WITH SLYTHERIN BEATING RAVENCLAW IN QUIDDITCH, THE SLYTHERINS WERE ON THE ROAD TO THE CUP. then suddenly, around the time of april, umbridge had upgraded from high inquisitor to headmistress of hogwarts.
victoria mentally cursed the woman as dumbledore had apparently escaped with his phoenix—fawes—to who knows where.
though the woman did enforce an extra credit opportunity, victoria did not find the necessity in joining, as she still somewhat resented the woman for chasing her target away.
"a sickle for your thoughts", draco suddenly said, bringing the girl out from her dark thoughts.
"just thinking about professor umbridge. that's all", victoria smiled, interlacing her hand with the boy's.
with draco being one of the main members in the inquisitorial squad, it was like playing cat and mouse, as they were always trying to find out where harry and the rest were hidden.
'speaking of harry...I hope he hasn't realized the fake cloak yet...I might need to replace it soon...'
"you're doing it again", draco slightly worried.
"my apologies. I've just been a little worried about my o.w.l.s. lately", victoria smiled.
"you? oh please, you're probably going to outdo that mudbl—granger", draco quickly corrected.
victoria just shook her head.
"you must never assume you're better, or else you'll lose yourself and get wrapped up in your head", victoria said.
"by the way, astronomy tower tonight", victoria reminded.
draco slightly sighed.
"must we go today? I was going to take you to the lakeside", draco whined.
"take me tomorrow then darling. your father wanted this", victoria persuaded, still making draco slightly frown.
"and plus, you have a natural talent for it. wouldn't you want to hone those skills of yours?"
draco's mood immediately lifted as he was being praised. smiling, he nodded his head as he kissed the girl's forehead, making her smile in return.
the two then headed towards the library, where victoria loved to explore the restricted section, especially since draco was a prefect and the inquisitorial squad leader.
"you seem to really like the tales of the peverell brothers", draco commented as victoria sat on a chair while draco started on his homework.
"you don't think they're real?", victoria genuinely questioned.
draco gave it a moment's thought. he surely didn't want to offend the girl, but it wasn't like she couldn't read his mind if she had truly wanted to find out the answer for herself.
"not exactly. I mean, what are the odds of actually finding all three items and all at once, right?", the boy laughed.
victoria chuckled along.
"indeed, what are the odds".
draco covered victoria's eyes as he led her to the side of one of hogwart's lakes.
"are we there yet?", the girl laughed, trying her best not to trip.
"almost...and now!"
victoria's eyes fluttered open as she took a moment to adjust to the lighting.
she nearly gasped as she slowly walked over to the white towel with pillows around the edge of it. a basket of food was sitting in the middle of the rug while one of victoria's favorite books was stacked to the side.
"you did all this?", the girl questioned.
"of course", the boy boasted, taking the girl's hand and sitting down beside her.
"umbridge let you do all this?", victoria huffed out.
"what she doesn't know won't hurt her", draco grinned, making victoria shake her head as she laughed.
"well aren't you a hypocritical prefect", victoria teased.
"only for you my dear".
draco then opened the basket, bringing out the containers of food that he had the kitchen pre-make during their lunch time.
"molten lava cake for dessert?", victoria asked, almost surprised. as the girl broke into the moist chocolate cake, warm melty chocolate spilled out, nearly overflowing the container.
the white powered sugar that was sprinkled on top had a bright red raspberry to top it all off.
"I thought you'd like it since you always eat pieces of chocolate when reading", draco smiled, spooning a bit of the cake and feeding it to victoria.
the girl wasn't sure why, as many people have presented her with expensive and beneficial gifts, but this cake had made her so happy, it was like she was indulging in a guilty pleasure.
"well? is it good?", draco asked, somewhat worried that the girl wouldn't be satisfied.
victoria just simply nodded, giving the boy a genuine smile.
"here, you try some too", the girl softly murmured as she fed draco a spoonful of velvety chocolate.
victoria then lightly chuckled.
"you got some on your chin", victoria said as she took a napkin and wiped it off.
draco simply coughed, hiding his slight embarrassment as he handed the girl the book that she read nearly every time they were together.
"I thought you didn't believe in the tale of the peverell brothers", victoria questioned as she still took the book from the boy's grasp.
draco then hoisted the girl onto his lap, leaning his chin on top of the girl's shoulder.
"I don't, but you believe in them don't you", draco smiled, kissing victoria's cheek.
the girl opened the book to chapter seventeen as she cupped the side of draco's face with one of her hands.
"you spoil me too much", victoria chuckled, flipping a page.
"but isn't that what you're supposed to do, to the person you love?", draco smoothly answered, making victoria momentarily freeze.
"y-you what?"
draco just sighed.
"I love you, victoria. I love you very much", the boy admitted as he closed his eyes, snuggling into the crook of the girl's stiff neck.
suddenly, a scintilla of guilt started bubbling at the pit of her stomach. victoria felt herself bite the bottom of her lip as she let out a shaky breath, making draco immediately open his eyes in worry.
"v-victoria, why're you...why're you crying?!", the boy asked as the girl turned to the boy, who was still holding her.
droplets of tears slowly rolled down the rosy cheeks of the fair-skinned girl. draco's thumb gently wiped them away, making victoria lean into the warmth of the boy's palm.
"y-you love me? really?", the girl breathlessly asked.
draco lightly chuckled. "is this what it's about? of course! if you want, I'll tell you every single day until you believe me", the boy grinned as he kissed the top of victoria's forehead.
victoria clutched on tight to the boy's white button up. she hesitantly nodded as draco just cuddled her tighter, patting the girl's back rhythmically.
the girl's breath hitched as she thought about everything she's done to come this far. she then frowned as she snuggled closer, resulting to a nap, as she didn't want to think about this anymore.
draco simply combed through the girl's hair, a habit he had picked up after learning that the girl favored that.
"sleep well my dear", draco mumbled as he kissed the top of the girl's head.
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