VICTORIA WAVED AT RON, WHO SHYLY WAVED BACK. hermione huffed as she watched the interaction, in which harry just awkwardly chuckled.
the girl started her new school year at hogwarts by being sorted first, making everyone in the dining hall watch in anticipation.
once the sorting hat finished singing it's song, it had mumbled to itself, making victoria listen intently.
"ah yes...noir...very proud like your mother. I see some similarities between you and a certain past student...", the hat mumbled.
"without a doubt...SLYTHERIN!!", the musty brown hat announced, making the slytherin table clap and holler in excitement.
victoria smiled as she walked towards the table of who she will be spending the rest of her years with.
"as prefect, I'll be responsible for showing you all around the school. I know you've been exposed to most places last year, but there's still a few places that you might not know about", pansy grinned.
"alright. perhaps tomorrow after class then", victoria smiled as she received her timetables.
"welcome to the best house", draco boasted as he made the girl beside victoria move, sitting down beside her.
"thanks mr. prefect", victoria smiled.
the girl then caught the gaze of draco's little gang.
"you're crabbe and goyle right? and zabini", victoria inquired as she glanced at the three who just nodded in response.
"what? am I intimidating or something?", victoria chuckled, twirling a lock of her hair.
"not exactly. his majesty just said not to talk or look in your general direction", blaise sarcastically answered, making victoria laugh.
"shut the hell up zabini!", draco harshly whispered.
"what's this all about?", victoria questioned draco, leaning her head against the palm of her hand that was being propped against the dining table.
"nothing", draco growled as he aggressively stabbed his beef.
"hm...zabini is it? would you like to join pansy and I tomorrow on a school tour?", victoria sweetly smiled.
draco coughed, making blaise raise a brow.
"actually on second thought, I have something to do", blaise replied.
victoria sighed. "I suppose it'll have to be just pansy and I then", the girl slightly pouted, catching draco's glance.
"anyways, who's the slytherin quidditch team captain this year?", victoria interrupted, making draco scowl and grit his teeth.
"graham montague. he's right down the table over there", blaise answered, making victoria glance at the heavily built male.
"pansy, paper and quill", victoria commanded as she stuck her hand out.
the girl quickly fumbled through her bag as she pulled out the requested items, handing it to victoria, who quickly yet neatly scribbled something on the paper before folding it into a paper crane.
victoria then blew the paper crane towards the slytherin captain, making draco raise a brow.
montague unfolded the crane as he read the note's content, glancing around until he had caught the gaze of the one and only, victoria noir.
victoria simply smiled as she pressed her pointer finger up against her lips, signaling for it to be kept on the down-low.
"are you trying out for the team?", pansy questioned, to which victoria just shook her head.
"no, I'm going for captain".
"do you have the list?", victoria questioned as she hastily walked towards the quidditch field, tying her silvery locks into a high ponytail.
"yep. there are 46 contestants in total", luna answered, making victoria smile.
"thanks luna. it really means a lot that you're helping me, even if this isn't your house or duty", victoria said as luna just replied with a "of course!"
as soon as victoria arrived, all the contenders—which just so happened to be all males—immediately lined up, including graham montague.
"welcome to the slytherin quidditch tryouts everyone! my name is victoria noir, in case you didn't know, and I'm your quidditch captain this year", the girl introduced, making many whisper amongst themselves.
draco mentally rolled his eyes as he knew victoria only got captain because of her date with montague. however, the boy continued listening.
"now I did some digging around and realized that slytherins don't exactly have the best reputation. and so this year, we will not resort to cheating or any tactics of those sorts".
"then how else will we win?", one spoke up.
victoria grinned.
"well I'm glad you asked! hence why we will have tryouts for all positions this year. so even if you were on the team last year, it doesn't guarantee your spot this year", victoria excitedly announced, making the slytherins whisper amongst themselves even more.
"I want to form the strongest team, so every player must be the best of the best", victoria said.
"e-excuse me, but what potion will you be playing?", another slytherin boy meekly asked.
"I will be playing—"
"and what makes you think you're qualified?", another interrupted, making everyone turn towards the boy.
victoria walked towards the crowd, making the boys split like the red sea as she approached the one that had spoken out of turn.
"wilson is it?", victoria asked, to which the boy just haughtily nodded.
the girl then looked over at luna, who had gotten the memo and searched for the boy's name.
"jared wilson, sixth-year, trying out for seeker", luna read out.
"want to bet?"
"let's have a race to see who can catch the snitch first. if you win, I'll step down as captain and won't play quidditch ever again", victoria offered.
"but if you lose, you will heed to every single one of my commands as long as I'm captain".
the boy simply smirked as he quickly agreed. "I'll prove that girls aren't more superior than boys and that they don't belong on the field", he spat, making victoria internally fume.
"can I borrow your broom?", victoria sweetly asked draco, who of course lent it to her, as he wanted to see how this all went down.
victoria then whistled, to which a firebolt had swiftly appeared, arriving in the other hand of victoria's grasp.
"you believe in men superiority right? here, a firebolt for you while I use the nimbus 2001", victoria smiled, making the boy slightly suspicious.
"are you so confident in your victory?", draco whispered, making the girl turn towards him.
"have more faith in me malfoy", victoria lightly laughed as her and wilson mounted their brooms, flying up into the vacant sky.
the two flew in different directions, growing accustomed to their "new" brooms while the rest of the slytherins just watched in anticipation.
luna was responsible for letting the snitch out, hence the girl had let the little flittering ball free once she deemed appropriate.
victoria chuckled as she flew past wilson, enjoying the freedom that she had, away from all her current responsibilities.
as soon as the snitch was let out, it was as if victoria's carefree demeanor had shifted.
the girl was focused, like a predator about to pounce on its prey. victoria swiftly flew after the speedy quick snitch, with wilson slightly ahead as he was on the girl's firebolt.
"perhaps you shouldn't have lent me your broom after all", wilson smirked as victoria simply just smiled, making the boy utterly confused.
the girl then swerved under the goal post, twisting upwards as she twirled horizontally towards the other side of the field, snatching the snitch before wilson could even comprehend what had happened.
the slytherins cheered as the two then landed on the grassy field, with luna taking the snitch from victoria.
"haven't you played chess before?", victoria said. "the king may be the most important piece on the board, but the queen holds the most power, outperforming them all".
wilson simply bit his bottom lip as he clenched his fists in shame.
"now, does anyone else have anything against girls playing on the field?", victoria asked.
no response was heard, making the girl delighted.
"well then, let the tryouts begin!"
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