"Heinz! Show yourself!" I shouted as Phineas and I kicked our way into his penthouse. To be honest, it felt good to be crashing down his doorway again.
"Isabella!" Phineas yelled.
We watched in horror as one of the walls turned and revealed Isabella and Pinky hanging by chains. I saw my fellow agents laying unconcious in metal see-through cages.
"Isabella!" Phineas ran to his ex-girlfriend and cupped her face in his hands. "Isabella, can you hear me?"
Isabella didn't respond and I wanted nothing more than to also run to Pinky and make sure she was ok but I needed to keep my gaurd up. I heard a familiar evil laugh and Doofenshmirtz appeared.
"Doofenshmirtz! Let them go!" I ran towards him and Norm appeared. He grabbed me and clenched me in his fist.
"Hel-lo, Per-ry the plat-y-pus." He greeted.
"Norm, let me go!" I growled.
"I'm sor-ry. I can not do that." He said.
"Haha! See, Perry the Platypus! I am evil!" Doofenshmirtz cackled.
"Let them go!" Phineas yelled.
"Who are you? You know what, it doesn't matter. With O.W.C.A out of the way, I'll be able to rule the Tri-State Area!" Heinz laughed.
It was the same laugh hat he had before when he made his dumb inators but this time, it sensed shivers down my back. His eyes were shining but they didn't have that usual glint that I saw on a daily basis. The one where he was excited about his inators but didn't truly want to hurt anyone. This time, his eyes were dark and showed no regret.
"What happened to you, Doofenshmirtz?" I asked, struggling against Norm's grip.
"I just shot myself with my more-evil-inator. Nothing much." He smirked.
I remembered his more-evil-inator. It once hit Lawrence, Ferb and Phineas' dad, and almost made him the leader of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
Despite the weird name, you don't want to mess with these wannabe evil scientists.
"Time to defeat you once and for all, Perry the Platypus." Doofenshmirtz waved at Norm and Norm took my hat and brought a cloth up to my face.
My highly trained nose couldn't handle the alcoholic smell. I couldn't tell what it was but whatever it is was, it was making my head feel light and my vision was getting blurrier by the second.
"Phineas..." I muttered as I caught sight of Norm pushing the cloth over Phineas' face.
Phineas struggled and tried to hold on to Isabella but soon, he slumped down and closed his eyes. His hand was still holding Isabella's.
"Pinky...I'm sorry..." I whispered to my unconcious best friend as I felt sleep overtaking me and I closed my eyes.
"Perry! Perry!" I heard Pinky's voice and I stirred around.
My head was throbbing with headaches and I couldn't see anything but blobs of color. I could hear crying and screaming and I tried to shake my weariness away. Finally, the ringing in my ears cleared and I could make out Pinky.
"Pinky?" I murmured.
"Perry! You're awake!" She cried out.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"You're in my basement, Perry the Human." Doofenshmirtz came into the room.
"Heinz?" I said, groggily.
"Yes. It's me." He said.
"What are you doing?" I looked around and I gasped as I saw Pinky trapped in a small cement room where one wall was glass and the door had a huge gold lock on it. I saw Isabella trapped in a similar room beside Pinky's.
"I'm giving you a choice, Perry. I've trapped these two girls and above is a pipe that will dump quick drying cement on them. In my hand is a keychain full of keys. One key will unlock both doors. But of course, I'm not giving them to you. I'll give them to you only if you pick which one to free. Also, you have to agree with that redhead boy." Doofenshmirtz paced around as he twirled some silver keys.
I looked down beside me and saw Phineas tied to a chair against me.
"We have to pick between Isabella or Pinky?" I asked.
Doofenshmirtz nodded and Phineas looked at me with pleading eyes. "I want to save Isabella!"
"Who will you choose, Perry the Human? Your best friend or the girl your owner loves?" Doofenshmirtz smirked.
"Perry! Listen to me! Save Isabella!" Pinky yelled.
I stared at her in pain. "Pinky, I-"
"Tick tock, tick tock, I don't have all day." Heinz said.
"Phineas, I'm so afraid." Isabella cried.
"Isabella! We choose Isabella!" Phineas shrieked, struggling against the chains around us.
"Hmm...I change my mind." Doofenshmirtz said.
"What?!" Pinky exclaimed.
Doofenshmirtz walked up to Isabella's cage and smirked as she shivered in fear and tears streamed down her face.
"Little girl, I heard that you were one of those annoying Fireside Girls, am I right?" Doofenshmirtz asked.
"Don't answer him, Isabella." Pinky said.
"I...I am..." Isabella replied.
"So I'm guessing you have your selfless patch or something? Right?" Doofenshmirtz asked.
"Right...?" Isabella answered.
"Good! So answer me! Will you choose to save yourself or this girl?" Doofenshmirtz smiled.
Isabella looked at him and her eyes darted around for an answer.
"Isabella! Save yourself! I'll be fine!" Pinky shouted.
"But, Pinky!" Isabella cried.
She fell to the ground and wrapped her arms around herself.
"No answer? Norm! Flip on the cement switches!" Doofenshmirtz ordered.
"No, wait! Pinky! I choose Pinky! Please!" Isabella screamed.
"Former dog, it is." Doofenshmirtz pulled off a key from the keychain and flipped it inside Pinky's cage from the top.
Pinky grabbed the key and reached through the small armholes in the door and tried to unlock the door.
"Doofenshmirtz! It's not working! Why isn't it working?!" Pinky exclaimed.
"He's not really going to save either of you. He tricked you." I said.
"I always knew you were smart, Perry the Human! Why would I save you when I could watch you suffer?" Doofenshmirtz laughed.
"You're evil!" Pinky shouted
"Well, duh, that was the point." Doofenshmirtz said.
"Dad! Stop!" Vanessa ran into the room, followed by Ferb and Carl.
"Sweetheart?" Doofenshmirtz asked. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm stopping you, Dad." Vanessa stated.
"Leave, Vanessa. You're not a part of this!" Doofenshmirtz yelled.
"Dad, let them go!" Vanessa shouted.
Quickly and quietly, Carl and Ferb snuck over to us. Ferb pulled out his blowtorch and silently charred the chains in half.
Carl handed me my hat. "Here you go, ex-agent P."
"Thanks, Carl. Thanks, Ferb." I whispered.
Phineas and Ferb ran to Isabella and grabbed the keys that had fallen to the floor.
"I'll get you out of here, Izzy, don't worry." Phineas said with a determined look.
"Phineas..." Isabella whimpered.
"Oh, no you don't! Norm!" Doofenshmirtz yelled and Norm flipped on two switches.
The pipes in Isabella and Pinky's cages groaned and cement fell into the cages, quickly filling up the bottom.
"Phineas! Save me!" Isabella cried, pounding on the door.
"Don't worry, don't worry!" Phineas frantically tried every key he could find.
"Pinky!" I ran to her and tried to find her key.
"P, worry about Isabella, not me!" Pinky exclaimed.
"What are you talking about?! I'd rather die than see you buried in cement!" I yelled.
"W-What?" Pinky asked.
"You're important to me! I'm not just gonna stand here and do nothing!" I exclaimed.
Pinky was silent as I continued in our frantic search. Ferb shot up and held up a small silver key. He quickly jammed it into Isabella's keyhole and there was a click as it opened. Isabella fell out of the cage and Phineas hugged her tightly. Ferb opened Pinky's cage and I scooped her in my arms.
"Oh god. I'm so glad you're safe." I panted. I didn't realize I'd been holding my breath in.
"Perry..." Pinky breathed and hugged me back.
"This is so sweet and all but I have a Tri-State Area to rule!" Doofenshmirtz yelled and hopped on Norm.
"I don't think so!" Vanessa exclaimed and pushed a remote. An inator came rolling in and stopped right next to me. "Care to do the honors, Perry?"
I looked at the machine and smiled as I noticed the small red self-destruct button. Like it was made for me. I pushed Pinky back and pressed the button. Then I ran away as the inator burst into pieces.
"Noooooo!" Doofenshmirtz cried and collapsed to floor and fainted.
There was heavy breathing everywhere as we stared at his unconcious body.
"Is...is everyone alright?" Vanessa asked, breaking the silence.
"The...the other animals..." Pinky muttered.
"All taken care of." Carl said and all the animals ran out of the room, saluting to us before they left.
The truth must've finally dawned on all of us as Isabella started crying again and leaned into Phineas. I was holding onto Pinky. I didn't want anything to happen to her.
There was a moan from Doofenshmirtz and he sat up slowly. We tensed again as he reached into his cape.
"D-Daddy?" Vanessa asked.
"You may have beaten my inator but evil will always live!" Doofenshmirtz laughed.
There was a loud bang and I felt something sharp punch into my chest. I gasped as I felt blood trickle out of my body. He shot me.
"Perry!" Pinky shrieked as she caught me.
"Perry!" Phineas shouted and they ran to me.
My eyes slowly closed again and I caught sight of Doofenshmirtz. His eyes slowly reverted and I saw the shiny glint return to his eyes. He shook his head in confusion until he noticed the gun in his hand. He looked up and was terrified to see me laying on the floor.
"Perry?!" I heard him exclaim as I blacked out.
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