Lyla And Monty
"Ferb! Wake up!" Phineas said, shaking his brother.
"Go down there and get her!" Isabella said.
Ferb woke up slowly and he shook his head from dizziness.
"Come on! Let's go!" Phineas took one of Ferb's hands while Isabella took the other.
The raced down and I followed them.
"Ferb?" Vanessa said when she saw him.
"V-Vanessa?" Ferb said.
He was losing his cool, you could tell, by the small shivers on his arms.
I pushed Phineas and Isabella into the kitchen where Pinky, Candace, and Stacey were.
We watched them quietly as the stared at each other.
"Um you didn't happen hear that earlier did you?" Vanessa asked.
"Oh n-no..." Ferb muttered.
"Ok." Vanessa said looking down.
Ferb followed her by looking down at his feet and sorta twiddling his fingers.
"What are they doing?!" Pinky hissed.
"Shh." I whispered and put my hand over her mouth.
"Um Ferb? I was wondering, if it's ok, would to go on a d-"
"Nobody move!" Someone crashed through the window and grabbed me.
"Ahhhhh!" Stacey and Candace clung to each other as they screamed.
Phineas held on to Isabella as she shivered in fear.
I grabbed whoever's arm had taken hold of my neck and flipped them.
"Don't move!" Pinky yelled, appearing next to me.
"L-Lyla?!" I said, recognizing the C.O.W.C.A agent.
"That's Lyla?!" Pinky exclaimed.
"Hehe, good to see you again, P!" Lyla laughed.
"Lyla?" Vanessa said and walked up to her.
Ferb followed her while the others sighed.
"You're Lyla?" Vanessa asked.
"Yup! You must be Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, right?" Lyla said.
"Um yes. Where'd you hear that?" Vanessa asked, helping her up.
"From my partner, Monty Monogram! He's a real peach, you know! He's great but he's always going on and on about you. Had to take a break from that." Lyla laughed.
Vanessa blushed while Pinky and I had our mouths wide open.
"I have a feeling this is too much for me..." Candace sighed.
"Let's get you upstairs." Stacey said, leading her.
"Um we'll be upstairs too." Isabella said.
"Tell us what happened later." Phineas said.
They walked upstairs leaving Ferb, Pinky, Vanessa, Lyla, and I in the kitchen.
"S-So Monty with you?" Vanessa asked, looking away.
"Yea! In fact, he should be here in three, two, one!" Lyla counted down.
Just as she thought, another figure came crashing down through the window.
"Lyla! Did you find-...Vanessa?" Monty said, spotting the gothic teen.
"Uh hey Monty..." Vanessa said.
"Um hey..." Monty said.
They both turned away with faint blushes on their face.
"Oh come on! You saw each other two weeks ago!" Pinky yelled, exasperated.
"Be quiet, Pinky." I said quietly and pulled her into the living room, away from them.
"Ugh! I was so close! She was going to ask him out!" Pinky growled.
"Whatever. It doesn't matter now. She'll probably go back to Monty." I whispered.
"What?! Did you want her to get with Ferb?" She asked.
"Yea but let's be realistic. She'll be more interested in someone her own age." I said.
I don't know why but I'd been staring at Lyla the whole time she'd been here. Jeez. She was really pretty. Not that she wasn't pretty before. Just...I didn't care much because you know, I was a platypus before. I didn't think this would happen. But now...
Pinky stared at me and looked in the direction I was looking at. When she realized it was Lyla I was staring at, she smirked and leaned in close.
"You like Lyla, don't you?" She asked.
"Tch. No way. I just...haven't seen her since last summer. I was just...observing her. She's gotten more...aggressive." I scoffed.
"Yea, right! Don't lie to me, P! You want Monty to get with Vanessa so that Lyla will be yours for the taking? Hmm?" She beamed.
"Whatever." I blushed.
I grabbed my hat down to hide my burning face but Pinky plucked my hat before I could hide my face.
"I see a little platy blush!" She smirked.
"Shut up..." I murmured.
"Mmm...sorry, Ferb, but my best friend comes first!" She smiled, slinging her arm around my neck.
"Best friend? I don't remember agreeing to that." I joked.
"Be quiet, P, and just watch! I'll be your wing chihuahua! Don't worry!" She said and led me back into the kitchen.
"So, Lyla? You worked with Perry before?" Pinky asked.
"Yea! We went on miss-" Monty pressed his hand on Lyla's mouth before she could finish.
"Should he be here?" Monty asked.
We all glanced at Ferb. He was so quiet, we sorta forgot that he was here.
"Well...I mean it's his house." Vanessa said.
"Yea but..." Monty said.
"Is there something I can't know?" Ferb asked.
His eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were squinting. Almost like he was...trying to glare?
"Ferb, are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm fine, Perry. Was there something you wanted to ask me, Vanessa?" Ferb asked.
"Oh um..." Vanessa glanced at Monty.
"Nothing, Ferb. It was nothing." She shook her head.
Despair flashed in Ferb's eyes before they turned cold.
"Ok, then. I'll be upstairs. You can continue your secrets or whatever." He said.
He turned to me. "Perry, why, even when you're human, do you keep secrets from us?" He asked and then went upstairs.
Silence filled the air and I felt my heart breaking. There was so many secrets between me and the Flynn-Fletcher family that it was a wonder that they even considered me part of the family. I thought I was doing something right when I didn't tell them but it really hurt when Ferb said it out loud.
"Ouch. P, you ok?" Pinky asked, laying a hand on my shoulder.
"Um yea...why wouldn't I be?" I asked, shaking off the feeling.
"Um I'm sorry. Did I ruin something?" Lyla asked.
"You're fine! I think...anyways, how about all of you go on a date tomorrow? A double date!" Pinky suggested.
"Uh sorry Perry. I don't like you like that." Vanessa said to me.
"No! No! Vanessa with Monty and Perry with Lyla!" Pinky corrected her.
"A double date? Cool! I've never been on one! So we'll see you tomorrow?" Lyla said.
"Eight o'clock at Chez Platypus!" Pinky beamed.
"Chez Platypus? Sounds exciting! We'll see you there! Later, P!" Lyla saluted to me and rushed out the window.
"Um see you tomorrow, Vanessa." Monty said, rushing after Lyla.
There was big stomping sounds as Candace came down the stairs. Stacey, Phineas, and Isabella ran after her. They looked confused but not as upset as Candace.
"What is this about you brushing off Ferb for your ex?!" Candace asked Vanessa.
"Candace, slow down. We didn't hear her side." Isabella said.
"Besides, no way Perry would let that happen, right?" Phineas said.
"Oh...forgot about them..." Pinky whispered.
"So is it true?" Candace asked.
"Uh...sorry, Candace. I...I like your brother but...I guess I'm still in love with Monty..." Vanessa said.
"What?!" Candace exclaimed, her eyes raging.
"Really?" Stacey asked, pulling on her friend's arm.
"I thought you were getting them together!" Isabella told Pinky.
"Um...I was. But..." Pinky stuttered, trying to look for an answer.
"I'm in love with Lyla." I said, giving Pinky an excuse.
"What?!" Candace, Stacey, Phineas, and Isabella exclaimed.
"I...I asked Pinky to set me up with Lyla." I said.
"But why does Vanessa have to brush Ferb off?" Candace asked.
"It was so Monty wouldn't get together with Lyla, right?" Vanessa asked, softly.
"What kind of plan is that?!" Candace asked.
"Candace, calm down." I said.
"I can't calm down! My little brother is up there almost to tears because Vanessa still wants to be with her ex and you want to be with a girl that you somehow knew as a platypus!" Candace shouted.
"Ferb is crying?" Vanessa asked, worried.
"Oh what does it matter to you?!" Candace asked, sarcastically.
"Candace, it's ok. Ferb doesn't hold grudges. We'll build Chez Platypus for you guys." Phineas said.
"Thanks, Phineas." Pinky whispered.
Phineas pulled me and Pinky aside.
"I don't like this new plan but I guess if you're happy, Perry..." Phineas whispered.
"I'm sorry, Phineas." I whispered, my voice full of guilt.
"It's ok, Perry! Ferb and I love you! And as long as we see the ones we love happy, then we're happy." Phineas said.
"Pinky, give me my hat..." I muttered.
"Wha? Oh ok." Pinky handed me my hat just as I was about to burst out in tears.
"P, are you crying?" Pinky asked.
"Jeez, I can't help it, Pinky." I muttered.
"Don't worry! We'll have it done by tomorrow." Phineas laughed and ran upstairs to tell Ferb.
"Aww. They're so sweet!" Pinky squealed.
"Pinkamena Garcia-Shapiro!" Isabella stomped over to us.
"Oh dog crap..." Pinky whispered.
"Phineas and Ferb may be ok with this but I'm not! How could you hurt Ferb like that?!" Isabella asked.
"I...I..." Pinky said, her face pale.
"I'm sorry, Isabella. It was my idea. I-I guess...this is my first time at uh...something like this." I blushed, stepping in front of Pinky.
"Fine...I can understand that I guess..." Isabella sighed.
"Go tell Phineas and Ferb to make that platypus restaurant. I'm going shopping." Candace sighed, leaving with Stacey.
"Uh...I'll...I'll be back tomorrow. Sorry for the trouble." Vanessa bowed and left.
"Are you going to stay here to work on the restaurant?" Isabella asked.
"No? Why?" Pinky asked.
"Just wondering. I'm going home now. Are you coming?" Isabella said.
"Uh yea I'm coming! See you later, P!" She said and walked out.
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