Doofenshmirtz's Evil Incorparated
Pinky, Ferb, and I could hear Phineas and Isabella's chiming laughter as they made their way upstairs.
They walked down the hallway and I could see Phineas' hand was holding Isabella's while the other had the toolbox. If I took a picture, I would've captioned it as "Phineas' Two Loves"
I heard a click and turned around to see that Pinky had done just that.
She held up a fist and smirked at me.
"Come on. Don't leave me hanging, platypus ." She said.
I'd seen Phineas and Ferb do this. I think they punch each other's fist. I don't know why though. Doesn't it hurt?
I shrugged and punched her fist. Just as I thought, it left a little sting on my knuckles.
"Ow! What the heck, P! It's called a fistbump! Like this!"
She took my hand, curled it into a fist, and gently touched her fist with mine. It felt...what was that word? Cool.
"I learned it from's supposed to be something that friends do or whatever..." She scowled.
"Oh sorry, Pinky. Don't be mad." I gave her a little hug and her scowl disappeared.
"That's the smile I like to see!" I said as she let out a soft smile.
"Shut up, platypus." She muttered.
Pinky's blonde hair was really soft and it felt nice. Like a cloud or something. It smelled sorta nice. Her skin was smooth too. It was like ice smooth but warm.
I pulled away when I noticed Ferb smirking at us.
"Pinky, thank you so much!" Isabella ran into the room and gave her chihuahua-now-teenage-girl a hug.
"Oh uh you're welcome, Isa." Pinky said and hugged her back.
"Perry? Ferb? Were you in this too?" Phineas asked.
"Yea." I said and Ferb nodded.
"Thanks, guys!" He beamed and pulled us into a hug.
His short arms couldn't reach around the both of us so I hugged them, sorta completing a full circle around us.
I heard another soft click and saw Pinky had shot a picture of us and she and Isabella were smiling.
"Izzy!" Phineas laughed.
"Pinky!" I blushed.
I rarely showed affection and when I did, there's a photo of it. Oh jeez. I hope she doesn't show anyone at O.W.C.A.
"Why don't you kids take the day off? Go on a date! Perry, Ferb, and I were just thinking of paying the 'senior home' a visit!" Pinky winked.
Isabella and Phineas blushed but smiled shyly at each other.
"I-I mean..." Isabella stuttered.
"I-I guess we could..." Phineas said.
Pinky took their hands and intertwined them with each other.
"Go! Shoo! We'll be fine!" Pinky shoved them out the garage door.
"This is what you've wanted, right?" Pinky whispered to Isabella.
Isabella grinned.
"Thanks, Pinky." She whispered and gave her a fist bump.
Pinky waved them off while Ferb and I just watched.
When they were gone, Ferb turned to us.
"Senior home?" He asked.
"Yup! The 'Senior home'!" Pinky said.
"But I thought that was a ruse or something?" He asked.
"How old are we?" Pinky asked me, ignoring Ferb's question.
"We're 17. Why?" I replied.
"We're going for a drive." She said.
She took Candace's spare keys and walked outside.
"Hey, how'd you know where those were?" I asked. Ferb and I followed her to Linda's car.
"I've got my ways." She smirked and climbed into the driver's seat.
"Are you coming or what? We've got a mission." She nodded her head to Ferb and I caught her drift.
"Come on, Ferb. We're going to meet someone." I said.
He didn't say anything as usual but got in the backseat. I got in the front seat next to Pinky.
"Ready? Let's go!" Pinky grabbed the reverse shaft and pulled it towards her.
The tires squealed as she raced out of the driveway and towards Doofenshmirtz's building.
"Pinky! Slow down!" I screamed as she rushed around traffic.
"Just living on the edge, Flynn-Fletcher!" She yelled.
I screamed as we barely missed an old lady and probably her grandkids.
Finally, there was a sharp squeak as we stopped in front of Doofenshmirtz's weird shaped building. It looked weird when I wasn't trying to ambush him.
"Get out. I'll park this across the street." She demanded.
Ferb and I got out and watched as she barely made the parallel parking.
She got out and ran over to us with her cheeky smile.
"Wasn't I great?" She asked.
"Great as in you almost got us killed? Yea, you were great." I smirked.
"Shut up, P. Come on." She laughed and walked inside.
"How did you learn how to drive?" Ferb asked as we got into the elevator.
"Oh that? No problem! It was just like driving my hovercr-"
I slapped my hand over her mouth before she could say anything else that would give us away.
"Stupid! No wonder Monogram only hires animals! O.W.C.A wouldn't be so secret if you were human all the time!" I hissed.
I felt something warm and slimy slick across my hand and I pulled my hand away to see Pinky sticking her tongue out.
"Did you just lick me?" I asked.
"Sorry. Force of habit. Have you been eating salt? You're hand is kinda salty tasting." She said.
"Nice, Pink. Real ladylike." I said, frowning.
"Well sorryyyy that I'm not ladylike." She frowned, crossing her arms.
The elevator dinged, signally that we were there, and Pinky's frown disappeared. Although she wasn't the most elegant chihuahua, she was fun to hang out with. Glad that it didn't take much to get her to smile again. A smile looked better on her.
Doofenshmirtz's Evil Incorporated!
The elevator sang as the doors opened.
"Come on, Ferb! Go knock on the door!" Pinky gently pushed him towards Doofenshmirtz's door.
"I thought we were going to a senior home." Ferb said.
"Yes, yes! This is the senior home we are visiting today!" Pinky said.
"Do you always come here? It's rather far from home." Ferb said.
"Talkative much today, aren't we? Just knock on the stupid door." Pinky said.
Ferb knocked on the door and we waited patiently as we heard Doofenshmirtz telling his daughter to get the door.
Just as we thought, Vanessa opened the door and Ferb's blank eyes went glossy.
"Oh hey, Ferb. What are you doing here?" Vanessa asked.
Pinky groaned quietly as Ferb just stared at her.
"Can we come in, Vanessa? We uh want to talk to your old man and um visit him like...every day?" Pinky said.
"Sure." Vanessa opened the door wider and let us in.
"We're just gonna have a chat with your old man, ok? You kids have fun!" Pinky said and pulled my hand.
"But I'm the same age as you." Vanessa said. She sighed and looked down at Ferb.
"So how's it going?" She asked.
"Hey, old buddy Doofmits!" Pinky greeted Doofenshmirtz with her 'Pinky Kick' as she called it
"Hey!" Doofenshmirtz yelled.
"Sorry about that, Heinz." I sighed.
"Hey, you're Perry the Platypus, right? And you're what? His little girlfriend?" Doofenshmirtz said.
"G-Girlfriend?! if!" Pinky said.
I could feel my face heating up so I hid my face with my fedora. I hadn't taken it off even when I was sleeping. It was just an important part of who I really am.
"Heinz, this is Agent Pinky. She was a chihuahua until she got turned human, too." I explained.
"A chihuahua turned human? I didn't do that, did I?" Doofenshmirtz asked.
"No you didn't. Our owners are trying to figure out a way to turn us back. That reminds me. Have you been trying to figure anything out or have been having fun being evil while we're out of commission?" Pinky glared.
Doofenshmirtz giggled, nervously, and backed away from her.
"Ah you see, I tried to make another inator that first day but heh you weren't there so they sent me Peter the Panda. Ha he's uh not...not as much of a listener as you are, Perry the Platypus, so he uh didn't even let me tell my tragic backstory. I'm taking a break from evil until you get back." Doofenshmirtz explained.
"Maybe I shouldn't turn back then..." I murmured.
Doofenshmirtz gasped, the color drained out of his face, and he threw himself at my feet.
"No, no! I need to be evil! It's the only thing I have!" He cried.
"Thanks a lot, Dad!" Vanessa called from across the room.
"N-Not you, sweetie! I have you and evil!" He called back.
"What about me, Sir?" Norm asked.
"....I have evil, Vanessa, and Norm. Happy?" He sighed.
"I might consider." I teased.
"Why're you here anyways?" Doofenshmirtz asked, picking himself up.
"Oh that's easy! To get Ferb and Vanessa together!" Pinky piped up.
"Ferb? Who's Ferb?" He asked.
"That's him." I pointed to the green-haired British.
"What? How old is he? Wait a minute...did...didn't I banish him?" He asked.
"That was Johnny." I reminded him.
"But...but isn't that kid Monobrow's son? I banished him right?" He asked.
"That's Monty." I sighed.
"Ugh! Enough of the exes! This is about getting Ferb and Vanessa together!" Pinky exclaimed.
"But Vanessa doesn't like him. He's what? Ten years old?" Doofenshmirtz said.
"He's fourteen." I said.
"Fourteen?! That's still too young for my Vanessa!" Doofenshmirtz said.
"Help us get them together or I'm staying human." I said.
"Wha?! know, Perry the Platypus. Between the two of us, I'm beginning to think that you're more evil than me! I'm...I'm so proud!" Doofenshmirtz said, tearing up.
"Whatever, Heinz." I said.
"So is it a yes or no?" Pinky asked.
"If Vanessa is happy then go for it." Doofenshmirtz said.
"Plus, I'll be able to go back to being evil." He muttered.
Pinky and I shrugged. Should've known.
"Ok then, Doofmits! We'll be heading out!" Pinky said.
"It's Doofenshmirtz." Doofenshmirtz's and I corrected.
"Whatever! Let's go, P!" Pinky skipped across the room and I followed.
"Be sure to turn human soon!'s getting pretty boring with no one to foil my evil plans." Heinz said.
"Hey, Vanessa! Wanna hang out tomorrow? You, me, and Candace! Maybe Stacey too!" Pinky said.
"I'm cool with that." Vanessa shrugged.
"Great! See you tomorrow at three!" Pinky said and grabbed Ferb and I.
"See you, Ferb." Vanessa said as we ran to the elevator.
"Aww lookit that, Ferb! She said bye to you!" Pinky said.
Ferb blushed but kept the blank stare.
"We've got a date to arrange!" Pinky winked at me.
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