(I know it's Sunday and I upload on Mondays, but it's my birthday! August 18! I'm 19 years old lol, So here's a chapter a day ahead of schedule!)
"Wake up!"
My eyes shoot open, only to see my brother on top of me. My eyes close, my hand goes to his face and I push him off.
"Wake up! Wake up!"
"Shut up, shut up," I mumbled as I turned to face the wall.
"No, this was your idea. We're going to get a gift for Jackson, remember?"
I sigh and turn back over, I open my eyes to see Tim and Gene. Gene has his phone out and takes a picture of me. Tim looks at the picture and laughs.
"Sending this to Jack," Gene smiles and waves his phone at me. "Jack wasn't kidding, that's a wicked scar bro."
I look at my arm, the scar from my shoulder down to my elbow, "Yeah. It had to be a long scar," I sit up and roll out my neck. "I mean they broke my arm then took out my fucking bone. Then they screwed in the metal to the remainder of my bone. If my other arm grows," I extend both arms in front of me and measure the difference. "They'll have to open up my fake arm and extend the metal to match."
"Damn," Gene cursed, Tim grabs his arm and pushes him out the door.
"Go wait for us downstairs, okay?" Tim gives a smile, Gene nods and squeezes Tim's hand before leaving. "Pity party is over," Tim shuts the door. "Come on, let's go have some fun. What did you want to get for him?"
"A ring," I flip off the blankets and stand.
"You slept in jeans again... What time did you get home?"
"I dont fucking know," I shrug with a smile and strip off the jeans. "I did steal this from Jack though," I take off the ring around the necklace and hand it to Tim. "I stole it so I could get an exact measurement. I have some money saved from moms allowances."
"Why don't you wear it on your hand instead of on a chain?" I give him an obvious look and hold up my hand, he smiles and nods. "Are you sure you want to do a ring? I've never seen him wear rings before."
"That's why I want to do a ring," I shrug and pull his hoodie from the hook by my door. I throw it on and then turn to my closet for pants. "That way it'll hold more importance to him."
"So what are you thinking? Couple rings? Engagement? Promise?"
"None, just a ring for him. He can work out in something comfortable, nothing too flashy because his entire wardrobe is flashy," I grab black sweatpants and crawl into them. I stretch my back and yawn, then turn to Tim. "Not something too plain, and not something extravagant."
I grab the ring back from Tim and put it back on the chain, I fix the chain around my neck and slide my finger into the ring. It's still too big, even with room taken up from the chain. It's a silver ring, with sparking gems circling it.
"Let's go to the mall, get some food, then go get him a ring. Take your meds and finish getting ready. Also... fix your hair."
Tim waves and leaves my room, I turn to the mirror and see my hair sticking up every which way. I laugh and grab my brush, I leave my room and go to the bathroom, I wet my hair and start brushing through it. I towel dry, brush again, then put in moose and blow dry it. When my hair is under control, I walk back to my room, take off Jack's hoodie, and put on a sleeveless tank top. I put back on his hoodie and slip on my socks and shoes. I jog down the stairs, wallet, and phone in hand. My mom is talking to Gene, and Tim smiling at the two.
"You must be excited for Jack to come back, that's all Mac talks about. I heard you're going on a trip when he comes back, that'll be really good for you all," My mom smiles.
Gene and Tim look at me, I slightly raise my brows, and Tim nods and turns to my mom."It's like a double-date trip. Gene and I, Jack and Mac. We are excited," Tim covers for me.
"You guys are so sweet. Watching both of you mature, and get such handsome boyfriends, it makes me sad watching you both grow up so quickly."
"Mom," I step forward and smile, "We ain't going anywhere. Well, we are. We're going to the mall," I joke and she laughs. She kissed my cheek, then kissed Tim's forehead.
"Have fun, keep safe," Mom then looks at Gene, "It was nice meeting you, thanks for looking out for Tim," She opens her arms.
Gene looked at me and Tim, Tim nodded at him. Gene turns to my mom and smiles. He leans down to return my mom's hug, it only lasts a few seconds, but he was smiling when they separated.
"Tim is family, meaning you are family, just like Jack. If you ever need to, feel free to come over. I know Tim likes you a lot, and so do Mac and Jack."
gene talked me out of getting him a ring, and I agreed. Instead, I got him a beard kit as a hint that I wanted him to keep the beard. I also got him and me matching hoodies. It was supposed to be a "Hers and His" 2 for one deal, but I talked the cashier into letting me get 2 "His" instead. It was nice, Gene took Tim and me to the food court and we all got some Japanese. We talked about the weakened Jack who came back and how the entire group was gonna celebrate his arrival by taking some time away. Gene talked about wanting to go visit a lake near here, he said he grew up going there with his father and uncle, And he was telling everyone about how he was planning to visit is his work was taken care of.
It was a nice conversation, in a nice atmosphere, and what made it better was the fact Jack was coming home.
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