Greetings English lovers and users,
You all know June is Pride Month but do you also this year June 10 is National Movie Night? According to many ESL users, they learn English through movies, TV shows, which is such a fun way to learn something. So why not celebrate Pride Month but with popcorn and a clapping board?
To celebrate both of these occasions, how about making a LGBTQ movie bucketlist together with us?
*bucket list: a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.
We want each of you to name a LGBTQ movie/TV show that you know and also use your words to tell us what is special about it. In the end, we will compile all the recommendations to make a bucket list for you all! We also give the shoutout to the one(s) with the comment of their movie that impresses us.
The Challenge
Name ONE movie/TV show that has LGBTQ characters or LGBTQ topics that you would recommend to your friends on a movie night!
Additionally, give a short comment why you think that movie/TV show is a must-watch for this #NationalMovieNight!
Rules and Guidelines
→ Deadline for submission: 23:59 GMT on June 30, 2022
→ One comment per user.
→ Only one movie is recommended per comment. We would love to know more but please choose your favorite.
→ All comments have to adhere to Wattpad Content Guidelines.
→ Non-English movie(s) and TV Show(s) are welcome but only if they have English subtitles available on official platforms. We want anyone to have access to your recommendation.
→ Submissions must be made via the comment section.
→ You have to use this format to comment:
Movie Title:
Your thought/opinion:
The Prizes
Our favorite movie recommendation(s) will receive a shoutout from us.
Contest Disclaimer: Please note, this contest and its rules are the creation of a team of Ambassadors (volunteers) and is in no way affiliated with Wattpad or its staff. Judging of said contest is entirely run by its creators and is not the responsibility of Wattpad or its staff. We reserve the right to refuse entries to this contest that we feel do not meet the required criteria, that are unsuitable, or potentially triggering. We are not obliged to give any feedback relating to entries, and any given is at our discretion. Please note that the decision of the judges is final, and that abusive language or behaviour directed at the Ambassadors, the profile, or the judges, will not be tolerated and may be reported to Wattpad's Trust and Safety team for their inspection.
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