SEPTEMBER FIRST QUICKLY ROLLED AROUND. though this time, victoria and draco weren't present at the 9 and 3/4 platform.
the duo had taken a child from the muggle orphanage—technically stole since they had no paperwork—and hastily arrived at france, specifically paris.
"do you like it? how does the fabric feel to you?", victoria questioned as oliver now had on a white button up, short black dress pants, a matching bow tie, and suspenders.
"it...there's no holes or loose strings", the boy commented as his lips slowly curled up into a smile.
"of course. only the best for you my dear".
after victoria had bought a whole closet worth of clothing for the boy, the three decided to take a break with lunch at girafe.
the view was simply entrancing! with the eiffel tower near and the fresh air of no responsibilities whatsoever.
the breeze blew through victoria's silvery curled hair, as the girl patted down her loose fitted white gown.
oliver was beside the girl while draco was on the other side of her.
"which do you prefer? fish? meat? oysters? seafood?", victoria asked, almost overwhelming the boy.
"I-I've never had any of those except for meat and occasionally fish before...", the boy admitted, to which victoria had just smiled.
"then we'll get a little of everything", the girl claimed as the waiter quickly arrived to take the trio's order.
draco simply just watched the interaction between the two as he awkwardly shifted his weight. it wasn't that he didn't want to talk to the kid, he just had trouble doing so.
the boy usually came off as intimidating, cocky, proud, and sometimes a git, depending on who you asked. though draco was sure victoria would not appreciate it if that was how he acted towards the young boy.
draco felt that he should be acting...somewhat fatherly. yet again, he was only seventeen. what did he know about being like a father?
"say...mr. malfoy?", the boy suddenly spoke out, making draco simply hum.
"how did you meet ms. noir?"
victoria glanced up from her slice of bread and strawberry jam as draco cleared his throat.
"fourth year at hogwarts", draco lowly answered, though it wasn't exactly necessary, as no one sat on the terrace like them.
"hogwarts? what's hogwarts?", oliver curiously asked.
"hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry for young ones like you. though everyone starts at the age of eleven", victoria briefly explained.
"hogwarts?", oliver repeated. not going to lie, the boy was a bit skeptical of all this, but then again, he himself wasn't that normal either.
"there's also beauxbatons near here. durmstrang's in russia, and if I remember correctly, ilvermony is in eastern north america", victoria mumbled.
"how come you two didn't meet in your first years?", oliver asked, becoming more and more interested in this so-called "wizarding school".
"she went to beauxbatons her first four years. we only met our fourth-year because of the triwizard tournament", draco replied.
as the waiter served them their main course meals, victoria and draco took turns explaining the entire shenanigans of the triwizard tournament, along with how magic worked.
interestingly enough, little oliver didn't need to see to look into people's minds. like queenie goldstein, he was born a natural.
"so you're saying I can do magic too?!", the boy excitedly asked as he accidentally dropped some spaghetti sauce on his lap.
"of course! you get your wand at age eleven too", victoria smiled, grabbing a napkin as she helped clean up the boy's mess.
"and what about the houses at hogwarts?"
"ideally you'd want to be in slytherin", draco grinned, making victoria just sign.
"don't listen to draco my dear. any house is just as fine", victoria assured as draco muttered something underneath his breath.
"are there any celebrities in the wizarding world then?", oliver innocently asked, not knowing that he had literally just opened the box of pandora.
"oh merlin", victoria mumbled as draco intensely cleared his throat.
"actually, there is someone who's quite like a celebrity", draco spoke with much venom as he emphasized on the last word.
oliver listened intently as draco started from his first-year of hogwarts and how harry potter had rejected his handshake up until their most recent year spent together.
obviously many details were left out, as victoria deemed some information inappropriate for a six year-old. the boy didn't need to know the fact that draco's haughty attitude and morals were slightly skewed, as victoria wanted the boy to grow up different from them.
"why is harry potter famous though?"
the young boy had expected draco to have immediately answered the question, but instead he kept quiet for once.
"umm...ms. noir?", oliver hesitantly asked.
victoria's mood dropped as she thought about voldemort. she didn't want the boy to know, at least not yet.
"harry potter survived from a very bad person at birth", victoria answered. "I'll tell you more once you get older", the girl assured as she combed through the boy's hair that was freshly cut.
oliver simply nodded as he waited for victoria or draco to pay.
"come on now oliver. we've got to get to our hotel", victoria said as she held onto the little boy's hand.
draco hesitantly did the same, making the boy's heart swell at the physical contact of his new guardians.
"ma ma, une si belle famille! (my my, such a beautiful family)", one complimented.
"assez jeune cependant... (quite young though)", the girl's companion whispered back.
"et dommage que l'enfant soit aveugle (and too bad the child's blind)", the girl sighed, which made victoria halt.
"excusez-moi, mais si vous voulez jugar ma famille, dites-le au moins en face. pas besoin de chuchoter. (excuse me, but if you're going to insult my family, at least say it to my face. no need to whisper)", victoria smoothly said, making the two women gasp.
though draco had french ancestors, he did not understand a word said. but he wouldn't deny that victoria talking in french wasn't attractive as hell.
the two women quickly walked away as oliver just tugged on victoria's hand.
"what were you guys taking about?", the young boy asked.
"nothing much, just saying hello, that's all", victoria sweetly answered.
oliver knew that that probably wasn't the case but decided not to push it. the trio continued holding hands as they walked down the paved path towards their hotel that was nearby.
the young family was indeed beautiful though, with long luscious silvery and platinum blonde locks that shimmered in the afternoon sun.
their fair skin—that wasn't a sickly pale—glowed with pride and coldness even though it was a warm sunny day.
victoria's flowing pearl dress swayed with each step she took while her two boys had on nearly matching suits.
oliver happily skipped as he held the hands of victoria and draco, with the two occasionally swinging the boy so that his legs could hover slightly higher than the ground.
if one word could be used to describe them currently, it would be the word happy.
a/n: thank you all SO MUCH for coming this far, like I legit feel like this story sucks and is all over the place.
disclaimer: I do NOT speak french! my lord, I'm so sorry if I offended you guys. it's all from google translate, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!
anyways, if you enjoyed, please don't forget to comment, share, and vote!
love you all so much and can't wait to see you guys soon!! xoxo
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