It's Wednesday now, the day flew by. I dicked around and got more comfortable around the boys. I know Jack going to be proud of me for trying and opening up to new people, especially his friends. They care a lot, even defend my friends when others give us dirty looks. I appreciate everything they've done for me and my friends. I hope they stick around even when Jack comes back. Genes up to his normal shenanigans, playfully flirting with Tim, Tim swatting at him in embarrassment. I haven't seen Tim ever like anyone. He's never flirted with anyone before, I assumed he was Aromantic and Asexual, but Gene has gotten into his head. I know it because I know my brother. I dont know if he likes Gene, but I know he secretly loves the flirts Gene sends his way. I want to ask Gene what all the flirting is about, but I dont know how or when. But I know when the moment comes to it I'll ask him.
At Lunch, we take the largest table in the center of the cafeteria. First, there's me, then to my left is Tim, then Gene. After is Lucus and Rain, then Sara and Em, then Pat and Nic, then Deren. There's an empty seat next to me, if Jack were here he'd be sitting there. But he's not. So, to avoid some rando sitting next to me, Deren Moves the chair to the table behind us, I was thankful. I also dont want a random sitting next to me, he could hurt my side or my shoulder, and I dont like conversations with new people.
"The letters should get there tomorrow, if not already there. I sent them with express, it'd normally take a whole week, I just hope they pass it onto him."
I smile at him, and he pats my forearm softly, in a comfortable way. I talk with Deren a lot, I learn that he's never been interested in sports and that if he were to play a sport it'd be Baseball.
"So, why are you on the football team?"
He points to Nic, "Because that loser begged me to join him. Im good at it, well, im a good linebacker."
I look at his physic, he is a little heavier, but also equally as muscular, he's also tall, about a half inch taller than me, and even im considered tall. All the guys at this table are tall, and all the girls are shorter. Its pretty funny.
"I can see that. So you play but you dont exactly enjoy it?"
"Not really. Again, I find baseball more interesting. Football is okay too. I'm good at it, and I have a scholarship because of it, so im not going to complain too much. Nic dragged me into it, Jack and I didnt get along at first because I didnt put my heart and soul into it, but then we found out we're kinda alike. After that, Nic and I have been brought in and we've been close since. Jack brought us under his wing I should say."
"Its true. Jack is a jackass sometimes, but he's a puppy when you get under his skin. I guess that's why he fell in love with you," Gene shrug nonchalantly. "You dug so deep into his skin that you started running through his veins. I knew something was up when he said he didnt want to end the deal."
"Wait, you knew?"
"Of course. I figured it out right away. He's never been with a guy before, so I found it suspicious that he latched onto you like a leach. Not only that, you and your friends hated him, well, you hated all of us, and that was obvious enough. So, I thought it was weird. I confronted him and he told me about the deal. He genuinely thought that it would work for some dumb fucking reason. Instead, he started getting attached to you. It was odd, to say the least, but he was happy. So, I didn't interrupt his thoughts and let him figure it out on his own. Of course, we pushed him along the way," Gene grins and motions to the other guys who seem proud of themselves. "And now here he is, head over heels for you."
"Is it true..." I start but look down at my hands. "No, never mind."
"No, it's okay. Ask," genes grin turns to a gentle smile.
"Is it true he never kissed his exes before?"
"Not a single one, not even Paige. I think that's why she's so jealous. I always thought he was Demi-Romantic, then again no one will know but him. He won't try to find out himself though, he just won't put in the effort. He doesn't feel the need to know what he is. His first girlfriend in high school kissed him, but he didn't like it. He tried to kiss people, but he just didnt get it. He only liked the sex, and kissing was his turn-off," Gene shrugs. "So, he kept it at sex only with them, no kissing, no official titles. He called his ex's flings because he hated the boyfriend's girlfriend's title. I've never seen him romantically or sexually attracted to anyone before. But he met you and all of that changed. I know his thing for you is real, and it's strong. He's not going to let go of you, I hope you know that."
I laugh and smile. I feel awkward for making Gene say all the gushy stuff, but he didn't seem to have a problem with it. I was glad I asked. Knowing they've been friends for so long, Gene knows him inside and out.
Once again, after school, we go to the cafe, and Deren gets a job application while we're there. His leather man vibe fits in with the old-school dinner theme. Still a cafe, but the feeling of a dinner. I could see Jack working here. He's charismatic and confident, holds himself with determination, he also can rock the motorbike outfit. I'd love to see him on a motorcycle, the chaps on top of jeans, the boots, the biker jacket, and all. I don't think I could fit the feeling well, it's never really been my style. My style is more of a kid that wants to blend in with some loose jeans and a blank T-shirt, maybe a hoodie or jacket to go with. I haven't seen myself dressing in a certain style in a long time. Maybe it'd be fun to try.
Eventually, we all go our celebrate ways, and another school day is successful. When I get home lay on the couch with my mom, we talk about random things for an hour, then I help mom prepare dinner which will take another hour and a half. 2 hours later, the table is set, dad is home, and we eat. I learn tomorrow I have chemo 2 hours before school ends, I'll have to remember to tell the guys before I leave so they don't worry. I know they would. My friends are used to me normally leaving early because of my cancer, the guys are not thought.
"Mac, you okay? You're spacing out a lot," my father gives a concerned look.
"I'm doing really well right now," I grin and sigh, I think about how excited I am to hear from Jack, and think about to new friends and my old friends getting along so well making my happiness grow. But instead of saying that, I rat out Tim. "I think Tim has a crush. Finally."
"Oh, who?" My mom leans forward excitedly.
I pull out my phone, "His name is Gene. He's Jack's best friend, almost like a brother. Gene is a lot like Jack, and I think Tim is starting to like him."
I pull up a picture that I snook of Gene and Tim. My mom awes at a blushing Tim, mentioning how handsome Gene is, saying she's happy Tim is happy.
"That's amazing hun," my mom kisses my cheek. "But you have school and chemo tomorrow so go get some sleep. You'll need a lot of energy."
So, I do. I go to sleep and dream a wonderful dream, a dream about Jack.
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