"Hey Love,
I talked to Nan, she said your parents got the letter. Your father was pretty pissed about it, Nan said she was too worried to leave her room. She said your father acted like a toddler throwing a tantrum. She doesn't hold anything against you; your Nan really loves you, Jack. You know she has your back during all of this. I'm going to be over more recently because of the whole 'your parents hate you' situation, at least until you are back of course. When you're back you should rest, a lot. I know how hard all of this is for you. You look like you're in a lot of pain. I got the IcyHot just like you requested. I'll be sure to help you with it first thing when we see each other again. I know how homesick you are, I also feel it, the distance I mean. It feels so sluggish without you here.
You have a family, Jackson. The guys and I, we are your family regardless of blood. We all love you and will gladly accept you into our homes with open and loving arms. You know we will too. If your parents just refuse to accept this, then okay. You can come live with me, Gene, or Nic. There are so many of us who will invite you in without any hesitation. Can you understand that? If not I'll show you exactly what I mean on October 22 when I see you again. Remember when we were still playing pretend; Lucas asked me what you were like and what I liked about you, and I said there wasn't much there at the time but I felt like there could be with some help. I was so right, and I'm happy I said yes to you.
I have everything planned for the weekend, so dont worry at all. I'm just so excited to see you again. I've dreamt about the day you come back, I miss you so much you're always on my mind even in my sleep. You aren't alone in questioning how we started dating. I had similar thoughts.
"How the hell am I together with the fuck boy? The guy I decided was my enemy because we're polar opposites."
But, if I'm being totally honest, you know I've always liked you. Even when pretending I would fall in love with you again for simply the way you spoke, smiled, the gentle touches, and the kindness you started to show. And, that time you pulled me close to you when you were pulling me into that damned closet. I fell for you all over again. I never thought I'd have a real chance; I always said you were too straight to go gay even for girl popularity. Who am I kidding? Even the first week we were together I still felt, just a little, that you would betray my heart and leave me. But, I know with every letter I get that you really do love me as me, male and all, cancer and all.
Hey, futuro esposo Jackson,
I love you,
1 week baby, I'll see you soon.
Mac, your husband "
Eres el amor de mi vida, mi corazón, mi hogar. No puedo esperar a verte de nuevo. Deberías empezar a estudiar español de nuevo. No es que sea malo, simplemente no quieres un traductor para algunas de las cosas que digo, si sabes a qué me refiero. Puedo ayudarte a estudiarlo también. Me siento más cómodo con mi español otra vez, y estoy seguro de que Gene ya te habrá contado toda la historia sobre mis padres imbéciles y el deseo de que yo fuera blanco y borrara mi herencia.
I hope you understand some of that, dont worry, I'll tutor you. Mac, there is no need to send another letter as there's only half a week left when you read this and get the pictures. It's taken me a little longer to write this. I dont speak or write in Spanish often, but most of the time when I'm thinking, I'm thinking in Spanish. Weird right? brains are weird. Still, Even I've had to freshen up on my Spanish. Thankfully there are a few guys fluent in many different languages in writing and speaking. And as for the way I've been able to write to you, my bunkmate is the one that has everything available to do it, but of course it's not free. He charges me with the corn during dinner, this dude is obsessed with corn. It's funny, there's trading and selling, but it's mostly just involved with getting the foods you like for an item you dont need but have.
I lost track there for a second. Anyway, I miss home a lot. Not my physical home; I mean with you or at school, with the guys at a diner, or playing laser tag. Basketball in the park, drinking in the theater, a bunch of things I didn't realize I would miss but I do nonetheless. Wow, look at me, I'm even talking differently I'm so far from home. I'm so restless here, but at the same time being here has helped me realize I can control my anger and stuff, and it's been easier. Still, it doesn't shake the feeling of wanting to run across states to get back to you. Gene and the rest of the guys have been keeping me up to speed with how you've been recovering, and I'm really happy to hear you're staying strong and kicking cancer's ass. And, when you do kill this cancer we'll celebrate and party till no tomorrow.
Get your ass ready for this weekend, I'm so pumped! Nothing is going to ruin this, Mac, I promise.
Te veré el día 22, mi amor, mi esposo, mi futuro, mi vida, mi tesoro, mi todo.
With the most love in the world,
Sincerely, your husband Jackson"
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