Who I am: Erza Scarlet
Erza's POV
"Erza!! Are you coming out with us today?" Lucy, my blonde friend, asked as we were leaving class. Kagura, another of my besties came next to us. "Going where?" She asked.
"Well Lucy here wants to go out to some bar that apparently is really cool," I answered.
"It's not just any bar. It's the Phantom bar girls," she whined. I rolled my eyes at her childishness. "Sounds cool," Kagura remarked.
"So y'all are coming?" Lucy exclaimed. I looked at Kagura with uncertainty and she returned the glance. "Sorry Lucy, I am going to be training for the tournament so I can't." I responded with a sorry expression. Her natural excitement glow dulled a bit, but then she turned to look at Kagura whom was trying not to get into the discussion as much. "And you K?"
Kagura was trying her best not to look into Lucy's eyes. Her puppy dog eyes can pierce through anyone, but before she could answer Natsu came and hugged Lucy around the waist. "Come on Princess, don't urge your friends to come. If it's just you and I it'll be just fine," he cooed. Lucy finally gave in when he whispered something that I couldn't make out into her ear.
They are just so cute together. It gets me wondering on when I'll find 'the one'. Someone that won't play me like my last ex's. Someone to surprise me with any simple gesture. Someone that could take my breath away by looking at me with love like the way Natsu looks at Lucy. Everything would be easier if everyone didn't know who my dad and mother were. I let out a sigh and continued walking with just Kagura since Natsu dragged Lucy away with him.
"Hey Kagura. Are you going to come over for my birthday this weekend?"
"Of course. I would not miss it for anything in the world," she jumped with excitement which received many glances. I gladly returned ice cold daggers to all those that stared at us strangely. They all scurried along their way.
"Well well, if it isn't the queen?" I turned around to see a bluentte looking at me very coldly. "What do you want Juvia?" Her attitude towards me just didn't faze me at this point.
"Juvia wants nothing from you. Juvia was just wondering if..." The strange girl got all red and looked away nervous all of a sudden. I looked at her in anticipation on what she had to say. As did Kagura. "JUVIA WAS WONDERING IF GRAY-SAMA WILL BE ATTENDING SCHOOL RIVAL'S BIRTHDAY." I smirked at the thought that she likes my cousin. "Oh you mean my dear Uncle Silver's only son? Yeah well I don't know but either way you aren't invited sweet heart." I turned around and left her alone with her jaw dropped. Poor girl but I don't know honestly and she has been a total butt to me and my friends since the first grade.
"Well I need to go to work. Text you later Erza." Kagura walked away to her car while I waited at the front of the school for my butler. It only took him a few minutes to arrive. I threw my bag in and sat down. "Macao?"
"Yes Lady Erza?" He respectfully asked. "Take me home as quick as you can. I have a dress fitting and TaeKwonDo practice soon after. I really just want everything to be done with so the faster the better."
"Yes Lady Erza. I will try my very best to do what you ask." He began driving and it did seem like he was hurrying since he passed all the lights, even if they were turning red. I didn't say anything since I was the one whom told him to do so and no cops saw him so whatever. We arrived like ten minutes earlier than we usually did. "Thanks Macao." He just bowed his head and got out of the car to open the door for me. I got out of the car with my bag and walked up the few steps to the door. As soon as I stepped on the mat, the door was opened by Meredy, one of the maids that loves to give me attitude when my parents aren't around.
"Good afternoon Lady Erza. Your mother is waiting for your appearance in the main hall." I just walked right by her and went upstairs to change into a sundress for my mom. She hates it when I wear street clothes in her presence.
I skipped along to my mom and saw that she was looking through some baby magazines. "Greetings mom," I curtsied. She looked up with a huge smile adorning her perfectly shaped face. "Hello sweety. Take a seat." I sat down next to her and she closed the magazine. "Alright shall we have a cup off tea before the fitting?"
"I would like to get to the fitting if that's okay with you mother. I have a lesson later to which I can not be late to." My mom was strangely ok with it. "Of course sweety. No problem." She led me into the room with all the dresses and began the fitting.
Two and a half hours passed and we were finally able to have me try on all twenty three dresses. Unfortunately I didn't like how they looked on me and mom just agreed with me. She agreed to just let me go shopping for a dress with Lucy and Kagura. At first she wanted to get a designer to come design one to my liking but I didn't want to do anything too big.
I ran upstairs rather quickly and changed to proceed to my lesson. I left Milliana, one of my favorite maids, to call Lucy and Kagura to tell them about shopping tomorrow after class.
I drove off on my own this time and made sure to work super hard to win this tournament. Maybe then mother won't look at me frowning when dad congratulates me on my hard work. She believes that a woman should just look pretty and stay home for the husband. Obviously my dad encourages my passions and tries to tell mom that she should let me be, but unfortunately she does not comprehend.
I sighed when I got to the dojo and exited the car really pumped about training.
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