THE THIRD TRIAL OF THE TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENT WAS PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT FOR VICTORIA. the girl made sure that she had consulted alastor moody before she had entered the maze.
"do not get in the way of my hard work", the man lowly muttered as he took another swig of his polyjuice potion.
"you dare threaten me? I'll have you know that I know exactly what I'm doing", victoria smiled, patting down her baby blue track suit as she tied her silvery locks into a low ponytail.
"just because you're the dark lord's favorite doesn't mean you can do whatever you want!", moody spat, making victoria nearly snort.
"there's a reason I'm the dark lord's favorite, barty junior, as I am, the best death eater of his", victoria lowly uttered as she hastily entered the maze, immediately taking out her wand.
she knew victor krum would be under the imperious curse, due to barty crouch jr.'s doing, but she had plans of her own.
just as she had walked towards the center of the maze, a groan was heard, alerting victoria that cedric was probably attacked.
rushing over to where the sound had came from, the girl witnessed a passed out victor krum along with cedric in front of harry.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!", the boy immediately said, making victoria nearly laugh.
"it seems that victor attacked cedric...I sent out two signals so that they'll be carried out later", harry said, to which victoria had just nodded.
"should we travel together then? two heads are better than one", victoria suggested, to which harry just sternly nodded.
as harry was about to leave, victoria pointed her wand at harry, not even giving the poor boy a chance to defend himself as she quickly casted a spell.
harry's body immediately fell to the grassy ground, making victoria sigh.
the girl whistled as she held out her left arm, letting a great-horned owl perch on top of her arm.
"it's been a while ollie. have you been behaving?", victoria smiled.
as if the owl could respond, it cooed as it inched closer onto the shoulder blade of victoria, nudging its head against the girl's cheek.
"I missed you too", the girl chuckled.
"though I need a favor", victoria suddenly said, making the owl seem to listen intently.
victoria took a small blade from her pocket as she sliced harry's palm, though since the boy was unconscious, he couldn't feel the pain.
the girl then quickly grabbed a small tube from her other pocket as she managed to contain some droplets of harry's blood, tying the small tube to her owl's leg as she secured the top with a cork.
"send it to him. and be careful", victoria advised as she let the owl fly off.
"obliviate", victoria whispered as she wanted to make sure that harry didn't remember this, just in case.
sighing, the girl finally took her little blade and slashed her legs, not deep enough to leave scars, but deep enough to look as if she had been attacked.
throwing the blade far into the branches of the maze, victoria then levitated harry's body as she led it towards the edge of the maze.
the girl patted some dirt onto her face as she conjured up some tears through her many years of acting.
sending a signal up in the air, help quickly came as the four contestants were helped out of the eerie maze.
"h-h-he attacked us! I barely thought we were going to get out alive", victoria sobbed, making nearly all the viewers and professors pity her.
"who? who attacked you my dear?", madame maxime worried as she tightly embraced the girl.
"victor...victor krum did! his eyes were white and seemed as if he was...he was under the imperious curse", victoria mumbled out, sobbing even more.
moody watched in horror, as the girl discreetly shot him a smirk before returning to her whimpering and frightened state.
"it's alright now dear. no one can hurt you now", madame maxime assured, making victoria cry even more and shake her head aggressively.
"I'm scared madame. I'm scared! he's among us...someone...someone here had casted the imperious curse on victor krum!", victoria loudly claimed, making whispers go around the stadium.
draco watched as the girl glanced around in worry. he would've believed her if he hadn't asked himself why she was the only one that made it out conscious while the others didn't.
"who my dear? do you know, dumbly-dorr?", madame maxime questioned.
"I think...I think it's him", victoria meekly whimpered out, shakily pointing at alastor moody, who just gritted his teeth.
victoria was by far madame maxime's most talented student, and honestly a sweetheart. she couldn't imagine why someone would just accuse her like this.
"moody, don't take a frightened child's word so close to heart", dumbledore interrupted, making the man momentarily stop his shouting.
"perhaps we ought to have a talk in private. would you like to return back to your chambers, ms. noir?", dumbledore asked.
victoria nodded, as dumbledore requested for a student to assist her back to her room.
"I insist professor!", draco offered. "after all, we are very good friends", the boy grinned, taking victoria's hand as he wrapped his other arm around her waist, supporting her.
"very well. I will see you to it then".
draco nodded as he excused himself and victoria, walking towards the entrance of hogwarts as the girl slightly limped from the leg injuries.
"could you walk any slower? we're going about the pace of a snail right now", draco insulted.
"well malfoy, if you want, you can head back alone and let me go alone. I'd prefer it that way honestly", the girl quickly retorted, having to have completely stopped her sob fest.
draco clicked his tongue as he swiftly swept the girl off her feet, carrying her princess style as he quickened up his pace.
"what? cat got your tongue?", draco teased, clearly enjoying the girl's moment of silence.
victoria simply leaned her head against draco's chest, as she listened to the boy's steady heartbeat, making him extremely confused.
one moment she seemed to have wanted to get far away from him, yet now she was wrapping her arms around his neck, laying her head near his shoulder.
"are you coming next week?", draco suddenly asked, making the girl raise a brow.
"the party", draco vaguely answered.
victoria simply hummed, as she had remembered receiving an invitation from the malfoys about a late birthday ball for draco.
all the elites and purebloods were going to be there. hence a great opportunity for victoria to make more connections.
"depends. do you want me there?", victoria asked, reversing the question.
draco simply didn't answer as the two had arrived in the hospital wing, with madam pomfrey quickly shooing the boy away and heeding to the girl's gashes.
"I'm expecting a present", draco quickly muttered as he swiftly left without sparing the girl another glance.
victoria simply smiled as she watched her owl perch on the windowsill of a half-open window.
madam pomfrey had advised the girl to get some rest as she hastily left to go attend to the three other contestants, who were most likely still on the field.
victoria unraveled the piece of paper that was tied to ollie's foot as she mentally read it to herself before burning it.
'seems you never fail to surprise me. I must say I was a little concerned that you had strayed away from your origin.
make sure you contact lucius soon. he'll let you know the next step'.
victoria merely chuckled as she watched the note burn into a pile of ashes.
"lucius malfoy, huh?"
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