Chapter Nineteen
Thank you all for 1k reads, I'm glad people are actually enjoying this book. Now, back to the story! Happy reading~
I WALKED DOWN THE HALLWAY, the scent of lavender filling my nose. I huffed as I fixed up my white doctors coat, a frown on my face.
'Now I need another nap...'
Suddenly, a blaring alarm and flashing red lights filled the corridor. I froze and straightened up as I heard a clunk to my left. I looked down the hall both ways to see it. All the doors were being opened. All simultaneously, opened outwards. I cursed under my breathe as I reached for my phone. I was about to dial a number when something wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me into a room. My first thought was to scream my lungs out, but I saw a flash of yellow above me.
"Denki. What's going on?" I asked as he slammed his door shut. He looked to me with a shrug.
"I don't know, but I'm glad I caught you." He sighed audibly. "It seems someone unlocked all the doors. You should be safe in here." I raise an eyebrow.
"Safe from what?" I ask, temporarily clueless. He gave me an 'are you serious' look.
"From everyone else! Bakugou and all that, their doors are most likely open as well." I pressed my lips together, realizing my predicament.
"Shit." I muttered. He walked over and smiled at me.
"Aw! I thought you were to innocent to curse." He said, leaning down to my level and giving me a shit eating grin. I giggle as I push his face back with my hand.
"Yeah yeah, you caught me." I turn to look at the door. "But I have to do something about this. It's dangerous." My eyes widen. "Oh my god." I whisper under my breathe. He gives me an inquisitive look.
"What's wrong?" He asks, putting a hand on my shoulder. I walk towards the door only to be stopped. "Y/N! What's wrong?!" He asks hurriedly.
"Flashing lights. Tetsu has epilepsy, he could be in trouble!" I say, trying to pry his hands from my waist. He lifts me up as a response, making my legs dangle.
"It's too dangerous for you out there! What if Bakugou or Kirishima are on the prowl?" I look him in the eyes, my expression deadly serious.
"Denki, I have to go, a patient could be in dire need of me. I have to do my job." I say. He furrows his brows before letting go of me.
"Fine. But I'm coming with you." He says, following me to the door. I swing it open and speed walk out, ignoring the chaos around me. I walk towards Tetsu's door, only to see it closed. I see Hitoshi standing next to it, looking rather annoyed. I walk up to him with Denki on my trail.
"Hitoshi, is Tetsu okay?" I ask quickly. He shrugs.
"Yeah, figured I'd come out and close his door since some idiot left the lights blaring." He nods towards the door. "I know he can't stand it." I let out a breathe of relief as I brightly smile at him. I engulf him in a tight hug. I feel him hesitantly hug me back.
"Thank you Hitoshi, it means a lot." I pull away and see him give a small smile.
"It's whatever." He shrugs, looking away. I look up to see the sirens and lights turn off, leaving the facility in a pitch black. I look around only to see darkness. I feel a hand find mine and tightly squeeze it.
"Y/N we have to go." Denki urges, whispering in my ear, sending goosebumps through my body. I nod as I make my way down the hall, letting go of Denki's hand. I walk fast as I try to make out figures in the dark.
I yelp quietly as I hit something. I don't have the time to recover as the lights turn back on, leaving me dazed. I focus my vision to see that I had bumped into Katsuki. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at me. I straighten myself as I walk past him and continue down the hall, now able to see everyone walking around.
"Hey!" A hand grabs my wrist and yanks me back. I turn to stare into Katsuki's crimson orbs, his face a little closer then what I would've originally liked.
"Katsuki, I have to see what's happening. Please let go." I ask, only for him to do nothing. I grumble as I snatch my wrist from his grip, making me stumble back a little. I hit another body.
"Hi Y/N!" I almost curse as I look up to see Eijiro's bright smile. I give a small smile as I stand up again.
"Hey Eijiro, I have to go and see what's happening. Stay here." I explain quickly, swiftly walking around him. I nod to Shouto as I walk past him, leaving him with a shocked expression.
In the corner of my eye, I see a flash of green bolt towards me. I don't have enough reaction time as Izuku tackles me in a hug.
"Y/N!" He says excitedly. I bite my lip as I look up at the taller male, his green orbs bright. He lets go and smiles.
"Hey Izuku." I reply. "I have to see what's happening, I'll be back." I say, walking away from him. He quickly catches up and grabs my hand, walking in step with me.
"Can I come?" He asks, peering at me. I shrug inwardly.
"Sure." I reply, walking briskly with my new companion. I feel my hand get squeezed as a response. I turn to Izuku, only to see a hand grab the back of his shirt.
"YOU FUCKING NERD!! DON'T TOUCH HER!!" I gasp as Katsuki pulls Izuku back and throws him down. Eijiro was behind him, a stern expression on his face. I saw Denki a little further back, looking a little sad. I watched as Izuku gets back up, almost instantly. He gave a crooked smile as he stared up at the murderous looking ash blonde.
I couldn't help but feel frozen.
"Kacchan. Why don't you go back to your room? I'm sure everything would be better if you did." I press my lips together. 'How was this usually timid boy standing up to the oversized angry Pomeranian?' I couldn't help but watch, waiting for my voice to return to me. 'It seems like they've known each other for a long time, maybe it's better to let them talk.'
The blonde stiffened. "You shitty nerd Deku! Why don't you go back to your fucking room hah?!" Katsuki yelled. Izuku chuckled slightly.
"Well I can't right know, Y/N and I are going to investigate a problem." He turns to me and gives a bright smile before turning back. "It's best if you left us alone, Kacchan." A devious smile came to his face as he spun around and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the exit again. He smiled as I walked in step with him once again. "Don't worry." He said, noticing my concerned features. "Kacchan is always like that. I'm used to it." I nod slowly as he squeezed my hand.
Before we could make it ten steps, Katsuki rushed by and flung Izuku to the side, making him crash into the wall. I go to scream at him when he turns to me, his crimson orbs almost sad. I stand confused at him for a moment before he grabs my wrist. I'm snapped out of whatever trance I was in and wince.
"Katsuki, could you let g-"
"No." He says abruptly, cutting me off. I frown.
'C'mon. I have to rescue a BLT that's waiting for me in the staff room.'
He glares at me, cutting me off from my thoughts of lunch.
"Do you prefer that spineless nerd over me?" He growled his voice low and his face inches from mine. I feel my body almost shutdown at both his proximity and the anger resonating from him. I gathered all the courage I had in my system and held my hand to his chest pushing him back a little.
"I'm not obligated to answer that." I say, tinges of annoyance tracing my tone. I turn my head to see the exit, it's green glow enticing. A hand grabs my jaw and forcibly makes me look back at the pissed off man before me, his expression fuming.
"Bakugou, that's enough." A hand slaps Katsuki's hand from my jaw. Shouto stands besides me, staring down Katsuki with a dark look. Katsuki growled as he straightened and stared back at him, angry heterochromatic eyes staring into pissed off crimson ones.
Before either of them could say anything, a flash of green snuck up behind Katsuki and leaped onto him, causing him to spin and fall. I yelped as Shouto pulled me away, his arm around my waist. Soon enough, the floor before me because a brawl. Katsuki, being the better built man, threw Izuku off, making him crash down again.
Katsuki turned to see Shouto holding me, my eyes tearing up at the scene. His eyes widened.
A scowl broke out on his face. "HALF AND HALF BASTARD! LET HER GO!!" He yelled, dashing towards us. I stepped forward before Shouto could pull me back. I held my hands out in a stop gesture, making the oncoming Katsuki stop, mere inches from colliding with me.
"Katsuki. Please stop. You need to breathe and calm down." I say, my voice calm and soothing. He straightens and looks down at me.
"Move." He sneered, venom lacing his words. I narrowed my gaze and exhaled a shaky breathe.
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