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Chanyeol sighed as he reached the school's entrance, standing there for a brief moment, getting ready to do the favor you gave him.
"Oh, Chanyeol!" A female voice said coming closer towards him. He turned around but immediately rolled his eyes as he saw the person.
He let out a breathy sigh and talked in an annoyed tone. "What do you want, Sana?"
"Oh, jeez, chill, I just came for a little visit, that's all... so how's Y/N?" She gave him a victorious smile. "Did it work? Did she finally go overseas? Ugh finally, that girl was really getting on my last nerve."
"No actually, she had to leave, somewhere else... for a different reason."
She leaned in towards him. "And what's that reason?"
He backed up. "That's none of your business, Sana. Now go with someone that can stand your annoyingness." He turned around and headed towards the school's doors, ignoring anything else she had to say.
"Just wait, Chanyeol! You don't be surprised when you never see her again!"
When the lunch bell rang, Chanyeol wandered the school looking for Jimin.
He looked in the cafeteria and around the halls, but no sign.
Not until he went near a window and saw them under a tree outside. He walked out and went towards their direction.
"Hey." Chanyeol told them as he finally reached them. They all took a moment to look at each other, but eventually greeted him.
"Chanyeol, have you seen Y/N?" Hoseok finally asked. Everyone has been wanting to ask, since Chanyeol was your best friend.
"No." He shook his head. Jimin let out a soft sigh and looked at the ground. Chanyeol looked at the others before talking. "Um... Jimin, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm just worried. she won't tell me were she is and I feel like I did something so that she won't come back." He played with his hands.
"We just don't feel complete without her, she always knew how to make us happy." Jin said, as he also looked at the other's depressed expressions.
Chanyeol nodded "I know how you feel, she won't talk to me either, all she told me was that she was in good state and doing well."
They stayed quiet for a while, knowing that they were all missing you was upsetting to them.
Chanyeol stood up slowly. "I should go now, I have work to do at the library, see you guys." He forced a smile and they all gave faded smiles back.
On his way back, Chanyeol took out his phone and called you. "Y/N?"
"Uh... yeah?" You said, groggily.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just that you called me at three in the morning.." you groaned.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot about the time zones."
"It's alright. So what's up?"
Chanyeol looked back at all the depressed boys.
"I did your favor."
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