"Ugh! I'm so bored!" Baekhyun whined as he rolled around on his bed. He still had thirty minutes of suffering left before Chanyeol got off from work.
He rolled over onto his other side and glared at the clock, willing it to speed up. It didn't, of course, and he whined before jumping off his bed. He searched through his closet for something to wear that'd be warm. He planned on walking to the music/coffee shop to surprise his boyfriend, and didn't want to be completely frozen by the time he got there.
Baekhyun just decided to settle with a pair of jeans and one of Chanyeol's oversized hoodies he'd forgotten to take with him the other night. Then he was bounding out of the apartment and happily strolling along the sidewalk.
It was a brisk walk but when he reached the shop he was enveloped in warmth. He sighed happily and readjusted his Nike hat. He strolled up to the counter and tapped his fingers with mild impatience as he waited, and then someone popped up from behind the counter, causing Baekhyun to gasp and his heart to speed up in surprise.
"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry! I didn't even realize you were standing there," explained the baby-faced looking man.
Baekhyun waved him off weakly before hoarsely responding, "It's okay. I was just looking for Chanyeol, is he here?"
The barista nodded with a small smile and replied, "Yup! Just in the back. I can go get him if you want me too . . .?"
Baekhyun pursed his lips and contemplated before responding, "No, it's okay, don't disturb him. I'll just wait."
The barista nodded before walking away, and Baekhyun walked to sit at one of the tables as he waited. A couple of moments later, someone else appeared. He set a to-go cup of coffee in front of Baekhyun, saying, "Hi, I'm Kyungsoo, and this is on the house because Minseok almost gave you a heart attack. And would you like anything else?"
Baekhyun shook his head and was about to say, "No, thank you," when a thought struck him.
"Actually, I do have a question," Baekhyun said; the barista nodded for Baekhyun to go on. "Your other employee here, Chanyeol, Minseok said he was in the back. What exactly is he doing . . .?"
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, Chanyeol.... Well, he's more than likely using one of the shop guitars to finish composing that damn song he's been working on for ages, now. He started it so long ago and still hasn't finished."
Baekhyun's curiosity peaked and he murmured, "He can play guitar?"
Kyungsoo nodded and said, "Yeah, he's really good. We keep begging him to perform here, but he keeps refusing, the oaf," Kyungsoo muttered under his breath with an eye roll.
Baekhyun tapped his bottom lip in thought before asking, "Would you get in trouble if I went back there?"
"Yes." Baekhyun's face fell. "But the owner isn't here today, so what he doesn't know won't kill him," Kyungsoo said with a wink.
Baekhyun grinned and happily stood up, following Kyungsoo to the back where he pushed a door open to show Chanyeol inside, a guitar on his lap as he bent over something. And when he began to play again, and his baritone voice was added to the mix, Baekhyun couldn't breathe nor describe his emotions in that moment.
Chanyeol was beautiful.
"Oh my God," Baekhyun whispered. "Why hasn't he told me he could play . . .?"
"He once mentioned the song was for someone special to him," Kyungsoo muttered, startling Baekhyun, who didn't realize Kyungsoo still stood beside him.
"Really . . ." Baekhyun trailed off. An then he gasped and smacked his hands over his ears as he hissed, "Close the door! I shouldn't know about this!"
Kyungsoo's eyes widened in surprise, but he did as he was told and quietly asked, "What do you mean?"
Baekhyun dropped his hands and sighed as he started to walk back to the front of the shop, musing to himself while he distractedly muttered, "Because we're dating . . ."
Kyungsoo gasped and grabbed Baekhyun's shoulders, hissing, "Oh my God! It's you! Crap! I should not have shown you then, I just thought you were a friend . . ."
Baekhyun huffed at that and pouted before replying, "No, we're in love, you jerk!"
Kyungsoo made a whoops face while Baekhyun rolled his eyes and began to drift back into his thoughts. His eyes flittered to the left, where he could see the adjoining section of the shop that held the musical instruments. He pursed his lips in thought before saying, "Kyungsoo? Do you know anything about guitars?"
Kyungsoo shook his head and muttered, "No, not really. Why? Are you thinking about buying Chanyeol one?"
Baekhyun nodded and said, "Yeah, his birthday is coming up and I couldn't think of anything to buy him, but now . . . I think I just found the perfect gift."
Kyungsoo smiled and replied, "Well, usually Chanyeol handles the customers looking for instruments because he knows the most about them, but since this time it's for him I'll be assisting you."
Baekhyun smiled, and then a thought struck him and he exclaimed, "Oh! I just remembered! My brother use to play guitar before he realized he sucked ass. No pun intended. Anyways, he could help me!"
Baekhyun pulled out his phone and excused himself to make the call.
Sehun answered on the sixth ring and sounded winded when he said, "Hello?"
"Sehun!" Baekhyun cried. "I need a favor! Please, help me out?"
"I'm a little —- Hmm! —- busy at the m-moment."
Baekhyun huffed and snapped, "Sehun! Stop having fucking sex and help your brother out!"
"Oh my God, Baekhyun, I sw—-"
Sehun was cut off when Luhan's voice appeared on the other end when he breathlessly said, "Hi, Baek! Can you call back later, please?"
"But I—-" Baekhyun began to say when the line went died. Baekhyun huffed and stomped his foot as he cried, "Damn it! Those butt munchers!"
He huffed again and turned back to Kyungsoo as he said, "Okay, he's a little preoccupied so it'll just be you helping me."
Kyungsoo nodded and said, "Alright then, should we begin looking?"
Baekhyun nodded with a smile and followed Kyungsoo into the music section of the shop.
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