 'Oh, we did. And he's hated us ever since. Never looked at me the same way again,' she shrugged. 'I've got no problem with that. But it looks like he's found a new victim.'
Lisa looked at her.
A whistle cracked through the atmosphere, signifying the ended of the break. Lisa quickly disposed her paper cup, and with Seulgi beside her, walked towards the assembly of people.
There, she found the lady, once again, addressing the crowd.
'..On another day, you will all return here to learn another choreography, this time all together. I will choose the top 4 or 5 dancers to be placed in front. Be prepared.'
At that final tone, everyone dispersed quickly leaving the hall in groups of twos and threes. Lisa left Seulgi's side, quickly gathering her things, to avoid another encounter with Jimin. But he'd already left, she noticed. His bag was gone and Lisa pondered on the way out what she would do if she saw him again.
I will murder his a-
'Lisa!' She snapped out of her thoughts, looking at he direction of he voice. Seulgi waved at her and Lisa jogged to her. 'Are you done? Let's go out together.'
Lisa agreed, striding beside her. The entrance was quiet, except for the sound of the keyboard clicks by the receptionist who was giving her weird looks.
'What's up with her?' Seulgi whispered into Lisa's ear.
'Long story.'
Seulgi nodded, not pushing further. They walked out of the building, and after exchanging numbers and a hug, left in their separate vans.
In her seat, Lisa recalled everything that had happened to her today. She pissed off a few people, did nothing but add to horrible rumours about her and made a friend.
Tomorrow will be a better day, she thought, reassuring herself. Lisa sighed as she shifted in her seat, making herself comfortable.
Boy, was she wrong.
hi, guys!!
i'm the author of this book you're reading, and i'd like to thank you guys for the support you have been giving, and thank you for 3k reads!!
i'm fairly new at writing although i've been on wattpad for quite a while, so i really appreciate, if anyone should ever provide any feedback on my stories!
: Who's your bias in BTS?
love ya'll, thank youu
2000 words! oh my
sorry this took so long
love you ❤️
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