Candace Party...?
When Pinky and I arrived home, I wasn't surprised that Candace was trying to settle down a crazy party. We spotted usually calm Vanessa spinning around with a cup of Coke in her hand. Ferb was following her with a confused expression on his face. He was most likely wondering why his cool gothic crush was dancing around like a party animal.
"Ferb!" I called out to my British owner once I landed my hovercraft at the top of their tree and jumped down.
"Woo! Perry, come over here and party!" Vanessa yelled, dancing over to me.
"Vanessa? Are you ok?" I asked, steadying her before she fell over.
She didn't smell drunk but...she did have that same vanilla scent that I got from Pinky...when Pinky was Pinky.
"Come on, Perry!" Vanessa laughed.
Pinky came over and there was a longer piece of fur covering her eye, slightly.
"This party is cool."
"Perry, what's going on?" Ferb asked.
"Uh, well, you see..."
I knew exactly what was going on but what could I tell him? That his friend's dog decided to switch her personality with his crush?
"Candace party! Candace party!" The crowd yelled.
"It's not a party! It's just an intimate get together! Ugh! Perry! What is happening?!" Candace shouted.
"Um, it's-it's a little complicated." I struggled to find an excuse.
"Well, you better fix it then!" She yelled, running around to save her house from collapsing.
I grabbed Vanessa quickly and pulled her and Pinky inside and rushed upstairs to Phineas and Ferb's room.
"Aw, Perry, you're such a party pooper." Vanessa pouted. Yup. That was Pinky all right.
"Vanessa, did you eat anything...weird...this morning?" I asked.
"No? I had some crab cakes though! Omigosh, you need to try them! They are amazing!" She exclaimed.
"Ok? Um, Pinky, did you eat anything weird?" I asked.
Pinky blew her piece of long fur away from her eyes. "I didn't have anything to eat. Remember, you took me to Doofenshmirtz's house."
I handed her a piece of beef jerky and she rolled her eyes. I heard my watch beeping and I rolled my sleeve up.
"Agent P? Our connections are telling us that the personality converter has almost gotten full control of Agent Pinky and Vanessa's real personalities. If Pinky and Vanessa's personality aren't returned to each other, they will stay the way they are now. Punk Vanessa will now be as much of a daredevil as Pinky will now be quiet and collected." Monogram explained.
"You mean they're going to stay this way?" I asked.
"Well, yes." He said.
"How do I change them back?!" I shouted.
"Uh...Carl!" Monogram yelled.
"Y-Yes, Sir?" Carl came over.
"How do we change them back?" Monogram asked.
"Change who?" Carl asked.
Monogram and I sighed at the same time. "The girls, Carl. Agent Pinky and Doofenshmirtz's daughter, Vanessa."
"Vanessa?" Carl perked up, looking for the teenage girl.
"She's taken," I growled. "Just tell me how to change them back."
"Aw! What a cute little puppy!" Vanessa squealed and picked up Pinky.
"Let go of me." Pinky muttered, gently nibbling at Vanessa's hands.
"So cute! You widdle piddle puppy poo!" Vanessa squeezed Pinky.
"Vanessa?" Ferb entered the room. "What are you doing?"
I quickly shut off my watch and smiled, cheekily, at Ferb. "Oh, hey, Ferb!"
"Hey, Ferb! Look at the little puppy! Isn't she adorable?" Vanessa exclaimed.
Ferb nodded, confused but smiling.
Crap. I forgot to get how to change their personalities.
"Ferb, um, I'm sorta working on a little experiment. Could you..." I pointed to the door and Ferb nodded.
Vanessa grabbed his hand and I caught Pinky as Vanessa let go. "Ferb, don't go."
"Is something wrong?" He asked.
"Oh, um, I...I just like being around you! Aren't we best friends?" She smiled.
Hey...that sounded like something Pinky tells me everyday. Speaking of Pinky, I looked over at my usually ecstatic partner but she was really quiet, just watching things unfold.
Ok, this was too creepy for me. Her being a dog, fine, because well...she is a dog. But her being all quiet like that...nope, nope, nopety, nope, nope.
"Ferb? Did you fix the machine that changed Perry into a human?" I asked.
He snapped out of staring at Vanessa and nodded at me.
"Ok, I'm turning her back." I said.
Suddenly, Pinky jumped out of my arms and growled at me. "Don't touch me."
I stared at her. "What? Pinky, are you ok?"
"I...I don't know. I just...don't want you touching me." She said.
I looked at Ferb. "Was Vanessa like this?"
He looked confused but shrugged.
I looked back at Pinky. "Was it because I said I'd change you back?"
She growled and then whimpered as her tiny body fell.
"Pinky!" I exclaimed and gently picked her up.
Weirdly, she started glowing a light pink as she looked at me.
"I'm going to get Phineas and Isabella." Ferb said.
Vanessa grabbed his hand again. "Wait, Ferb, I'm scared. Don't leave." She let out a small gasp and then I watched as Ferb caught a fainting Vanessa.
She started glowing a soft pink, the same shade as Pinky, and Phineas and Isabella ran in.
"I knew there was a place to hide in this house!" Phineas gasped, his eyes wide and his breathing hard.
"I...f-feel bad...leaving Candace out there.." Isabella sighed, her condition the same as Phineas.
"Jeremy and Stacey are with her, she'll manage." Phineas said as they slid to the floor.
Isabella smiled and took Phineas' hand. "So...watcha doing?"
Phineas smiled. "Well, I was thinking we could some of those close friends things."
Isabella rolled her eyes. "You mean like this?" She and Phineas leaned in, their faces close.
Lol no Phinbella for you. love you guys
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