"GOOD MORNING MAMA", OLIVER GREETED. the young boy yawned as he waited for his mother to pick out his outfit for the day.
"good morning oliver. how was your sleep?", victoria asked as she picked out a light cashmere sweater with black sweatpants for the boy.
as february approached, victoria had already sent the elder wand to voldemort, much to her displeasure. surprisingly, the dark lord did not question on how she had gotten the wand, but perhaps that was because he was a bit desperate and overlooked that tiny detail.
yet the girl knew that somehow, she would be able to obtain it once again, as after all, she is the true owner of the wand.
obviously draco and victoria's wedding plans was put on hold, as despite little oliver's constant pleading of getting married sooner, the two adults—with draco being 17 still—knew better.
victoria had yet to confess to draco about her double agent work. the girl truly didn't want to keep such a great secret from him, but it was inevitable, as it was for the best for everyone she cared for.
"are we seeing papa today?", oliver asked, having to have missed his other parent as draco had left two days after his proposal to victoria.
narcissa wasn't particularly against the engagement, though she did feel a bit skeptical of victoria. a bright woman she was, victoria fancied the woman's love for her son and her unwavering loyalty to her husband.
lucius on the other hand appreciated the pureblood marriage that was to hopefully take place soon after the war.
the man enjoyed the power of having a noir in the family, though he was not so concerned with the girl herself.
"indeed. grandma and grandpa will be there too", victoria smiled as she kissed the top of oliver's head.
victoria had yet to let oliver near her own mother, as she would never admit it, but part of her was afraid of what her mother would think.
perhaps nora would even make fun of her for having a child she couldn't properly love.
"good morning miss and young master", pixie greeted, bowing as she immediately went over to oliver's side.
over the course of the two months, oliver had taken a great liking to pixie, even though she was a house-elf.
whenever victoria was out searching for harry and his friends, pixie was in charge of holding oliver's hand and guiding the young boy to wherever he desired.
"good morning pixie!", oliver shouted, to which the elf just smiled.
"pixie, would you mind taking oliver down for breakfast please? I will join soon", victoria commanded.
"of course miss!"
pixie immediately led oliver downstairs, to which victoria had headed towards her mother's room.
"mother", victoria stoically greeted, to which the woman still hadn't moved an inch.
nora's gaze was fixated on the far end of the pine trees that were near the edge of the noir property. the unfazed woman wasn't daft, she knew what victoria came for.
"I'm engaged", victoria spoke out, only receiving silence as an answer.
"and I was wondering if you'd—"
"don't bother. I am content with where I am", nora interrupted.
victoria's breath hitched.
"are you so bitter that you won't even attend your own daughter's wedding?", victoria questioned, to which the woman didn't even flinch.
nora didn't even bother replying.
"good day mother", victoria said as the girl hastily left for breakfast.
"mama, you should really try the pudding. it's really good", oliver said as he heard the girl's nearing footsteps.
"really? you should have more then", victoria softly said as she patted the boy's nicely combed hair.
oliver then stuck the spoon out in front of him, to which victoria had to readjust his arm position so that she could eat the pudding.
"thank you for that oliver".
"of course mama! can we go now?", the boy slightly whined, having to have gotten used to being spoiled by victoria.
the girl chuckled.
"yes yes, let's go see papa now".
victoria's glare had immediately silenced the entire room, making even harry quiet.
"mama?", oliver asked as he couldn't hear any noise nor see anything.
victoria lightly let out a small chuckle as she picked oliver up, who naturally wrapped his arms around his mother's neck.
victoria's heels clicked with madness, as she inched closer towards the trio who were currently captured in the middle of the malfoy manor.
"darling, can you take oliver upstairs please?", victoria sweetly requested, though draco could tell the girl was about to burst into fury if it weren't for oliver's presence.
"I'll see you later oliver", victoria whispered as she kissed the young boy's forehead before handing him off to draco, who had swiftly and gladly left the intense scene.
"I didn't know you adopted a son", bellatrix commented, seeming amused, to which victoria slightly frowned.
"there's many things you don't know about me", victoria bluntly replied as her nice girl act had immediately dropped.
"v-victoria", ron spurted out, somewhat surprised, though harry seemed to hold a burning hatred for the girl.
victoria tilted her head to the side as her lips curved up into a cynical smile.
"miss me?", the girl chuckled as she caressed ron's check, who had surprisingly jolted her hand away.
victoria then glanced at harry, who's face was quite deformed, making her click her tongue.
though a shiny sword had caught her eye, to which bellatrix had immediately raged at the sight of godric's sword.
"WHERE DID YOU FIND THAT?! TELL ME!", the mad woman commanded.
"don't. raise. your. voice", victoria lowly threatened. "oliver's still in the house".
bellatrix then started laughing. "y-you? threatening me?! you're a mere child!", the woman loudly exclaimed.
victoria huffed as she knew it wouldn't benefit either of them if they were to duel. indeed, bellatrix lestrange is a skilled witch, but the dark lord would have their heads if anything were to happen to either of them.
hermione lightly flinched at the two cunning women in front of her, though victoria certainly caught the girl's unease.
"take them to the cellar", victoria commanded the snatchers, to which they immediately complied.
"wait, the—"
"it's fake", victoria interrupted, taking godric's sword and examining it.
"how do you know?", bellatrix scoffed, clearly not buying the girl's statement.
"look at all this dirt and rust. godric's sword should be kept safely in your vault, not collecting dust in the slightest", victoria reasoned, to which bellatrix had hesitantly agreed.
"I suppose so. I'll summon the dark lord then. he'll surely be pleased when he finds out that harry potter and his little posse is captured", bellatrix chuckled, pressing her wand against the dark mark.
victoria immediately left as she didn't exactly care about harry's outcome. if he lived once, he'll live twice, was victoria's logic.
"I'm back", the girl sweetly said as she watched draco teach oliver how to read braille.
"mama! what happened downstairs?", oliver asked, clearly hearing more and more noise now, as it seemed that there was quite the commotion.
victoria simply lied straight through her teeth.
"they're having a duel downstairs. when you receive your wand, you'll be able to duel too", victoria explained, glancing over at draco.
"really?! are you and papa good duelists?", oliver asked.
"your mother's splendid at defensive and offensive spells", draco smiled.
"your father's alright I suppose", victoria teased, to which draco playfully acted offended while oliver just laughed.
"I want to be as strong as papa and mama one day!", oliver cheered.
"you will oliver. you will be better than us", victoria said.
at the time, it had just seemed like one of victoria's simple compliments. but if the boy listened more closely, there was a tinsel of sadness behind the girl's words.
it was as if she were saying, "you will turn out better than us, as we're paving a bright future for you".
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