]Chapter 2[
Holy shit I don't update at all for these side books, do I?
Jack's P.O.V
It was a pleasant first day off, just sitting in my room reading mangas that are way dirtier than the usual, until my phone started vibrating. I picked it up, annoyed that it interrupted my readings, especially when the girl was about to take her bra off. I looked at the screen to see who was calling.
Fuckboi Markimoo 👉👌
I sighed as I answered the phone, not exactly in the mood to talk to anyone.
"Hello?" I said into the phone, partly glaring in the direction of his house, somewhat hoping that would tell him to piss off.
"Hey, Jackaboy! Wanna come up with me and the boys to my parent's vacation home for the summer? They won't be there, so it'll just be us, and we can throw an awesome party." Mark said on the other line, sounding excited as ever. I, on the other hand, could care less.
"And if I decline?"
"Well, you lost that bet so I basically own you for the summer, remember? I know your parents will let me drag you out somewhere. I need my little personal servant."
I sighed angrily into the phone and said, "fine."
"Awesome! I'll pick you up soon, and you better pack up! We're heading to Maui for the summer!" Mark practically shouted and then hung up. I sighed as I opened my door and walked into the kitchen.
"Hey, Sean! How's your first day off of school?" my ma asked as she finished up the dishes, moving on to another chore to keep her busy.
"Great, great. Hey, ma, Mark offered me to go to Maui with him and some friends for the summer, and-" "Go right on ahead! I don't mind one bit. Make sure to call your pa and tell him, though," she interrupted, and I just nodded and headed back to my room and started packing.
I heard a knock at the door. As I opened it, I was greeted with bright red hair.
"Has anyone ever told you that your hair is period blood colored?" I asked and his response was picking me up with one arm, which he could do with ease, calling out to my ma that we were going, and dragging my suitcase to the van in the other hand.
As we approached the vehicle, I could see a couple other people inside. Mark opened the door to the passenger's seat and dropped me down, closing the door behind him.
"Aye, Jack! How come you get to sit in the passenger's seat?" Tom asked, and I just responded with a shrug.
I looked over the people that were also in the van.
In the very back there's the other Jack, whose actual name is John, or as I like to call him, forehead. Next to him was Jordan, who was as quiet as ever. The there was Tom, who was practically laying on top of Jordan.
In the next row, there's Tucker, acting like a salty prick, who just so happened to have Sonja on his lap, sharing the same seat. The there was Adam, who was leaning onto Ty, who sat next to him.
Mark entered the van, sitting down in the driver's seat. He looked over to me, and smiled deviously.
"This isn't even half of who's showing up," he said as he started up the car, and most people buckled up. Some people, like me and Mark, took the rebellious and dangerous choice of no seat belt.
"Off to the airport we go!"
"Jesus fooking christ, how long are we going to be here?" I asked as I sat down on the floor, tired of standing in the long-ass line.
"You'll live," Mark said as he pulled out his phone and did a quick fringe check.
I sighed and pulled out my phone and started playing Circle.
"We're finally here!" Mark said, opening the door to the vacation home. It was really nice, but it already cost six thousand, four hundred and eighty-nine dollars just to get the nine of us to Maui. The perks of having rich parents, I guess.
"Hello!" Matt chirped as he walked into the home, along with Ryan, Nathan, Jonathan, Dan, Phil, James, Rhett and Link.
"That's way too many people to split this place with," Tucker pointed out, and Mark and Matt both indicated to another vacation home as Mark said, "Matt's dad owns that one over there, so Matt's group will be sleeping over there while we sleep over here."
After we all said our hellos, Matt's group went to their home as we figured out what's the arrangement in ours.
"Okay, there's only five rooms, so we're going to need to share. Sonja, you'll be on your own, since I don't want to hear you and Tucker fucking every night," Mark said, making a bunch of people snicker and Sonja's face turn red.
"Can I at least get first dibs?"
"Sure, except on the master bedroom. That room's mine."
"Awesome!" Sonja said as she began to open doors and look at the rooms.
"Alright, how about Tom and Jordan, Adam and Ty, Tucker and John, and then me and Sean. sound good?" Everyone just nodded and headed off to claim their rooms. I was silently happy because this meant I get the master bedroom.
I followed Mark to the room, dragging my suitcase behind me. I'm so dumbfounded when it came to Mark's strength, but his brain could use some work. He may wear glasses, but he's still more of a jock. I guess you could say I'm the opposite, though. Yet, we both enjoy ejaculating (that's what my friend says.. is that a legit term?) and one-night stands.
"Alright, Jackaboy! You have no idea how happy I am to have won that bet. I know you're an amazing cook, so prepare to be cooking all summer long," Mark said, rubbing his stomach like he was starving.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not like I have a choice," I said, putting my folded up clothes into the dresser to the left of the bed.
"I mean, technically you could not do it, but it would not be favorable since you lost a bet and all. Hell, I should make a rule book specifically for this bet. If you actually survive doing this all summer and don't become too defiant, I'll give you fifty bucks," Mark said, holding out his hand.
"You have a gambling problem I swear..," I said as I shook his hand.
"So do you, green bean."
V tired
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