Baekhyun sat across from Chanyeol on the ferris wheel, proclaiming that he wanted to be brave by sitting alone. But as soon as the ride started to move and he felt the cart lurch beneath him, his stomach dropped and his eyes widened as his knuckle whited around the seat edge.
Chanyeol watched him with pursed lips, before leaning forward to say, "You know, Baek, you can sit beside me and I'll never call you a baby again. But that doesn't mean I won't call you baby," Chanyeol said teasingly to relax Baekhyun's nerves.
It didn't exactly work though because at that very moment Baekhyun bursted into tears and cried, "Channie!"
Chanyeol mentally face palmed and carefully shifted onto Baekhyun's side of the cart, being careful not to jerk the cart and scare him even more. When he was beside him, Chanyeol reached around Baekhyun's waist and grabbed his hands, prying them from the seat's edge to pull him into his arms as he gently cooed, "Baekkie, it's okay. We're fine. You're fine. Calm down, baby. Shhh."
Baekhyun hiccupped and sniffled, calming down at the warm embrace of Chanyeol wrapped around him. He felt silly and pathetic for freaking out, and silently wished he could crawl into a hole with his new teddy bear to escape the embarrassment of the moment. But since he couldn't, he settled for sinking deeper into Chanyeol's comforting embrace.
As they sat there, Chanyeol's arms wrapped gently around Baekhyun's waist and Baekhyun's hand clutching at Chanyeol's sleeve, everything felt....perfect. Like the moment should never end. An both of them silently wishing it wouldn't.
Four hours, an equivalent of two hundred and forty minutes. The length of time they've known each other in person. Four days, an equivalent of five thousand seven hundred and sixty minutes. The length of time they've known the other's existed.
"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun softly whispered.
"Yes, Baekhyun?" Chanyeol whispered just as softly.
"Does this night have to end?"
"Sadly, it'll eventually have too."
"But this doesn't, does it?" Baekhyun softly asked as he threaded his fingers through Chanyeol's.
Chanyeol softly smiled and tenderly kissed the crown of Baekhyun's head before gently saying, "We only officially met four hours ago, and it already feels so much longer . . ." Chanyeol trailed off. "It's so nostalgic."
"Yes, Baekhyun?"
"I like you."
"I like you too."
Baekhyun blushed and said, "No, I really like you."
Chanyeol smiled and replied, "I might really like you too."
"Do you mean that?" Baekhyun whispered as he tried not to get his hopes up waiting for Chanyeol's answer.
"Of course, I mean that. My emotions are usually fleeting and made for the moment, but this —- you —- it's different. When I first noticed you beside me on the train car, I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Sorry I didn't say anything, I just didn't know that it was you. You, who I've been fantasizing about. You, who I've been dreaming about meeting since that very first message. You, Byun Baekhyun, who is slowly stealing my heart."
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