A/N: OH MY GOD!!! This story has reached 5K reads! 😮
You guy's are so amazing! 🤗 Thank you to everyone who votes and leaves their hilarious comments and reactions to things going on in the story, it seriously make my day better knowing your guy's thoughts. *Hint hint* 😉😉 And thank you to all you silent readers too! 😊💕
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
Baekhyun was crouched beside his window, peeking out through the curtain when his phone buzzed in his hand. He pulled it out and read:
From: Sehunnie 😒
To: Baekhyunnie 🐶
On our way. Is everything ready?
To: Sehunnie 😒
From: Baekhyunnie 🐶
Yup. Now just hurry and get him here!
From: Sehunnie 😒
To: Baekhyunnie 🐶
Well, I see where I stand now . . .
To: Sehunnie 😒
From: Baekhyunnie 🐶
I love you too. Now stop being a baby 👶😝 See you soon! 😚
Baekhyun stuffed his phone away and turned around to softly say, "Shhh! They'll be here really soon."
Everyone nodded before going back into their hiding place. Baekhyun dropped the curtain back into place before running to the middle of the hallway that opened up into his living room. He folded himself onto the floor into a little ball just the way Kyungsoo told him too, with the red bow on his head facing up and the ribbons along his arms and legs and body on display.
When he heard the sound of car doors shutting, he became giddy with excitement. And when he heard the jiggling of the key in the lock, he was so excited he could bounce off the walls.
When the door finally opened with a rush of air and Chanyeol confusedly saying, "Baekhyun?" he threw his arms open and cried, "Happy birthday, Channie! I'm your present!" Then everyone else jumped out wearing party hats as they chorused, "Happy birthday, Channie! He's your present!"
Chanyeol laughed and walked towards Baekhyun, pulling him to his feet and kissing his cheek as he huskily muttered, "When do I get to open you, my present?"
Baekhyun giggled and patted Chanyeol's chest as he replied, "Later, baby."
Chanyeol pouted and Baekhyun grinned, then he asked, "Do you like it? It took us hours."
Chanyeol tore his gaze away from Baekhyun's face to take in the room. There were balloons floating in corners of the room, others rolling around on the floor from the gentle outside breeze, and some with the strings tapped down to the table that held the food and drinks. There was also streamers and a handwritten banner hanging from the kitchen archway that also proclaimed, "Happy Birthday Channie!" in big bold colors. And surrounded by all of that, were his friends and the love of his life.
It was all his could have wished for.
He smiled again and said, "Thank you, everyone, I love it!" He wanted to say more, but knew turning into a sappy mess while he gushed about how long it's been since he's had a party would ruin the mood, and he'd rather not remember those times. He was content with the present, and he loved his life now.
Baekhyun beamed and jumped forward to clasp Chanyeol's bicep as he excitedly replied, "I'm glad you like it, Channie!"
Chanyeol glanced down at Baekhyun and ran his finger along his bottom lip before threading his hand through his hair, and softly retorting, "You didn't hear me correctly, I said, 'I love it'." And then he bent down to gently kiss him. "Thank you, Baekkie. It really means a lot."
Baekhyun smiled into their kiss and softly muttered, "Of course, I'd do anything for you. I love you."
"I love you too."
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