After school I went to his house, I chatted with Nan for a while, then I went to the basement. I grabbed the Adidas box under the bed and opened it. I see a few fake and outdated IDs, spare keys to his car, and his cards. He said the green one. It's very shiny and looks like it's been carved from emeralds. The bright green fades into a deep black, still shimmering and shining in the light. He was right, I had an idea for a hotel but was so concerned about the money. I know he was serious about getting a presidential suite, but I don't think I could.
Then I look back at the letter and smile. Buy something nice for myself? How I'm earth could I do that, with his money too? But I do have an idea, it wouldn't go to me, but instead, it would go to our weekend together. I slip the card into my wallet and grab his cologne, spray a little onto the neck of his hoodie, my favorite one, and bask in the smell. I kiss the glass and set it back down into the velvet box. I jog up the stairs and out of the house, I lock the door on my way out. I walk to a local grocery store and then walk to the hygiene.
I sigh when I see condoms are locked up, meaning I'll have to ask for assistance. I sigh but examine, I use my hand to try and remember how large we used last time. Then there are flavors? What the hell? Would he be into that stuff? There are even different types of lube, tingly lube, what's that?
"Can I help you?" The lady blushes when she sees me looking around and tapping the glass. I stand abruptly and try to compose myself.
"Umm, you could. Can you, open the case?" I ask my hand covering my face.
"Of course," she laughs, "what do you need?"
I point to the large condoms, then the flavored ones, then the funny lube.
"Oh, how fun," she jokes and takes off the red locks around the items I need.
"I'm seeing my boyfriend for the first time in 2 months," I elaborate, my hands cupping my face.
"Awesome, congrats," she gives me a warm smile. "Looking to spice things up a little?"
I look at her in surprise, then I see the lesbian flag pin she had on her vest. I smile and nod lightly. "Do you have a budget?"
I shake my head no, she then unlocks a few more clips. "I use this with my girlfriend, it's a lot of fun," she sends a wink my way. I look down at it and my mouth drops open.
"Umm, yeah," I grab it, then shove it in the basket. I'm curious. "Thank you," I grab the things I came here for and put them in my basket as well. I wonder if Jack would like that stuff, he's top so obviously he'd be using it on me. My face heats in embarrassment. "Thank you," I bow my head lightly and walk away to the holiday isles.
Halloween is right around the corner, so costumes are coming out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about this stuff, I just hope Jack likes the stuff too. But, I want to surprise him, I want to show him I'm seriousness about my love for him, especially love in the bedroom. I see a sexy female cop outfit, it's got a fake baton and handcuffs. I look at the male one. The male one looks too serious like it's an actual Halloween outfit. This female version looks like it's for me, it's prettier. My scar would show, but it's okay because it's him. As long as it's him I don't mind. I eye the skirt, seeing fishnets under it. I shift through and find my measurements on the back, I'm used to my measurements because of doc visits. I'm fairly petite and frail like a woman, but I am a bit tall for a female figure. Still, the outfit would work for me. I pick up my size and throw it on top of all the bedroom stuff.
I head back to the hygiene aisle and grab the cool lotions that remove all body hair. I figure I'll use that before going to the hotel. That way, I'm looking my best. I quickly check out and triple bag my items. I call Tim, but he's at work so I sigh and call Gene.
"Yo, you alright?""
Yeah, I'm perfectly fine, just wondering if I can hitch a ride?"
"Yeah, where you at?"
"The Walmart Target combo by Jack's house."
"Ahh, I got ya. Give me a few, I'll be there before you know it!"
"Thanks, Gene."
"Of course, see ya soon," and he hangs up.
I sit against the bricks outside and fuck around on my phone for 10 minutes. Then a honk of a horn and I look up to see Gene leaning into the passenger seat, the window down.
"Hop in!"I grin and stand. I look at my bag and then quickly tie it shut. I sit into the passenger and hide my beg behind my legs, I buckle and Gene gives me an odd look. "What are you hiding there?" He smirks seeing my surprise.
"Nothing much, stuff I needed to get."
"Mmm, sure," he gives me a wink then puts the car in drive. "Would that stuff be related to Jack?" I slap his arm lightly, and he laughs. "Alright, I got it."
My hands cover my face in embarrassment, he pats my head lightly. He switched the vibe and starts talking about Tim. He's a romantic which I didn't expect.
"Do you really like Tim?"
"I do. I don't like people. Not romantically, not sexually either. I always thought I was weird, I just don't feel that type of attraction. But, Tim is something else. Tim was like an awakening. He pissed me off at first, but I started to find him cute as time went on. He's kinda naive, which ticks me off sometimes, but I also feel the need to protect him. I asked him on a date, not expecting much,but it was everything."
"That was surprisingly honest."
"You may or may not know this but Tim and I have 2 classes together. So over time as I got to see him more, and our bickering became bonding, I started liking him. Like, when he's childish and sticks out his tongue, at first I told him I'd cut out his tongue if he didn't stop. But he never stopped, and I began to find it fucking cute. Like. How can one person be so evil and lovable, annoying but comforting, and so cute it pisses you off? Why does it piss me off? I honestly don't know. I hate when he doesn't smile at me, I hate when he's upset at me. I tease him a lot, but it's because I find it so cute. And, when I tease him too much he gets upset and I feel bad. I don't want to fuck this up, but I don't know how to properly act."
"Gene, you just need to be yourself. Tim likes you. Just be honest with him. I know my brother, you need to be honest with him and he'll appreciate it more than you'll ever know. He's good at detecting lies, which is why you shouldn't lie to him. Don't hide from him. He likes you, you've already gained some of his trust if he likes you as he does right now. Don't fret about it too much. Be open and honest, and he'll be open and honest with you."
He stops talking and I can tell he's deep in thought, then I realize we're on the way to Tim's work, and I smile at Gene which he doesn't notice because of how his thoughts.
"Your brain is going to implode with how hard you're thinking."
He looks over and smiles at me, lifting his hand to flip me off, I laugh at him and he focuses back on the road. "What does," he starts then his face slowly turns pink. "I want to take Tim on a date, but I don't know where to go or what to do," he looks at me with a pleading look. "Can you help me?"
My hand goes to his shoulder, and I pat it gently, "of course I will."
He grins and looks back to the road, "I hope you don't mind me taking you to Tim's work, I didn't know where to drop you off but I wanted to see Tim again. Are you hungry? I'll pay for the food."
"You don't have to suck up to me, Gene," I laugh out but he's serious. "Oh, sorry. I assumed-"
"It's okay, I get it. I genuinely do have good intentions with you and Tim. Jack is like my brother, and he's madly in love with you. It's gross at times really. So, if y'all were to get married then that'd make you my family. And, I mean this when I say you're fucking cool. Like beating the fuck out of cancer makes anyone a badass. You're reserved but can also hold a good debate," he turns into the strip mall and I see the restaurant Tim works at. "Not only that, I like Tim, and you're like his brother, you guys are family. You're gonna be playing a big part in my life now, and I'm really glad you will be. I mean it when I say you are fucking cool, and you're important to the people I care about, so you'll be just as important to me."
He stops the car and turns to me, I reach over and hug his shoulder, "thank you, Gene. It's the same over here."
"Good, then let me buy some grub for us, and ask for your help with this date, I want everything to be perfect. Tim deserves it."
We get out and walk in, Tim hugs us both and then sits us at a table. He was surprised to see me there, but Gene was already there chilling with Tim while he was on break. They were smoking and making out in the back from what Gene told me. I realized that's why Tim didn't answer me. I laughed it off and helped Gene plan the perfect date. A date that screamed Tim.
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